Why People Like Tekton

I saw this You Tube clip yesterday and I really think this guy gave one of the most well-reasoned explanations of why some people gave up their hyper-detailed "audiophile" speakers for Tekton.  I've never heard them myself, but I think the same reasoning applies to many other brands like Harbeth, Spendor, Wharfdale, etc.  I personally feel the way he does, but I think he expressed it better than I would have.  Eventually, at some point in the journey, you may get tired of listening to the singer's saliva and chairs creaking and just want to relax and hear music in a more natural manner.and not with your ear 6" from the singer's mouth.  Or maybe you do.  Anyway - take a watch if you have the time.  And I'm guessing most of you do. 



Showing 1 response by jonwatches1


I love my archaic Harbeth Super HL5+ (resonant panels! inneficient! mundane tweeter materials! a fxcking port!) They are just a joy for listening; I don’t think about them when I am using them

Beautiful sound, and wonderful levels of detail, but not in your face; if you want to listen deeper, more is always there (Stevie talking to his horn players at beginning of Superstition; the beautiful work by Brian Jones on Beggars Banquet)

Not a fan of lip-smacking or guitars made to sound like harpsichords.  Diana Krall and Nils Lofgren recordings *not* on my speaker audition list - too manufactured (I respect the artists, it’s the recordings that aren’t to my taste)

“Mining for Gold” by the Cowboy Junkies is my idea of a speaker audition song. Just Margot, that pure, pure voice, and the clunky church HVAC system in the background

Yes, I’m from the Dionysian school of audio, though I respect the Apollonian approach

Have a great day!