The first suggestion that comes to mind would be these from Omega:
Not quite a 100dB, but close enough for a small room like yours.
This Might Not Exist, Any reasonably priced, smaller speakers with 100db Sensitivity?
I am seriously considering putting together a system with power amp(s) that provide, at most 3.5 wpc. The Company behind them does not recommend using them with any speaker with less than 100db sensitivity.
Everything I am aware of is expensive and large to very large. Are there any quality speakers out there that would work effectively in a 12x10 room, and be capable of being driven by that amount of power? I would be happy to buy used, to keep the price affordable. I realize that the situation is not helped by the fact that many manufacturers inflate their claimed sensitivity.
Any expertise, recommendations or advice greatly appreciated.
The first suggestion that comes to mind would be these from Omega: Not quite a 100dB, but close enough for a small room like yours. |
95db sensitivity, not big, 700/pair With 2 watts, you'll probably be sitting at 90db-ish with decent enough bass in that 12 by 10 room. If you wanted 100 db sensitivity for a similar cabinet size, it will be a bass-less speaker (such is the physics). On the same note, 3.5 Watts sounds like a lousy amp. Try something like this instead, 10 watts @ 8 ohms, 15 watts @ 4 ohms, 30 watts in mono mode.
Quality sensitive speaker at a low price = Tekton. Polycell 15 is 103 dB. Perfect SET is 98 dB (there are two versions) It should be fine and I have a friend whose pair sounds great. I have successfully driven Encores (96dB) with a 2 wpc Decware EL84UFO. Some people don't like the looks. Also some jump to conclusions that these speakers ahe a huge array of tweeters. They have one tweeter. An array of the same small drivers is also used as a midrange. Jerry |
You will need to find speakers that are not only efficient, but also easy to drive. This means a true 8 ohm, or higher, impedance speaker. Tekton speakers mentioned above might work and they sound pretty good to me. Zu is also quite efficient, but don’t suit my taste—they are too harsh and brittle sounding to me. Although they are not extremely efficient, Audio Note speakers are easy loads and work very well with low-powered tube amps. They are meant for placement near room corners, which boosts their practical efficiency—they sound much louder than their efficiency rating would suggest. The AN-E model might actually have too much bass for a room your size, but it is more efficient than the smaller AN-J model which is meant for a smaller room. |
Hoffman’s Iron Law of speaker design says that you can’t have a small cabinet, high sensitivity, and extended bass response. But you can have two of the three. If you choose high sensitivity and small size, you would want to augment the speaker with a sub, or live without extended bass. In the small room, room gain will be working to your advantage though. |
@nightfall the Tektons are very tube amp friendly. that said, 4 wpc should be plenty for any 98 dB speaker. something wasn't right. I am currently sitting here listening to my 4 wpc tube amp (AD1 output tubes) driving my 98dB Horning speakers. I'm about 1/3 volume, I hardly ever get above 1/2 full volume, and before I get to 1/2 full volume it becomes very hard to talk over the music. Jerry |
My secondary system has a 4wpc Erhard SET driving Omega monitors to very satisfying levels in a relatively large space--very much louder than "conversation level" While I have paired my Tektons with small tube amps, I think small SET amps like avoiding crossover networks. I much prefer this small amp with a full range driver such as the Omegas. (and I much prefer the Tektons with high powered solid state) |
"Full range driver" = compromised in every range. There are different tekton models. The moabs i currently have love high current, but, a 100 watts or so should be plenty, they don't needs 1000s of trash wstts. But, i believe the Perfect SET Tekton models (though having the same sensitivity as a moab) were specifically designed for flea...flea-flea-flea of flea watt ( lil weener special). Call Tekton and he may give you the technical scoop on what he had to satisfy the needs of the lil weener watt pilgrims.
Wow. If that's how you're going to choose an audiophile system, good luck to you. I have always considered loudspeakers the only starting point but if you are into buying somebody's super low-power amplifier as your starting point then you're probably in for quite a ride. I have no suggestions for an ultra-efficient loudspeaker. I have ever really enjoyed one beyond minutes. The sonic signature of an amplifier seems far less important than that of a the loudspeaker. I think some Svengali has you beaten from the start. But just my I.M.O. not humble at all. :-) Buena suerte in your choice!
@musicaddict I totally disagree. I say there are basicly two types of high end systems. Solid state systems, generally high power and many of the speakers that are highly regarded have sensitivities in the 85-88dB/watt-meter. Then there are the single ended tube systems, 6 wpc or less, and speakers in the sensitivity range of 96-110db/watt-meter. You have to choose one or the other. It is not uncommon for people to become married to a low sensitivity speaker and totally rule out the second option. dealers love these people since they have a lot more expenive amps to sell them in the ss 300wpc and up range. In fact, dealers will usually guide customers down this path. Jerry PS there are a few ss amps that cater to the low power market, but most systems fit into the above 2 categories. I'll also add that there is another emerging category--the high power tube amp aimed at the 90dB sensitiveity speakers. While not bad, SET fans are not on board. |
Nothing wrong with building a system around a particular amp, especially if there is a specific tube you like the sound of. Low powered tube amps have limitations, as has been stated above, with speaker choices. More often than not, they require bigger boxes. I write this as I’m listening to a type 45 amp, driving a pair of 6’ tall double backloaded horns using a full range driver. Not to everyone’s taste, but I find the listening experts be quite enjoyable. Good luck with your search! |
As has been mentioned, you couldn’t go too far wrong with a pair of used Klipsch Heresey’s or even the RP 600. Another Avenue would be to invest $59 in a pair of Lii audio F6’s and put them in an open baffle. I did this and used it with my flea tube amps and was sufficiently impressed that I went on to buy a couple other Lii speakers For more ambitious projects. Open baffle works really nicely with subwoofers in my opinion because you get the open air sound without sacrificing the deep base as you normally would have to. furthermore, I like the fact that you can use them for range without any crossover which keeps the efficiency high and also better preserves the integrity of the signal. to go on this level it seems like you have to get in to the large cabinets with folding horns or even a Voigt pipe design. These speakers come with their own demands on space, weight, and aesthetics. |
I have a Triode Labs 45 monoblock Set amp putting out the most glorious 4.5 watts I’ve heard into large Joseph Crowe horns (105 db) in room. while these were being built for me, Troy loaned me a small wide baffle back loaded horn speaker that sounded magnificent in a near to midfield environment; so nice with the set amp that I bought it for my second system after I got the big horns. look at his website and then call him; he might have something perfect for you.
If you don't mind DIY you could install a Tangband 1772 driver in a sealed box and supplement it with a tweeter (both crossed over properly to avoid comb filtering). Its 97dB and in a reasonably sized box (bigger bookshelf) would go to 45-50Hz. I'm doing exactly this right now for a set of monitors in my electronic music lab at home. The amp driving them makes 5 Watts (class A PP tube amp; much cleaner than an SET of similar power) plenty in the room I'm using. Any smaller speaker like this will need a sub. |
This may be another option that’s not too big, probably overpriced a bit (gotta pay NYC rent, unlike the Tekton dudes who are set up in a farm middle of nowhere Utah)
Seeing as though you have jumped head-first into the flea-powered amp rabbit hole, keeping with the theme I would seriously look into a pair of Volti Audio Razz speakers. Sure, Heresys will work, but I’m guessing you want to spend more money and get something that won’t feel awkward in the company of the Triode Audio Labs amp you have sitting there. |
Hardly an "emerging" category. Audio Research, Balanced Audio Technology, Manley Labs, Conrad Johnson, Cary, Jadis, are just a small sample of companies that made or make high power tube amplifiers. Some very high poser. Some of these have been around since the 70's. And many sound incredible. In a way, the best of both sonic worlds; tube silkiness and solid state heft and dynamics. |
Sensitivity has nothing to do with speaker quality contrary to a popular misconception. The advantages of high sensitivity are merely that the speaker comes “alive” (more dynamic) at lower volumes and they can be used with low-power tube amps, for those who like that sort of sound. No small bookshelf is going to approach 100dB sensitivity. A bookshelf speaker with 90dB sensitivity is a high efficiency one. |
bilyeauxbrew30 posts Nightfall I have found both the Klipsh and Omegas sound wonderful with 2 watts in my 15x15 room. All the volume needed. Do have a sub as well. Very helpful to know, thanks! Tells me this is truly workable. Based on this, I have just purchased a pair of 95db Omega Compact Alnico monitors. I will also be pairing them with a sub. |
@nightfall , I just spent some time Omega's site; their speakers look interesting. I hope tou give us your impressions of them. |