

Responses from kahlenz

Is there usually a dramatic difference between $5k and $10k cartridges ?
@dogberry Of course you are right. My 10% statement was just meant as a general guideline for someone new to the hobby. For a person trying to thoughtfully put a system together, getting a decent cartridge that is a good match with your system (o... 
Comparing speakers at home questions
@soix I'll have to try those. Cheap enough to have some fun. Thanks for the tip! The carriage bolts work remarkable well on my rather thick and expensive vinyl floor which is laid directly on concrete. Better than the spikes in cups. And for a gu... 
Is there usually a dramatic difference between $5k and $10k cartridges ?
Yes, but you need a considerable investment in playback equipment to realize the ∆. I auditioned a Koetsu Jade platinum on a Technics SL1000R using my <$4500 Odyssey electronics and Harbeth P3s. It sounded pretty damn good (noticeably better t... 
Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype)
If you live in a big city your odds of selling used equipment (mid-fi to high end) increases exponentially. If you live in a small city (under 250,000 population) your options become limited. If you live in small town in the middle of nowhere you ... 
Comparing speakers at home questions
Your initial impressions are right on. You already know what the Silver 100s sound like. I would hook up the Evoke 20s and listen to them for a few weeks. After spending some time with the new speakers, go back to the old ones. You will know pret... 
Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album?
To understand jazz you need to go back to 19th century black American culture and the use of "code" words and expressions to obfuscate their meaning to anyone but those that "get" it. Ragtime music and piano rolls opened up new musical awareness a... 
What do the statistics say about the age of Audiophiles and the replacement rate?
Boy Scouting and ham radio got me into audio. I saw a stereo amp in the Heathkit catalog and thought it would be cool to have my own stereo in my bedroom and not have to ask my Mom if I could play a record on the big console stereo in the living r... 
This Might Not Exist, Any reasonably priced, smaller speakers with 100db Sensitivity?
Seeing as though you have jumped head-first into the flea-powered amp rabbit hole, keeping with the theme I would seriously look into a pair of Volti Audio Razz speakers. Sure, Heresys will work, but I’m guessing you want to spend more money and g... 
The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse!!
The expression "music to my ears" comes to mind. I listen to what I want to.  
Would I be wasting my money to get a turntable?
The M33 is a nice piece of equipment. Get a turntable if you want one, especially if you already have records or are interested in buying some. Playing and collecting records is fun. The cover art is fascinating and the liner notes are interestin... 
Pop album that has stood the test of time
"Merry Christmas" by Bing Crosby (containing the hit song "White Christmas". The album was released in 1945 as 10 songs on 5 78rpm records (back when an album was actually an album) and later compiled as a single LP and has sold over 4 million cop... 
Coda 11, Schiit Tyr, JC5 or ???
I also fully endorse Odyssey. Talk to the owner on the phone, tell him what you are looking for, and just let him talk you into whatever he thinks will work best.  The guy (Klaus Bunge) is a character in a "mad genius" sort of way.  You will have ... 
Looking for more advice on purchasing a new turntable.
Save some money and get a Technics SL100 C. Great turntable at the price. I am currently using a Technics SL1200GR. It is better built than the SL100C but it costs twice as much (and has all the disco features). I bought it before the SL100 came ... 
Budget integrated amp?
I'm sold on Odyssey amplifiers in that price range. While I suggest separates, they do make an integrated model called the Cyclops. My advice is to get on the phone with the owner and let him talk you into a souped-up version. He'll give you a goo... 
Recommendations for a jazz record which demonstrates vinyl superiority over digital
"Kind of Blue" is a very well recorded album. It is especially open and airy, which makes it easier to sort out tonality and timbre of individual instruments. An easy comparison of what you hear on the record to the sounds of those instruments you...