Responses from cey
Do you listen to your music with your eyes open or closed or a combination of both? both | |
The Audio Science Review (ASR) approach to reviewing wines. measurements are critical to audio, but a 100 grams of german chocolate measures the same 100g as 100g of dog crap. they dont taste the same. a coupla other observations: refusing to grasp the limitations of measurement is some form of flat-eart... | |
This Might Not Exist, Any reasonably priced, smaller speakers with 100db Sensitivity? heresy, cerwin vega gets real close. | |
Has this ever happened to you? all the time | |
Dumb question......why do you need a preamp? an integrated is a preamp + a power amp | |
12au7 tube? the TF ecc802s is probably not the holy grail, but its expensive. if you want to spend money theres a blackglass TF 12AU7 variant. theres also the 7316 by philips holland, of which there are several versions. lng plate d-foil getter is the top tie... | |
MoFi Sourcepoint 888 Speakers are these the made-in-china speakers sold at made-in-usa-prices? | |
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore? yes. | |
Any phono preamps with volume control? ear 834P. very famous. | |
Line Magnetic 502ca im interested in th3 502CA for the tube output section alone. can anyone tell me if the Line Magnetic 502CA tube is actually a tube dac (all tube analog signal path) or if the tube output is just SS + buffer? thanks | |
Looking for a Replacement for AT VM740ML Cartridge maybe, @knotscott . its $80 USD cheaper IIRC, and those whove used, compared or owned both prefer the 540ML. a while back i was trying to decide which one of the two to buy, and i came across mention of this repeatedly then i came across it repea... | |
Looking for a Replacement for AT VM740ML Cartridge VM540ML--cheaper and better | |
If you HAD to purchase a used (over 4 years old) DAC, what would it be? if i had the money doge or lampizator | |
Would I be wasting my money to get a turntable? not if you like records or have a bunch | |
Your journey with lower-watt tube amps -- Can a kit be good enough? yes theres quite a few kits just for you |