Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?


🎵 M C k e y  - m o u s e 🎶


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Naw, let’s just drop our collective shorts and have a member named Sho-Nuf who only speaks jive and one named Taco who sounds like he’s from South Central LA. That way everyone can be a comedian (in their own reptile brains).

And hey, let’s not forget the ladies. We can have someone who only talks in Valley Girl speak. That way, all the bases are covered.

Inappropriate? Nah, just having some fun, right?

All the best,

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agree 100%

then again, some folks are here just to amuse themselves in print ... whatever is their outdated, inappropriate, misplaced, crass definition of funny or cool... sometimes totally cringeworthy to the rest of us

I think Tubebuffer Eastern European guy thing is big joke. Ok, ha, ha. This funny, Steve Martin, wild and crazy guy when? 30+ years ago? Next.

Why we speak like bad English for Russians or Eastern European? (the tribe from which I descended). I know people from the former Soviet Union who speak and write English impeccably.

Wife say I offend people with politic I start thread maybe offer peace after I workout.

Wife, maid, wife’s sister, and “smoking man daughter” may all be right.

When barbel workout complete?
I look at post then.


You had my interest until you mentioned Covid sham.  It isn’t a sham, ask the families whose loved ones died from it and see what they tell you.  Let’s stick to audio. 

I no psychology master to know if Miller have addict withdrawal from post on site. Maybe he computer break or maybe owner of amp company he getting say “Miller no post or you not get amp.”  Mozart guy no post either. Maybe he start lift weight and train barbel and stop build speaker from 3mm wall panel. Everybody need stop what doing and focus on body. Covid sham make most weak but me bench press more after covid. Lady all into listen my gear and I look get my Maggie gym system go in new house almost done. Wife say I offend people with politic I start thread maybe offer peace after I workout.

@pesky_wabbit ...

Sounds like a great alt. to posting here... ;)  After 15K +/- posts @ Agon, I'd be happy to take a break....important or no, subjected to or no. or any other reason.

"They let Anyone in Here.....Yes, ANYONE."

If the uniformed agents show up at my door, cuff, toss into unmarked van, and take me to Somewhere south of Nowhere, I'll likely have a different take on that, but...

Until then, nice to know ya'.....😉

@mapman ...the ST clip is appropo, but since 'we're' already working on a personal planet version of the story (san quaint...), no news there. *s*

...depends on one's 'Script Writer', 'suppose....& if the 'Happy Ending bit gets included in the movie....  (Shooting title? "Rational Roaches Rule". Apt   )

And the Weakened hands it over to the Weekend....

I'm tolerated here; supportive overall but prone to bs.

MC was many things, as are we all.  Toleration is a wonderful trait to have, and should be etched into one's soul anyway.  It's just GoodFnManners.

The last few posts indicate that....👍

...but I Still Yearn to see o.h.mec post that hw bottle trick......

"Damn!  So Many Hits. you'll feel like a hvywt. surrounded by a dozen flywt...*L*

To many readers, MC was the most misunderstood Audiophile

ever to pontificate in this forum. Followed by the MC flag carriers.

His most loyal supporters have wanted in the worst way to pledge their support.

They have succeeded!




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Cindymeat just woke up one day and instead of being his normal self after his fairy god mother left, he stayed a big ol prick.. Richard in the morning, Dick by afternoon. A2D, and a few of the guy when they get off their meds are world class disrupters. It's like an Olympic Sport, until the guys in the white coats (care givers) catch up and Thorazine their A$$.

Come to think of it a "Thorazine Key", what do you think, "Haldol Key"? You just paint the floor with different colors and put that color gown on the person, follow the tape. Come off the rail (tape) a drown darts your misguided self. Eventually you'll follow the tape, or you'll slobber to death..


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This seems like a memorial. 


A good man

Loved our country

Valued personal setup over tradition

Liked a weird speaker

 Enjoyed anti-vibration

If he rises again I hope for Miller Light

Glupson is no more here for many months... I hope his health is ok.... With all this crisis we dont know....

Speaking of missing persons, mozartfan hasn't been around. Not that I'm missing him. 

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I saw John “Cougar” Mellancamp open up for Heart back in 1982 with the Humble Pie song. It was a great show 👍

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I miss MC. It was a joy to read his comments! If he pissed you off maybe he was over the target.

My Grandmother of all people once told me "no one wins a pi**ing match" 


Personally I have no problem with people calling people out. Whatever turns you on! Bile begats bile. Day of the Dove? Hint:  The Doves prevail.


Mr tsushima1

With great respect, take a hint, you sound like the person you seem to despise. I personally don’t see what you see in MC that affect YOU so much. BUT I’m not looking that hard.

I’m a person that doesn’t care to called ______ BOY. OR Boy anything!
I’ll ask politely that you stop that ay. No Moms, No BOYs.

Booger eatin’ spaz is allowed though. :-)

Lighten UP and be a nicer person, it’s really not that hard.. AS I kiss my 18" arms at 67 years old and explode a hot water bottle with a FART!! The trick is the seal. :-)



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Awww bless … You must be mentally exhausted after all that research.

And I stand by every single post that I have contributed to this forum with regard to you Cult Leader … If your cut n paste post was meant to Shock and Awe me I genuinely burst out laughing … Seriously, Thank you for condensing them into a easy reference for other members to access.

Now , here’s a real challenge for you… How about taking a wee stab at refuting the validity of the content that I have posted …




Back to the Belly dance competition.

Hubba Hubba!!

jetter we’re always good, less a couple folk on this site. I understand everyone is different. 7.9 billion different ideas.. Bound to be a little difference.. LOL

I don’t mind different ideas but the constant analyzing and scrutinizing of other with absolutely no contribution to the thread other than that..

I’ll take 50 MC at a time over that.. The crappy part is they have a lot to offer but choose to be a PITA on a thread when others are trying to dig something out of it..

I think that is even more discouraging to others than some of MCs rants. I could give a crap either way. I’m pretty outspoken.

I never met a person I didn’t like. Just the stuff they do and say, my LORD!

Pass me that joint. LOL

Happy Happy..

Listening to John Lee and Carlos "The Healer" Serious stuff!!



I'm pretty sure you're correct on the lyrics, but when you mentioned "Black Nepalese", I had a flashback of the good 'ol days of "Blond Lebanese" and "Honey Oil" 🤪

All I know is I'm no party pooper.

Hat on the floor it's FRIDAY (I think). AS I slowly walk around the hat to the beat of the smokin' salsa music and my faithful dog follows me. THEN I STOP. I stomp my foot, TWICE and slowly back around the hat to the beat of the music. 

The dog drops the yellow tennis ball after a "Squeak Squeak" 

Olay, amigo.

@jetter you can be sure they will do what ever is deemed best for the site. Gotta protect your house! I’d say sales good, bad karma...well, bad!


This thread really should have been zapped from the git go......but I hope it isn’t.

One can only suppose that the moderators are in agreement with the majority view that a gone einstein is a good einstein.

Again @oldhvymec , sorry we disagree on this subject.









Isn’t it Howdy Doody time, YET?

If we keep it civil we should be fine. 

There is a crew change for the weekend. 

Admin seems to change a bit on the weekends and there was that double thread thing for a while too.


This thread really should have been zapped from the git go......but I hope it isn’t.

Hey look when someone starts a thread specifically about another member.....


My suggestion: don't do it.   We are here to discuss hifis not other people.  If you ask for it, it will probably happen.

jjss49 +1 great idea. It's far to easy to point out the sins of others than to clean up and improve ourselves. Example after example right here on this thread. 

Some try to lead, some have to follow and there are quite a few here on AG that do neither. 

AG has a LOT of watching members that post only so often. I find it nice to see all the members come out to play as of late. My only recommendation is to NOT be intimidated by anyone. I'm sure not.

A respectful approach by ME is all I offer. The rest is up to the individual. When I started posting under oldhvymec 10 years after diepiolet, MC was posting. I had just retired and was blown away by the 6-10 people that filled the threads. 

Normally I just return the unwanted portion of the message about ME I don't care for.. Unfortunately sometimes I give back in greater measure than the portion I chose to return. After all I'm only a human, or am I? :-)🛸

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Knowing the history, I suspect he must have clearly crossed some line recently to get suspended. Maybe trashing other audiogon vendors publicly? That was the last thing I recall. WHo knows. Doesn’t sound like he has learned anything though and blames everyone else. Nothing new.  

Enough time talking about this. It will be what it will be. We will all be fine. Just don’t ever feel obligated to ignore bad behavior. That’s how the dark side wins. We can all do better. Cheers!

Folks, we are in the middle of a pandemic. Covid-19 is putting people in the hospital for months (long Covid) and even killing others (over 800,000 in the USA). When we don’t hear from someone, maybe we should say a prayer for them instead of speculating. I hope everyone stay safe until we can put this situation behind us for good.  May God have mercy on our souls. 

Forgot to mention - he said his suspension is supposed to be for 30 days, but it didn't sound like that is etched in stone.