Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?


Showing 4 responses by dekay

I've been reading old Kenjit posts (and watching "Billions" reruns) to tide me over.


It's like he never left.



I miss Geoffkait as well...

He will always be the Canoe to my English Leather.

Just noticed that Cindymeant has not posted since 1/11/22, but Tubebuffer is still buffing away (albeit with numerous deleted threads/posts).

With the exception of his political/antivax/homophobic posts Millercarbon didn't really bother me (actually enjoyed some of his sarcasm).

This said, we all (well most of us anyway - including myself) have our little crosses to bear (contained in/ommitting from our tiny little minds made of meat).

Just hope MC's not a victim of Covid considering his being anti-vax and working in the medical profession.







First Cindyment, then Millercarbon, but hey...


Tubebuffer's still here.

