Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?


Showing 32 responses by tsushima1

Thank you for knocking the scab off a healing wound OP 🙄

As the saying goes “ Even From Beyond The Grave “ this Toxic individual engenders Fractious Disharmony upon this forum … Good Riddance 

“ MC is/was a source of considerable Knowledge “

Really ! How much of this “ considerable knowledge “ was genuinely new ground and not merely common knowledge to most experienced HiFi guys here.

Plagiarism delivered with a Superior air of having wrote the book instead of merely having read it … Good Riddance 

Lest we forget his insidious undercurrent of Homophobia with his several posting of short youtube clips strongly featuring the dialogue “ Are you a Gayer “ “ Are you a Fag” All now flushed down the toilet where they belong

I suspect that the Puppet Master pulled the strings on a number of his familiars in order to have posts that showed him up for what he is , reported, with the aim of having them removed

“ MC has been a sort of consigliere for me. Let me tell you what I bought with MC's advice and recommendations: A lot/most of Townshend Audio Seismics and cables. And their preamp.“


Shilling mission accomplished then ! Did he mention to you that he was on Townshend Audio’s payroll at the time ? No of course he didn’t 


” Yes, he did. I know all about his connection to Townshend. And I bought directly from Townshend. Don't you feel silly now? “

Not in the slightest, the fact that one individual knew that he was shilling for Townsend does not discount the several other members here who were subject to his incessant campaign to promote Townsend products who were not made aware by Chucky that he was on TA’s payroll at that time.

Perhaps you might have shared these intelligences with the forum instead of choosing to allow Chucky to deceive the forum as to his motive.

Dont you feel duplicitous now ?


How naive of you … Some of us here are not prepared to stick our fingers in our ears and go La La La ! Its not happening

Some of us know a good deal more that you about what is going on in the shadows

around here so save me your moralistic judgments.

Your own words In responce to a revelation to you

The straw for me was when MC mentioned coaching a colleague on what gear to buy then charging a 500.00 fee for his effort.

” is that really true @ozzy62?

wow, if so, truly deplorable in my view... this is supposed to be a community of hobbyists first and foremost”

Perhaps a little reflection.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”



And you Know This how ?

Chucky had his posting privileges revoked For a second time for constant and blatant rule infractions, Homophobic posts , attempting to subvert the moderation of the forum etc etc etc …and for being more trouble than he was worth … from your posting history You are obviously a Fan Boy , thats your prerogative , however your attempt to tar those that have chosen to speak out as harbouring ego’s is pathetic.






+ 1 … The web is littered with forums generated from the dysfunctional egos the size of planets who finally realised that the only way to gain true control was to create their own little audio fiefdom… why MC hasn’t followed in the steps of Rommy ,  Amir , etc etc is a mystery


Awww bless … You must be mentally exhausted after all that research.

And I stand by every single post that I have contributed to this forum with regard to you Cult Leader … If your cut n paste post was meant to Shock and Awe me I genuinely burst out laughing … Seriously, Thank you for condensing them into a easy reference for other members to access.

Now , here’s a real challenge for you… How about taking a wee stab at refuting the validity of the content that I have posted …




@ted_denney here’s a thought for you ! Since you only rocked up here a couple of years back peddling your wares … yes 2017 … how would you know ?


I see that you have been trying to play a little  nicer today having had all of your Rude Sweary Rants from last night flushed , Amending for ones sins is a good thing.

If I may suggest…Perhaps a note to ones self … Alcohol and medication rarely mix well and when you start to feel the vein in your temple throbbing Step Away From The Keyboard …


Do try to have an original thought …. Thinking for oneself is so important …altho

“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”- Oscar Wilde


’Spanking “ ? I don’t think so … Wiped him out but screen shot the evidence for posterity  

Yawn…. You were entertaining for a while … A little like a Dancing Bear … Now I’m not so sure your worth bothering with …




” It wasn’t until he formally joined Townshend a few months ago when he started actually getting paid(I beleive). He declared that when it happened.“


No He Did Not …. He continued to shill for Townsend up until the time he was flushed without once definitively disclosing his indenture to that company or his financial interests in promoting its  products … 


Indeed … I recall him hinting at “ an exciting new direction for him … watch out for updates “ back then …however there has been NO definitive declaration of financial or indentured interest in being a Townshend employee since that date … whereas we have  had no shortage of rabid product placement without disclosure of financial interest even up to the time that he was recently flushed !


“Integrity used to matter. “

Sadly not when some have their snout in the trough… 

@mapman … True … True …Human nature since recorded time … One monkey screws another monkey over for a nut

“ Think oldhvy got tired of people putting down Mac.“

Nope … Binned for ever increasing ranting behaviour 

The forum is distinctly less fractious in the absence of these two individuals FACT.

 Quite frankly all the *Guru* status ground breaking information served up by the one is already out there on other forums if one looks and was presented in a most calculated way to expand his self importance.

As fo the other … yes, entertaining up to the point where Dr Jekyll morph’s into Mr Hyde.