Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?


Thanks, @mahgister.

I am hoping that a solutions-oriented approach might help resolve this.

I just received news of Oldhvymec... These are his own words :

I’m not listed as suspended, I just cannot post. That is what AG does. A LOT of people are not suspended, they still can’t post. THAT is the problem.. Staff will also not let them PM, that is what they did to me..

I dont know more and i dont know why either...

Thanks for this @mahgister. I suggest that oldhvymec sent an email directly to A'gon support ( for clarification on this. It's possible that this is now just a snafu that A'gon can resolve. I've found the staff here very responsive and transparent, so he might be very pleased with the result. Given that you are in touch with him, would you please be willing to share my suggestion with oldhvymec?


+1 @roxy54 It is very simple to see who caused @oldhvymec ’s suspension. Read the post history. Meanwhile that same guy(s) is (are) left uncensored posting at will.


The firing order of a straight 6 depends on the crank.  If it is 'flat', i.e. all big-end journals at 180º to each other you are correct.

That's a cheap crank to build.  But if the journals are placed at 120º to each other then 142625, or indeed some others, will be right.

I miss anyone that I've had varied levels of respect for, be it about educated discourse or just intellect-driven distracting amusement....

But since the space is a public pool, one is allowed or side-tracked subject to rules and rulers....



Liked the song, and the movie....;)

He was bullied, and the bullies, who were well known, should have been the ones who were suspended from posting.

I just received news of Oldhvymec...

These are his own words :

I’m not listed as suspended, I just cannot post. That is what AG does. A LOT of people are not suspended, they still can’t post. THAT is the problem.. Staff will also not let them PM, that is what they did to me..

I dont know more and i dont know why either...

Sad situation...

It can happen to each of us...

For a misinterpretation in choice of words perhaps ? Or external pressure ? i dont know more  and no coming back for him till now  and no  explanation...



My impression based on personal experience is the two were tied at the hip and when one went the other lost his purpose. Just my take.


No what happened is OHM had a heart pump in his chest and said good by to the members here. He almost died. A guy named millercarbon and a few others at AG, Best, and his friends encouraged him to have an operation, stents and then 4 stents put in his abdomen. This was AFTER he broke his neck.. He was in rough shape for a while..

The Crazy is in Finland now.. His boots will be on when he falls off the perch.. God bless the big ol Guy.. Who isn’t so big any more.. He is VERY smart.. He just plays it down. He sure has helped me a few times in the middle of the night with broken equipment I couldn’t fix.. He use to build turbans for racing.. Indy I believe.. 60-70s They outlawed his design from what I remember.. He worked with Keith Black too, he built blowers on the weekend.. Good farmer too. :-)

He hated driving though. 60k a year in a service truck, who wouldn't. I do 40K and hate every mile of it.

It's all politics, everything else is just a smokescreen. Enjoy your biases, whatever they might be.

My impression based on personal experience is the two were tied at the hip and when one went the other lost his purpose. Just my take.

Oldhvymec was far from a know it all, and I don’t think that he had a big ego either. He had opinions, but he was a decent human who had respect for others. He also had quite a bit of knowledge to contribute and a good sense of humor.



Seems like the original poster of this thread is no better than MC, gossiping about someone he doesn’t like, and daring for MC to post something controversial that he doesn’t like. Amazing how many members jumped on board. 

OP here. You are completely and utterly wrong. In fact; I liked MC’s posts and wish he was still onboard. At the time he was presumably suspended, I was hoping he was going to be restored after 30 days, hence my post title "30 days in the hole" (Also a Humble Pie reference). You sure read a lot into my simple post that just doesn't exist. 


I always dreamed to try one someday...

I thanks you to remind me this...

i was a fan of Paul Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaud poetry, absinthe lovers...

I highly recommend a genuine high quality Absinthe @mahgister … 

You already know that for sure... You are anything but stupid...

But accusing others is not a way...

We are all sleepwalkers in our own way...Discussing is very helpful for this precise reason... We awake together... Through time for sure...


Thank you for considerations, everything is so much clearer to me now 😉

Consensus is not truth...By the way...

Discussion help...

A minimal respect will help too...

Acccusing people to come from a Stevenson novel is not the way nor a truth ...

All of us had these two faces, even you ...It is the reason why Stevenson genius is expression of a universal truth...

The problem is not being Dr. Jekyll and Mister Hyde, we are all this double Janus faces, but the the problem is when manifesting these two aspects we manage to  stay always UNAPOLOGETIC and acting without being conscious of ourselves...

I am Dr Jekyll myself and i had the Hyde face too but i can apologize sometimes when i sense i  go out of my conscious way...

Then it is useless to judge others ...

We must walk in our shoes...With a mirror...

i apologize to you for my observation...I only need to say it...



The forum is distinctly less fractious in the absence of these two individuals FACT.

 Quite frankly all the *Guru* status ground breaking information served up by the one is already out there on other forums if one looks and was presented in a most calculated way to expand his self importance.

As fo the other … yes, entertaining up to the point where Dr Jekyll morph’s into Mr Hyde.  


Seems like the original poster of this thread is no better than MC, gossiping about someone he doesn't like, and daring for MC to post something controversial that he doesn't like. Amazing how many members jumped on board.


You are right...I just verify...

I think he can come back here now...

good news...

Oldhvymec's account is not listed as suspended.

I miss Oldhvymec's contributions. 

MC, no.

While mahgister's assertion about ego is indisputable, there is something to be said for a collective willingness to maintain a civil level of discourse. We are all human and thus, vulnerable to becoming triggered by other's speech. No one can be expected to be immune. However, when we all make a sincere effort to bring some self-awareness and respect for others to the table, an environment is created that fosters more, rather than less, of such behavior. Not only did MC routinely personalize differences of opinion but he was unnecessarily and repeatedly abrasive.  His ad nauseum assertions that he knew best were the least of it. 



My guess is that MC isn’t interested in returning to A’gon.

I believe that you have read the cards wrong. IMHO MC would love to get back on Audiogon so he could continue using this platform to further his aspirations of becoming a distributer/other for personal gain.  We were his stepping stones.

Oldhvymec was an enthusiast and while he may have got a little rambunctious, his heart was always in the right place and he was quite witty.  I hope the Audiogon moderators will realize a lot of us hope they will let him back here soon.

MC = Never


Oups! i never verify...

I understand now...

my friend has lost access to his own posts but not us...when he say that to me i did not verify for myself....

I was wrong then about that....

Thanks for the necessary clarification...

My best to you ...



All of oldhvymec’s posts remain on A’gon.

Discussions started are here.

Responses are here.

As always, my best to you @mahgister


I think old heavy mac is the one who threatened to kick someone's butt. I know MillerCarbon would absolutely love to come back. He has his faults like everyone else, but I personally learned a lot from him, and welcome his opinion.

mahgister I was answering after a post of jerry123...about @oldhvymec

All of oldhvymec's posts remain on A'gon.

Discussions started are here.

Responses are here.

As always, my best to you @mahgister 


So @mahgister please don’t claim that his posts were deleted. Facts matter.


Context matter too...

I was answering to a post of jerry123...about @oldhvymec

Read before faulting me ... 😊

this post is just above my answer :

jerryg123’s avatar


1,712 posts

Kinda miss him and where is @oldhvymec ???




And notwithstanding @mahgister’s

i repeated here what my friend told me...

I have no reason to doubt him...

i dont think that he seriously throw menacing threats and anyway he received no explanation...

millercarbon is another story....

He was banned without warning or explanation, presumably because in one post he told one of his idiotic taunters that he was gonna kick his ass or something like that, which of course he would never do. In our woke society though, we can't even joke about such things.

Why am I not surprised? I think most of the posters that worked to get him banned don’t actually own any equipment or music. There are a lot of posters here that never contribute reviews or advice. They only show up and attack someone that upsets their tiny little glass world. Pathetic. 

You are right thanks...

But in a sidenote, read all ferocious audiophiles here vouching for their own gear brand name product and attacking everyone else pointing to the opposite...or the insults exhange between the "subjectivism brand name gear fetichists" against the "objective measuring tools fetichists"...


Then he was not faulty at all  if we judge him in this context...

No explanation, and no sound reason, arbitrary decision with no recourse...

We cannot ban someone because his writing humoristic style is too colored...


I agree with @roxy54 … the punishment doesn’t fit the crime. His patronizing and condescending tone and shilling for specific brands aside, he has every right to participate in these forums. Just because he offended the sensibilities of several members, doesn’t mean he should be banned

I agree with @roxy54 … the punishment doesn’t fit the crime. His patronizing and condescending tone and shilling for specific brands aside, he has every right to participate in these forums. Just because he offended the sensibilities of several members, doesn’t mean he should be banned 

I communicated with him weeks ago. He was banned without warning or explanation, presumably because in one post he told one of his idiotic taunters that he was gonna kick his ass or something like that, which of course he would never do. In our woke society though, we can't even joke about such things.

He was a great member and contributor, and I miss him.  He may have said something inappropriate, but several creeps here provoked him on numerous occasions.

He was banned without explanation at all... even his posts history...

Then it is here like on any internet place, no right and no freedom...Call it a corporate distatorship...

I miss him also because his style and personality was original and humor filled but i miss his heartfelt expression more...

I am sad...

I dont doubt that i will be banned too someday... Or you....The problem is not being banned it is being banned WITHOUT explanation...

It is like being imprison without any justification given... Think about Kafka " Trial"...

I consider all people here like friends, even if i disagree with them, then when one is banned a part of me is banned...


«Humanity is one single cell whose life is divinity itself , call it love » - an Anonymus mystical atheist

«My wife always ban me with a good explanation»-Groucho Marx 🤓


Kinda miss him and where is @oldhvymec ???

Post removed 


Thank you mahgister, the feeling is mutual, I enjoy your approach to this hobby.

I have not seen a single post of him for weeks...

And this heart filled old mechanic must miss to many....

I hope also all is well....

Recently he was fed up by McIntosh  maingless attacks and perhaps he take a break....

By the way my deepest respect to you....


I may have missed a post about it somewhere, but where has @oldhvymec been lately?

I hope all is well.

Post removed 

I may have missed a post about it somewhere, but where has @oldhvymec been lately?

I hope all is well.

It’s far more than anti vibration or anti resonance. It is anti-microwave.

Can it be fashioned into a hat?