Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?


Showing 29 responses by mapman

My impression based on personal experience is the two were tied at the hip and when one went the other lost his purpose. Just my take.

Personally I don’t hate anybody so stop playing the hate card. Are you maintaining his hate list for him while gone? Yes he brags about that! I will object to actions and words that are objectionable to me as I please. End of story.


Also don’t tell people what to do just because you might disagree. Just ignore ME yourself if you must. I won’t get into the integrity issues I and others know of that have nothing to do with hifi. Too many words spent on this topic already. Cheers!


“ Integrity used to matter. “

Sadly not when some have their snout in the trough…

@tsushima1 well no doubt plenty of being lied to goes on on plain public view these days and lots of people seem to be all onboard with it. Integrity is not a consideration. Very sad.

Isn’t it low standards to just accept being lied to?  Integrity used to matter.  

More time now for the other yentas and drama queens to speak for themselves.

Personally I have no problem with people calling people out. Whatever turns you on! Bile begats bile. Day of the Dove? Hint:  The Doves prevail.


@jetter you can be sure they will do what ever is deemed best for the site. Gotta protect your house! I’d say sales good, bad karma...well, bad!

This thread really should have been zapped from the git go......but I hope it isn’t.

Hey look when someone starts a thread specifically about another member.....


My suggestion: don't do it.   We are here to discuss hifis not other people.  If you ask for it, it will probably happen.


Knowing the history, I suspect he must have clearly crossed some line recently to get suspended. Maybe trashing other audiogon vendors publicly? That was the last thing I recall. WHo knows. Doesn’t sound like he has learned anything though and blames everyone else. Nothing new.  

Enough time talking about this. It will be what it will be. We will all be fine. Just don’t ever feel obligated to ignore bad behavior. That’s how the dark side wins. We can all do better. Cheers!

I really don’t care who is here.  It's just a website that I happen to like more than most.  People included.   In this case everyone is well rested now and better prepared to rumble. Does it ever end? Let the cards unfurl.


$500? Not bad! Let’s all do that! Make us work harder. So what if we bug others to death along the way? We are worth it! Who needs a bunch of free loaders anyhoo. I may just start Mapman U. for a small fee you can hear all the things I know you should...  Really good friends.....10% discount.

Almost the time. Brahms versus Radiohead ... Saturday Night fights.




ah @jjss49 gotcha.

Yes I agree that is how it should be. Just pointing out that there is nothing that enforces that. Levels of integrity will vary. People should be aware. It’s a business at the core though so anything deemed good for business ie sales that is legal  will be tolerated on the forum. At least that has been my observation. Cheers!


Not really. An Audiogon account provides user access to both, so a user gets to have at both in any way they see fit, as long as they do not violate rules or break laws. The forum is the obvious and most direct way to conjure up business on the sales side if desired.  Understanding that most close connection between the two is key to understanding a lot of what goes on in the forum.   Just follow the money...

On the + side with our friend GK, I was pleasantly surprised towards the end to see that he took the pandemic seriously and seemed to put all his gaslighting aside for that for whatever reason. Sounded like a different person on that topic which he seemed to take seriously. Pretty much the only topic I recall he took seriously here.  Just my 2 cents....I wish him well.

@mahgister its a wonderful trait to look for the best in anyone but I have learned over the years it's important to apply all the facts fairly in that assessment and not turn a blind eye. I wish nobody harm or ill will.  I endeavor to treat all kindly and with respect.  I am also anti-censorship. But we all have room to improve and have a duty to call each other out on our public failings when needed. 

He was never harsh or rude generally just spirited mind humoristic...And passionnate


I personally do NOT miss Gkaits wishing cancer on some people here as he did on multiple occasions. Not acceptable public behavior anywhere, no excuses, and NOT to be fondly remembered.


@mahgister I think you may have some kind of selective filter going on in your recollections.

Sounds like he may have his publicists/promoters working the angle.  I'm looking to hire the Kardasian publicists myself.    Can't argue with results.

@russ69 you indicate something may happen on the 9th specifically? I guess we will see. Someone must have a crystal ball and is not sharing their findings...

IT’s like watching the movie Titanic. You know the ship is going to sink eventually due to bad decision making but hold out hope perhaps still to some degree that it will make the needed adjustments and sail on.

It may be a community of hobbyists, but please realize this site is a business. Revenue keeps it going. People sell things, often expensive things. The forum is just an adjunct and anything goes as long as the rules or laws are not broken.

Clearly he looked at this site as a ripe source of income. Nothing wrong with that, lots of people do.   This site is a business.  You just have to be transparent about it. Again, it’s an issue of integrity.

My two cents on the topic FWIW:

1)  MC had some useful opinions but nothing particularly unique or original.   Most of his advice regarding phonos was useful.  other things, not so much.  HE operated under the assumption that worked for him was always the best thing  out there which is not true.  HEnce a narrow not broad view of things.  VEry biased and opinionated which for some may be just what the doctor ordered.  

2)  He did seem to spend a lot of time trying to help others here and that was appreciated so that is a good thing.

3)  He was good at promoting his way and ideas but not so good at listening to needs of others that might differ from his

4) Most importantly, on multiple instances he demonstrated a lack of integrity flinging false accusations in public against those who might not see things his way always.   Very bad.    Trust is a key ingrdient to any successful long lasting relationship

5)  He publicly insulted and belittled others including others with credentials in this industry  far beyond his.  Also many highly respected members who did not tow the line.

Lack of integrity and inability to get along with others is the deal breaker for me.   That will get you nowhere in most places where things get done and make good things happen.

That's all.    I judge behavior, not people.  We all have our faults and need to do better!

