Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?


Showing 9 responses by sokogear

FYI - MC did say in a post that he was part of the Townshend family shortly after Max (RIP) passed away and mentioned it again in an email he sent me. 

In the past, he helped me with advice (no charge) with a few things I did to improve my stereo and I was curious why he wasn't posting. I asked him what is up and here is what he emailed me:


"Lots of good people like you have PM’d me but being suspended I can only reply to people like you who email directly and off-line. I’m not really trying to get anything going but when people ask I will tell them the truth.

I do get messages, several every week, and being suspended hasn’t changed it much. If everyone who supports me and values my posts was as vocal as the haters this would all be over real fast. Can’t see how it takes a whole lot of courage to say, “This ain’t right” but apparently more than most can muster. Sad.

So anyway yes I have been working with Townshend, although it is hard to explain exactly what I do. They sell direct, no retail, and when there are shows I will go but those are pretty well shut down these days. So I am helping with their website and this and that. Frankly it is pretty much what I’ve been doing, explaining to people all the little things that help. 

I recently developed a new cable isolation system, and boy does it work great! My good friend (NAME DELETED) was the first to try it out and said he was amazed at the detail that had been smeared and now is clean and clear. This guy has a $1M+ system with Magico Q7 so might not be quite the same with everyone but it sure works for us.
That is just one of many articles you can look forward to when they lift my suspension. Whenever that is. Almost don’t even care. Supposedly a month.   Anyway I will be back and when I am they can goad all they want only the serious will be recognized and it will be as if they don’t even exist".

He said some other stuff about his system and some reviews he'll be doing and told me to feel free to give out his contact info if anyone is interested.

Forgot to mention - he said his suspension is supposed to be for 30 days, but it didn't sound like that is etched in stone.

@jim204  - no Jim - as I posted earlier, MC has been suspended, supposedly for 30 days, not sure when he'll be back, but believe me, he will be back to share his words of wisdom in a hopefully friendlier way and he'll be ignoring his haters.

I read it in one if his posts that he joined the Townshend family. You can find it If you want, it was some time in January. I am not a particular fan, just always looking for opinions of audiophiles with lots of experience willing to help. The more the better. The closed minded grouches are not helpful.

@stereo5 - I have had a few run ins with MC about his compensation (or his statement of lack thereof which turned out to be untrue) and more immeasurable tweaks in the past, but also appreciate some of his advice that was valuable for me in with regard to isolation/vibration control. Just because you disagree with someone you don't have to be a hater. 

There are some posters here who I won't name that I just skip because I know what they are going to say and really don't add anything new. That is usually not the case with MC.

It was kind of a gray area of integrity for MC. He would get free trials or favorable treatment from some of his favorites. It wasn’t until he formally joined Townshend a few months ago when he started actually getting paid(I beleive). He declared that when it happened.

Since I had assumed he had some kind of relationship with these companies because he talked about interacting with their owners so much, I assumed he was getting some favorable treatment. He didnt think that was a big deal-that’s where we disagreed. But since I knew that, his statements were taken with that in consideration. Good example was Better Records looking out for an album for him. It saved him time I guess from having to continuously check their web site.

if you are a hater, just ignore his posts when he returns.

If you really want to see his note, just do a search on him woth Townshend and you’ll see it. If I didn’t I wouldn’t have asked him about it.

I think old heavy mac is the one who threatened to kick someone's butt. I know MillerCarbon would absolutely love to come back. He has his faults like everyone else, but I personally learned a lot from him, and welcome his opinion.