Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?


Showing 8 responses by jjss49


MC and George can both stay gone. This place is much better without them.

1) i tend to agree, it would be nice if they could contribute here and bring their knowledge and experience, without the attitude, drama, childish trigger-happiness - but these two, even if they have all good intentions (an open question) have shown that are quite unable to do that

2) that said, i suspect one or both may actually still be present, laying low, using pseudonyms... trying on revised personas

Clearly he looked at this site as a ripe source of income. Nothing wrong with that, lots of people do. This site is a business. You just have to be transparent about it. Again, it’s an issue of integrity.

The straw for me was when MC mentioned coaching a colleague on what gear to buy then charging a 500.00 fee for his effort.

is that really true @mapman ​​​​@ozzy62?

wow, if so, truly deplorable in my view... this is supposed to be a community of hobbyists first and foremost

It may be a community of hobbyists, but please realize this site is a business. Revenue keeps it going. People sell things, often expensive things. The forum is just an adjunct and anything goes as long as the rules or laws are not broken.


not arguing the point, but there is an important distinction to be made... the main site lists items for sale and it for business transactions, but the forum does not, it is a place for discussion... they are adjacent and related, but separate...


i too have been on a-gon since the beginning... there is another thread about forum posters with hidden agendas

longstanding participants like almarg, oregonpapa, tvad, even ralph/atmasphere separate out their contributions here in discussion threads from any activities of buying or selling used gear on the listing part of the site (as do i)

i’m not naive about life, or about following the money - my angle on this is about the integrity of idea exchange and info sharing in the forum, versus commercial endeavor in the listings section (which for a-gon is the money maker, no doubt)...the distinction between the two parts is the different missions - this distinction is important, worth preserving, worth defending from those who blur the line and try to take advantage...

perhaps we are agreeing, just coming at the reality of the matter from different angles

very good advice and on-target observations from @whart, valuable to noobs here

my first career for twenty some years was in the business of giving professional advice (not on hifi)

there is effort, knowhow and experience involved in how to successfully gather and receive good advice - advice seekers who are naive and lazy often get bad advice...



your persona is one of the most unpleasant on this site

as i have scanned your posts, few have been to do anything other than to spew negativity, to put others down, to criticize, to make yourself appear above it all, i see no other meaningful contribution, so i ask, what is in it for you to be here?  

i don’t mistake morality with being judgemental, nor naivete... i simply believe a society, a community is as good as we individuals choose make it, we each carry an obligation, you are obviously oblivious or don’t care... your bullshit is among the worst i have read

so i just call bullshit on this bullshitter - here are your recent posts, all of em...

Thirty Days in the Hole
@jetter + 1 … The web is littered with forums generated from the dysfunctional egos the size of planets who finally realised that the only way to gain true control was to create their own little audio fiefdom… why MC hasn’t followed in the steps...
Thirty Days in the Hole
@fastninja12 And you Know This how ? Chucky had his posting privileges revoked For a second time for constant and blatant rule infractions, Homophobic posts , attempting to subvert the moderation of the forum etc etc etc …and for being more tro...
Thirty Days in the Hole
@jjss49 How naive of you … Some of us here are not prepared to stick our fingers in our ears and go La La La ! Its not happening Some of us know a good deal more that you about what is going on in the shadows around here so save me your morali...
Thirty Days in the Hole
@vinylshadow ” Yes, he did. I know all about his connection to Townshend. And I bought directly from Townshend. Don’t you feel silly now? “ Not in the slightest, the fact that one individual knew that he was shilling for Townsend does not disco...
Thirty Days in the Hole
“ MC has been a sort of consigliere for me. Let me tell you what I bought with MC’s advice and recommendations: A lot/most of Townshend Audio Seismics and cables. And their preamp.“ Shilling mission accomplished then ! Did he mention to you th...
Thirty Days in the Hole
I suspect that the Puppet Master pulled the strings on a number of his familiars in order to have posts that showed him up for what he is , reported, with the aim of having them removed
Thirty Days in the Hole
Lest we forget his insidious undercurrent of Homophobia with his several posting of short youtube clips strongly featuring the dialogue “ Are you a Gayer “ “ Are you a Fag” All now flushed down the toilet where they belong
Thirty Days in the Hole
“ MC is/was a source of considerable Knowledge “ Really ! How much of this “ considerable knowledge “ was genuinely new ground and not merely common knowledge to most experienced HiFi guys here. Plagiarism delivered with a Superior air of having...
Thirty Days in the Hole
Thank you for knocking the scab off a healing wound OP 🙄 As the saying goes “ Even From Beyond The Grave “ this Toxic individual engenders Fractious Disharmony upon this forum … Good Riddance
About users with hidden agendas
@cleeds Do you really sweep all objective thinking members here into your facile little box with “ They pretend to know how things sound without ever actually listening to them” Are you seriously suggesting that these folk don’t actually listen...
About users with hidden agendas
Go Thumper … Go 😎
About users with hidden agendas
Teddy number 3 … have you suffered a recent brain injury or blunt object trauma! You are doing yourself and by reflection the Products that you peddle no favours whatsoever
About users with hidden agendas
I wish there was a button to Delete Teddy Number 3 entirely !
High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260
Really !!! “ NPS Q45T produces the greatest listening experience that I have heard in my system in 50 years of continual upgrades." 🤣

Why People Like Tekton
^^^^^^^^^^ Quite ^^^^^^^^^^


About users with hidden agendas
It is a pity that within the software settings an OP has the ability to nuke a thread , a number have been that contained valuable and informative contributions from members … At the very most an OP should have to contact the moderators and with a...
About users with hidden agendas
Awwwww Bless
About users with hidden agendas
Awwww Teddy … Bless And how does the current situation of a commentator’s system correlate to their knowledge or experience of High Fidelity electronics and equipment … Only a tediously shallow individual would attempt to draw such a conclusio...
Why People Like Tekton
Explains the smeary timing and disconnect as a whole of the Tekton midrange
About users with hidden agendas
“ wrt MC and Townshend, one wonders whether a major factor determining his appointment to that position was his capacity to act as an online ‘influencer’ ?“ I have no doubt of that , along with the considerable amount of time and effort expended ...
Affordable vs. ultra expensive speakers - what’s the difference?
Not everything in life can be measured or ranked in purely monetary terms. Pride in ownership and the daily pleasure that an object may bring one applies to Audio equipment as much as it does to anything else, and as such cannot be measured by an...
About users with hidden agendas
As the saying goes “ Even From Beyond The Grave “ this Toxic individual engenders Fractious Disharmony upon this forum … Good Riddance
About users with hidden agendas
@sokogear And what makes you think that he will be allowed back ! Good riddance
About users with hidden agendas
“ MC stated in a previous post before he was asked to take a break from the ’Gon that he works for Townshend. “ A somewhat mealy mouthed way of conveying that MC actually had his posting privileges revoked for constant rule infractions , attempti...
About users with hidden agendas
@jerryg123 Indeed , I wonder how just many members, who have witnessed his online persona and posting style here . have been entirely put off from purchasing anything that he pedals … Que the “I get enough orders anyway” weenering responce
Recommendations on small ESL speakers for tiny room
OP … I would go with the smaller sized ML’s however If you are up for a little vintage serviced Quad ESL 57’s or 63’s can be a delight in a smaller room
Would appreciate a group consensus on Agon purchased amps
Ermmmm , A trifle Petty ?
What makes the biggest difference in sound quality?
Snake Oil salesman questions the Bona Fides of knowledgable forum member 🤣


agree 100%

then again, some folks are here just to amuse themselves in print ... whatever is their outdated, inappropriate, misplaced, crass definition of funny or cool... sometimes totally cringeworthy to the rest of us


we have been on this forum for a long time... seen folks like m-c, g-k, numerous others, whom, for all their faults, had at least the integrity to not use fake usernames, to show their systems, disclose info their backgrounds, their travels in the pursuit of hifi and music, share some real facts about the real person behind the a-gon handle... ted denney also, we at least know who he is, where he is coming from, so we can assess, take what we know about him, his products, his company, his return policy, take those factors into account ...

what we have now, moreso than ever, are examples of much lower-grade organisms, beings - anonymous keyboard warriors, logging in from somewhere, zero user feedback even though ’enrolled’ for many years, never bought or sold a single solitary thing on a-gon’s trading site, no system shown, zero legit info disclosed on who they are, what is their lot in life, what motivates them to come every day with their axe, grind grind grind - yet they claim they are ’in the know’, come here just insult others, claim others are addicts for what they say, act like they are a cut above, superior ... to me this is truly deplorable, gutless

if these truly foul cowards could be gone, and m-c and g-k come back in their full glory, we would be better off (can’t believe i am saying this...)