Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?


Showing 9 responses by jetter

I missed that one, news to me.  Last I remember he was giving the daily Covid reports.

One poster above said they wished geoffkait was allowed back. I know this may be an unpopular stand, but so do I.

I value true imagination and intelligence over cut and paste intelligence.

Let’s put it this way:

einstein - paperboy and x ray technician

geoffkait - Aerospace Engineering (theoretical fluid dynamics and propulsion, statistical thermodynamics, nuclear physics, indeterminate structures). Undergrad thesis: Preliminary design of low-thrust engine for interplanetary travel utilizing momentum transfer mechanisms in highly magnetic metal crystal bombarded by high-energy ions. Work experience: satellite operations; radar data analysis; aerodynamics of high-performance aircraft; reentry vehicle dynamics; radio communications; satellite communications; spread spectrum communications.

I'm sure there is "fluff" in GK's resume above, but you get the point.

Nurse Ratched, @jjss49 is getting over excited again, please bring him a new set of speakers or amplifier to calm him down.

Whew, emergency avoided.

What I am about to write is not meant to sound negative.  For the handful of persons who had no problem with einstein's rudeness, it is my sincerest recommendation that you locate whatever audio website where he is now and follow him there.  Problem solved, win, win.


This thread really should have been zapped from the git go......but I hope it isn’t.

One can only suppose that the moderators are in agreement with the majority view that a gone einstein is a good einstein.

Again @oldhvymec , sorry we disagree on this subject.










Thank you mahgister, the feeling is mutual, I enjoy your approach to this hobby.

I may have missed a post about it somewhere, but where has @oldhvymec been lately?

I hope all is well.


Unlike many here, I am not gleefully waiting for his return.

I think that "many" exaggerates the number gleefully waiting for his return compared to the number hoping it doesn’t happen.

Sorry oldhvy, he just seemed rude in an unhealthy way to me.  By contrast, I had absolutely no problem with georgehifi or GK.


My guess is that MC isn’t interested in returning to A’gon.

I believe that you have read the cards wrong. IMHO MC would love to get back on Audiogon so he could continue using this platform to further his aspirations of becoming a distributer/other for personal gain.  We were his stepping stones.

Oldhvymec was an enthusiast and while he may have got a little rambunctious, his heart was always in the right place and he was quite witty.  I hope the Audiogon moderators will realize a lot of us hope they will let him back here soon.

MC = Never