Responses from carlso63
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume? Most common listening volume level for me is around 80 - 85db at my seated position, which is the center of a triangle with both speakers about 10 feet in front of me, and 6 feet to either side of me (angled slightly towards my position, of course... | |
Maybe critical listening skills are bad? I don't think you need to spend hours or days comparing 2 sets of speakers in order to figure out which ones you prefer... what I do is I have 4 or 5 musical passages (from different musical genres that I frequently listen to) and that I chose for... | |
Talk me out of buying Monoblocks and into a stereo amp instead I vote for monoblocks. I run a 'vintage' system and I run (2) MC2100s as monoblocks, fed from a Dynaco tube preamp. Very nice sound (at least to my ears) that combines a bit of tube 'color' along with 210 wpc of clean Macintosh SS power. Plus, as... | |
Is there an 'Audiophile' Reel-to-Reel Machine for Under $1,000? In the vintage audio world, there's a good portion of hobbyists who would consider ANY RtR machine "Audiophile Quality" and anyone who has one an audiophile... I myself have a 2-track Akai GX-265d (with glass ferrite heads) and a Dokorder 1140 4 ... | |
Has it all been worth it? I think it's "worth it". I also think what you've been feeling is what I refer to as "Hobbyist Maturity"; that point where the enthusiast feels like what I have is good enough; I'm not seeing massive improvements in either quality or enjoyment an... | |
Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype) @devinplombier - I agree - just listed a Sansui G-8700db and a pair of Klipsch Cornwalls at reasonable prices for my location (SLC, Utah) not ridiculous prices based on inflated eBay listings that haven't sold in a year+.... and both items ... | |
Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype) I own (and occasionally buy and sell) mostly 'vintage' audio equipment (1960s - 1970s), so my comments may not be 100% transferrable to the more modern audio community... but, IMO: I do feel like we MAY have now passed the 'peak' in terms of get... | |
What do the statistics say about the age of Audiophiles and the replacement rate? @mylogic there's some logic behind the comparison as: - Classic Car enthusiasts by and large grew up when these vehicles were actually being produced and have memories and experiences with these vehicles; young people who were born after the mu... | |
What do the statistics say about the age of Audiophiles and the replacement rate? I have had a very similar discussion / debate with many others in the ’vintage’ audiophile community... you know, the ones that have storage lockers filled with 50 - 60 year old equipment and won’t part with any of it because it is an "investment"... | |
Dumb question......why do you need a preamp? I run a 'vintage' audio system (so, equipment from the 1960s / 1970s; and things like a Reel to Reel tape deck, etc.) and I recently switched from a fully integrated solid state receiver (which is basically a tuner / preamp / amplifier all in one ... | |
Karen Carpeneter died 42 years ago. I can admit that a a teenager back in the 1970s I would have scoffed at the music of Karen Carpenter. And I did (my parents had a few Carpenters albums, and I'm sure I rolled my eyes every time they played one). I can also admit that I was VERY w... | |
Things we cannot be bothered by anymore In general: How politics has seemed to now permeate every facet of our lives and every single topic ever discussed, no matter how irrelevant; Audio specific: Hyperbolic overmarketing of opinion as fact. If you want me to pay attention, just tel... | |
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore? Car = yes, every day Home = almost never | |
WHY DO SOME AUDIOPHILES TRY TO TELL OTHERS WHAT THEY CAN OR CAN’T HEAR IN A SYSTEM? Perspective is everything. To some (maybe most?) here my vintage audio system would probably be considered "mediocre" at best; especially to those who wouldn't think twice about purchasing $5K cables, $10K speakers, etc. I'm sure if I offered it ... | |
Where should the Tubes Go in a Vintage Preamp / Amp System Everything has already been procured and installed (almost), so I am probably not going to change anything out - at least not at this point in time. My speaker choice might be a little controversial, especially to those unfamiliar with my final c... |