Responses from laoman
Send in the Clowns @mapman I guess you have never eaten durian? | |
Send in the Clowns As a matter of interest, the head clown, whose name I still will not mention, now claims he knows more than Bruno Putzeys. Both the arrogance and self delusion are strong in this one. | |
Send in the Clowns " It will sound the same as every other amp ever made. Clown." I am glad you admit that this statement is a clownish one. It has to be satire as this is completely absurd. | |
What Speakers are you running with your Gryphon Amp? Egglestone Works Viginti and The Gryphon 330, (so I guess also the 300), are a great match. | |
Send in the Clowns And if you measure but do not listen, you have engaged in a pointless exercise. | |
Send in the Clowns @jaybe If you think it is a waste of time, then do not comment. | |
Is there any such thing as a bad sounding DAC these days? @aberyclark Well, too each his own. Topping is definitely a brand I avoid. Any dac that makes the voices of Renee Flemming and Joan Sutherland for example, sound harsh is to be avoided by me. | |
Is there any such thing as a bad sounding DAC these days? @aberyclark "I have the Topping E70Velvet and it sounds superb." I am curious. How much opera do you listen to? How many Cds with sopranos do you have? | |
Turntables currently considered top of the range. Do you know what they are ? Keeps vibrations to an absolute minimum. It runs almost totally silent. | |
Turntables currently considered top of the range. Do you know what they are ? I guess most of you have not heard Doehmann. These are by far the best I have heard, regardless of cost. | |
Is there any such thing as a bad sounding DAC these days? Yes. Topping sounds poor to me in the mid range, especially for women's voices. I find it harsh. | |
The Audio Science Review (ASR) approach to reviewing wines. @oberoniaomnia If you can not hear the difference between the Topping and the Holo May, then I am pleased for you as you do not need to spend more money to get far better sound. I, on the other hand, think Topping sounds really harsh in the mid ... | |
The Audio Science Review (ASR) approach to reviewing wines. @samureyex As much as I dislike the cult like behaviour of ASR, the Mola Mola Tambaqui did measure very well and is regarded as a very high quality Dac. | |
The Audio Science Review (ASR) approach to reviewing wines. @richardbrand "Now I do have a couple of magnums of Henshke Hill of Grace in my basement ." Now we are talking. Mount Mary is another wine I prefer. | |
The Audio Science Review (ASR) approach to reviewing wines. @devonplombier "@richardbrand that's a cute story. Are you making that up? 🤔" That story is just that - a story. It is not correct. By the way, even though Grange is the dearest Aust wine it is by far not the best. |