The review wehave been promising is up


So why not compare the 432 Evo with a pc or laptop appropriately configured- HQPlayer  at 1/3 of the price?


You stated: "

Hey... although I agree with almost everything said above... let me remind everyone that Salesmen are an internal part of the equation of Life. Like it or Not...

Sharks, Cops, Engineers, Lawyers, Skunks, Politicians, Snakes, Spiders,Salesmen etc, etc... they all are important, necessary and should be valued.

There is not one person here who does not owe their work existence, in some part, to a Salesman... not one. 

Rant over, now go listen to some music (that you bought from some Salesman, whether you realize it or not)."

And that is absolutely true. As someone in sales, no one does anything and nothing happens until the sale is made. And just to clear the record, I started the first thread about the 432 EVO not audiotroy so give the guy a break. He is merely the importer of this fine product and you can't blame him for promoting it. It's not like he's shoving it down your throat. If you aren't interested then why are you reading this thread? Believe me, I know how strange customers can be. The logic of some people simply astounds me.


Sounds like too many here got their panties on too tight today.  Remove and readjust, it’s only audio. 

This post bears repeating, as it sums up the whole thing admirably.

No, most people here don’t mind that at all, and notice nobody here ever complains about Verdant, Atmasphere, Duke, etc. Why do you think that is? It’s because they just stick to what their products offer and never say their products are “better” than anyone else’s — that’s arrogant and for us to decide and not a biased dealer. Also, none of those other dealers EVER demean another product or other member’s recommendations here, both of which you have done numerous times in the past. But you can’t seem to understand this simple concept and instead continue to delude yourself that you’re somehow providing a useful service here by saying why your products are better than another product for whatever reason. Until you get why this behavior pisses people off — IF you ever get it, and I have my serious doubts — you’ll continue to fan the flames and anger members here.

My two cents...

Usually when a salesman tries a pitch it irritates me. Even if he educates about a product or service it still irritates me. When the salesman continues and continues to try to sell his product X and (as others have indicated) that salesman arrogantly states X product is so much better than Y and Z product my irritation grows into anger. At that point, as far as I am concerned, I will tune out the salesman and tell others that he is JUST WANTING to MAKE MONEY! Is that not what he does?!?

Anyone who states that the Paradigm Persona are bright and harsh has never owned them, and if theyve atleast listened to them they mustve been powered by a receiver.  Its silly comments like this that reaffirm that most people here dont have the slightest clue.

I can’t understand why anyone would want all their music played a quarter-tone flat.  

TAS understands digital about as much as Neanderthals understand nuclear fusion. I’ll never get over their 4-part article where they said that music on a hard drive degrades when copied to a second drive.

"the best sounding music server..."

[In bit perfect mode] they all sound the same if you stream to a separate endpoint. There, you don’t need to spend $7500.

Member Jasonbourne52 on another topic was miffed over the outrageous prices of a tailored dress shirt , claiming anything and everything over his budget is a rip off.

Though I haven’t read the review I have owed the 432 Evo Aeon along with other servers/ streamers a borrowed Innuos Statement including very recently the exceptionally measured Rockna WaveDream Net server and WaveDream dac , over the past couple years I’ve listened to a verity front end components in my own system ranging in price from 1k to 15k it just boils down to personal preferences .

Many could be perfectly happy and content with a Chinese dac streamer under 1k though what I don’t understand is how people can begin to have any sort of an opinion on a component they’ve never actually listened to only to be triggered emotionally by the retail price a good example is Jasonbourns rant miffed at society he can’t buy a tailored shirt for under 10 bucks these days ,


Post removed 


if anyone here has owned more integrated amps please chime in. This is what a dealer can bring to the forums perspective and experience. unfortunately many of you guys just want someone to parrot the product you were thinking of and take offense if another product is mentioned.

No, most people here don’t mind that at all, and notice nobody here ever complains about Verdant, Atmasphere, Duke, etc. Why do you think that is? It’s because they just stick to what their products offer and never say their products are “better” than anyone else’s — that’s arrogant and for us to decide and not a biased dealer. Also, none of those other dealers EVER demean another product or other member’s recommendations here, both of which you have done numerous times in the past. But you can’t seem to understand this simple concept and instead continue to delude yourself that you’re somehow providing a useful service here by saying why your products are better than another product for whatever reason. Until you get why this behavior pisses people off — IF you ever get it, and I have my serious doubts — you’ll continue to fan the flames and anger members here.

I posted this in his other thread.....

People, you don't have to buy the Aeon from Audiotroy or anyone else for that matter.  So many people have a hard-on about AudioTroy hyping his product on Audiogon.  Have you heard the Aeon?  Do you know anything about it?   Are we not all in this hobby to learn about new components?  He is providing information to the masses.  If you are interested in the product you can research it more.  If not just move on.  BTW, Dave is a wealth of knowledge.  I respect his opinions.  

I tried posting a similar thread on the Lampizator Horizon and I got so much hate (because it is a $45K DAC) that I asked the moderator to take the thread down and all I was doing was sharing information.  It is also why I like WBF better than Audiogon.  WBF is an information-sharing website.  If you don't like Audiotroy posting his comments then just ignore them and move on.  Otherwise, I am always interested in learning about new products even if I don't buy them. 

I have no problem with audiotroy, no misrepresentation, totally transparent which product they're representing and advocating for.


I observe far more hidden agendas from some here.

Given the belligerence of this guy in this thread and many others, it's hard to imagine anyone wanting to deal with him to actually buy something.  But I suppose some people warm to that style.

Way back in the day, it was verboten to offer or deal in the forums. Everyone would chime in and say 'that's not allowed' and 'go post an ad if you need to sell something.'  Oh my, the standards have been lowered. 

Members are no longer permitted to DM another with an offer, which pisses Admin off to no end. Amazing times we're in, eh? How far can we push this before Admin steps in and makes things harder for us to simply post and chat?

All the best,


I repeated your funny/flippant comment and posted a funny video of Kramer as a colorful character from Seinfeld. That post was removed. Weird, eh? 

yes jerry just like other dealers on here

do you think Verdents audio comments about the dacs they are testing is not designed to have people contact his store?


or he guy who was raving about tara labs or many of the rabid tekton posters


the difference we say right out we are dealers for these products


jerry you are entiiled to your opinion as we are entitiled to ours





Post removed 

you guys are way too sensitive in the case of the guy with the integrated amp


We Specialize in integrated amps, and a dialog would have probably helped him when he complained we apologized.


sorry we see it as trying to assist a person.

we have sold and listened to a ton of great integrated amps:

To date we have represented devialet, hegel, atoll, musical fidelity nad, nuprime , vincent, unison research, naim, krell lluxman, coda krell atoll cambridge, rega bryston peachtree, synthesis, cayin, lumin and others.


if anyone here has owned more integrated amps please chime in. 


This is what a dealer can bring to the forums perspective and experience.



unfortunately many of you guys just want someone to parrot the product you were thinking of and take offense if another product is mentioned.


we read and post to learn about new brands as well as to enlighten people about new brands we are testing 

recently got atoll and will be evaluating MOjo Audios new x series dac


Dave and troy

Audio intellect NJ

dealer for a boat load of products


Post removed 

I have a post up on Class D integrated and this guy is PM me trying to sell me:

We have an incredibile int we can sell you for 5k new66500

Call my store audio intellect nj


who da ho? who be pimpin’? you callin ME a HO? man you da HO and yo mama da HO MAMA

ok i got that outta my system, thank you

now @twoleftears -- throw away your gear stat, and call audiotroy so they can sell you a whole new rig that won’t sound broken... man you do not know what you are missin out on... 😂🤣😆🤗


Twoleftears there is no advertising going on by us in the absolute sound.

Ok, but you carry this brand and you're posting a positive review. That be pimpin'

Maybe someone can dig up a negative review of this product for balance.

Post removed 

soix and ozzy62 stated why he gets crap'; seems like you got a firsthand view

 I'm not sure why this guy gets so much crap when this site is crawling with industry. i like their input. I stumbled into this guy's room at AXPONA and only today realized it was Audiotroy. He did tell me my streamer would sound 'broken' next to this thing. I don't really dig that kind of salesmanship. 

As long as a dealer identifies himself as such, and then makes no bones about their agenda, most of us can handle reading their comments in stride.  We don’t need banning here.  It is also entirely permissible for another poster to point out that the dealer has an agenda and therefore not necessarily be objective 

In my opinion the difference is that dealers/manufacturers like Duke, Verdant, and Atmasphere seem to be objective and don't always push their products on members. They offer genuine assistance, even if it means steering you down a different road.

What’s even more important is what those dealers/manufacturers mentioned above DON’T do.  They NEVER put down another member’s recommendations or another competitive product.  Dave and Troy have a long history of doing this (they’ve done it to me several times) to push their own products that to me completely crosses the line versus just mentioning their products or providing otherwise unbiased/useful info.  IMHO if a dealer or manufacturer gets on here and starts bad-mouthing other products or member recommendations to push their own products they should be banned from this site.  The whole idea of this site is to help each other by sharing valuable and often hard-won knowledge and personal experience, so when a dealer gets on here and undermines this in a biased effort to boost their own sales it damages not only the member experience but also the reputation of this site so I hope Audiogon gets more serious about stopping this egregious behavior. 

I you’re an "audio intellect" (a nonsensical term) you might try to develop punctuation skills

I read here a year or two ago that David Lalin had a stroke. Perhaps that explains the grammar mistakes, and often weird writing style. I have met Lalin in person about three or four years ago. Nice guy. Personally, I don’t find his posts here harmful. They may be of value, even for just adding a component in your "watch list". Harmless


I don’t know who Troy is



I never said he doesn't belong here. But his idea of forum etiquette for dealers is a bit dicey....

Typical post: I'm trying to decide between brands A, B, and C.

Typical Troy response: Brand X blows away A, B, and C.  BTW, we sell brand X.

If this isn't cluttering up the forum, I don't know what is.

From Dave’s post:

Another point we offer a two week unconditional return trial

There are many dealers/manufacturers who get the approval of the anti-Dave crew here who do not offer this option. Dave is putting his money where his mouth is. To me that’s more important than a soft sell approach



All I ever see from @audiotroy are infomercials.

If you think he doesn't belong here you should take your complaint to the moderators, @ozzy62.  As it stands, it looks to me like @audiotroy is posting well within the forum's rules.

Or better yet a Sales Engineer.

that you bought from some Salesman, whether you realize it or not).

Hey... although I agree with almost everything said above... let me remind everyone that Salesmen are an internal part of the equation of Life. Like it or Not...

Sharks, Cops, Engineers, Lawyers, Skunks, Politicians, Snakes, Spiders,Salesmen etc, etc... they all are important, necessary and should be valued.

There is not one person here who does not owe their work existence, in some part, to a Salesman... not one. 

Rant over, now go listen to some music (that you bought from some Salesman, whether you realize it or not).

My biggest problem with the review,is that there’s nowhere for me to hear it and I’m not going to buy a 15K radio just on the words of one review.



In my opinion the difference is that dealers/manufacturers like Duke, Verdant, and Atmasphere seem to be objective and don't always push their products on members. They offer genuine assistance, even if it means steering you down a different road. All I ever see from @audiotroy are infomercials. It is possible to straddle that fine line between audio enthusiast and audio seller. Some here show us on a regular basis how it's done.



audio Troy we don't want any of your shameless advertising to push your products on here this is for people to give their comments about thing ...

There's nothing in the A'gon TOS that prevents dealers, distributors, or manufacturers from posting here. In fact, many do, and Audiotroy is among those who identify themselves accordingly. So I don't understand your complaint or for whom you pretend to speak.

Troy at least makes no bones about the fact that he is a salesman.  I prefer that to others who shill for a product and don’t reveal that they have a financial interest.  MC, anyone? And Troy occasionally puts in a good word for products that he doesn’t sell.

  I stopped reading TAS when they became shameless hucksters for MQA

Audiotroy is no different than a tas or stereophile reviewer. Have you ever read a post from audiotroy on a product they sell or a review from tas/stereophile that wasn’t the best product ever made? I gave up on the trade mags for this very reason, not every product  reviewed is the best of the best.

Same goes for audiotroy, of course what they sell is always going to be the best, but they shouldn’t be able to try selling their goods in agon forums like this and they do all the time.

I you're an "audio intellect" (a nonsensical term) you might try to develop punctuation skills along with realizing the obvious ethical issues there are in using this forum to hawk the crap you sell. Again, lame.