Responses from jji666
OK Audiogon, help me out please Most people would call "too bright in the mids" warmth. But I digress - I have some RX8s and I don't find that at all -- as people above have said, try positioning and toe-in. Tweeters act very differently depending on angle. Yours might need t... | |
Using both balanced and single ended outputs at the same time? I suggest it is a piece by piece analysis. You just have to plug and unplug and listen. On some pieces I have heard absolutely no difference, whereas with others I do, albeit it may just be a matter of gain rather than quality. Generally speak... | |
At the top of the line is it really all that different? I'm sure there are different reasons for different folks. For some, going high end is a matter of self-expression and is not really about the audio quality. For others, they have scrimped and saved to achieve their audio dreams and every note is a... | |
BS meter is pegged! I’d just say this is a thread to make fun of a reviewer who should have never pretended to understand something he/she didn’t, much less to try to spit it back to sound intelligent. Secondarily, yes, I am sure there is more than a little puffery i... | |
Is more amp power always better...? 89db speakers can use a fair amount of power. How many watts depends on the type of amp you want. My rule of thumb is, as an echo to a few posts above, a good amp should be able to double wattage between going from 8 to 4 ohms. This helps with re... | |
ARE SUPER EXPENSIVE STREAMERS REALLY WORTH IT This question can’t be answered without a look at the software and the particular streaming configuration you are using. You might as well ask whether a Porsche or a pickup are better...if you’re hauling landscaping supplies the answer is differen... | |
What Speaker Cables Taught Me About Audiophiles One thing that I think doesn’t t get enough clarity in these discussions of digital vs analog. Analog cables, at least there is some possible science behind potential differences. Not that I’m saying I’ve heard anything dramatic. But digital…th... | |
Streamer question Roon doesn’t like albums that can’t be identified as an official commercial release and its metadata update service chokes on too many. So a bootleg collector might not be the best use case for it. Roon’s library function isn’t exactly industria... | |
Can anyone tell me when XLR connections were first used on stereo equipment. (what years)? Levinson ML-26 has balanced pre-out and optional XLR instead of phono card. | |
Friends hi-fi system not very good, what do you do or say? I reference the brand of their gear and say "they make some really good stuff." I also say that "we're a dying breed...most people don't have any pride in their gear if they have any gear at all...glad to see you are enjoying it." That said, I... | |
Roon isn't stable and they edit their forum to hide it I'm not entirely sure that whatever issues I've experienced are even triggered locally. It is true that the issues are similar to other users who hypothesize that it's some form of library/metadata update. That issue was happening quite frequen... | |
Roon isn't stable and they edit their forum to hide it I suspect OP has some kind of OS issues causing conflict. I have cores on both Windows 10 and Ubuntu Server. All Roon cores are dedicated and run nothing else material. Thanks I am trying throttled. We’ll see if that helps. It does bring up a... | |
Roon isn't stable and they edit their forum to hide it This is what I find so mystifying. There isn't anything different about my Roon usage other than pushing it harder - 3 grouped zones, 3-4 remotes running, 11K albums, 152K tracks. Lots of Roon Tags and 500 or so unidentified albums. So as far a... | |
Roon isn't stable and they edit their forum to hide it Yes I understand that most users don't have this issue. As mentioned I think there have to be some uses of the database/library functions that aren't commonly used, at least to the level that I and others who have similar problems have used them.... | |
Roon isn't stable and they edit their forum to hide it Oh yeah, no question, all of these machines have been high powered. At least 6-8 cores and at least 3.6 - 3.8 Ghz base speed, i7 or i9 or AMD "equivalent," and PCIe 4.0 M2 system drives. To me the issues seem library / database based - in the sen... |