All in one… Dutch and Dutch 8C
A solid “A” rating in Stereophile’s best of
I believe they have a rep Gabriel) who lives near Seattle.
One box solution
Hello Everyone,
I finally hit a wall with my health, I am almost 72 and have to downsize and move to a facility. It’s a very nice place but a lot smaller and my current set up can’t go so it’s all going in to storage.
I am looking for a one box solution, the Naim Uniti Atom comes to mind but I am looking for better if that’s possible. My budget is 15k or less and has to have a remote, I don’t get around so good. Actually need bookshelf type speaker suggestions too…so 15k or less for speakers and 15k or less for a all in one intergrated…I will only stream so the box needs to have a Dac and everything built in, airplay,and Quboz…maybe the Uniti Atom is the best solution but was hoping for something better…thanks..
Actually I would recommend receiver with streaming, good headphone amp and pair of high end headphones. This way you can even listen at night and control system from an iPad or another tablet. Using tablet as a central device will also allow you to watch movies or youtube, etc. Say, $4K headphones like Meze Elite or Focal Utopia, Pass or Denafrips headphone amp at around $2-3K and, streamer and active speakers like Dynaudio. |
I would suggest considering the Aurender AP20 as an all in one solution. I am very impressed with mine. In another room I have a pass labs X350 amp so we may have somewhat similar taste in sound. List price on the AP20 is $22k but you could probably get one pretty close, but slightly over, your budget. On another note, I have 12 zones of NAD distributed around my house and am happy with it for that purpose (in cieling speakers - casual listening). I was excited to hear the M10 but just didn’t like it very much at the store demo. Lot’s of different variables go into this stuff as we all know but wanted to share my experience in case it is of any value to you. Good luck with the move. |
@mswale Hello thanks for the offer, everything is done I am out of here…going to greener pastures…. |
Ugg.. sorry to hear. I had a Naim in an apartment and it’s ok. Read as I think better can be had. Lyngdorf 3400 yup sure and for 15K there are lot’s of speakers new or barely used. Dutch & Dutch speakers are compatible with high-resolution streaming services like Qobuz. They pack a punch and have room correction too. The room may need that. Dartzeel LHC 208 (First one) and not the MarkII(26K) could be just the ticket...has remote. |
For heaven's sake get over there and check what sort of sound isolation you're going to have. Sounds good with the separate bedroom and all but still likely sharing a wall with someone (or two!). Whether or not that works out I would definitely plan on adding a top shelf headphone setup to this if it were me. You're likely going to be the only guy in there with a nice audio system. They may not be used to that! |
Oh, no, you just got all that new gear and was so excited about it!!! I really enjoyed our listening session with your old Forte's. From the volume you listen at, and what you listen to, think just a good set of powered speakers is all you need, like the KEF's, but I know. you like horns. So maybe an Accuphase/Luxman integrated with some baby horn speakers? You know I'm right down the street from you, let me know if you need/want any help moving stuff, or getting rid of stuff. As someone who is also going through relationship stuff, I totally understand. |
@vinylshadow I would definitely go that route if it had a remote, darn |
My mother made it to age 101, she lived in an excellent retirement setup; 1st 2 bedroom, then 1 bedroom, then assisted living, then nursing for the last few years, so I went thru all these stages with her, each move required different solutions. when young, chasing full range, bookshelf speakers need subs but when down the road, bookshelf speakers do not need subs, and they would be a problem in a facility with adjacent and nearby occupants, you might prefer your door open some times. even if you close your door, you don't want to have a problem every time your door is opened by visiting staff which progressively becomes beyond frequent. |
@lonejoe I am going to assisted living, it’s a nice apartment with a separate bedroom and is designed for a wheelchair which is in my future. It will be nice not to worry about cooking, cleaning, shopping and laundry…I am not counting on Medicare and Medicaid, there will be cuts in both.I will be looking for a beautiful widow lol,to listen to music with me…. |
If where you are going is a nursing home, and not an assisted living facility, I would not sell your home to pay the $7,000 per month. Your home is not a countable asset to qualify for Medicaid. You would have to spend your other assets, but once your other assets are spent down , Medicaid will start paying the bills without the house being sold. You may want to speak to an Elder Law Attorney about that. If it is assisted living and not a nursing home then you can ignore my post. Wish you the best. |
Consider a pair of active standmounts with a preamp/DAC. Buchardt actives (A500) and then a compact but complete preamp, the ProJect Pre Box RS2, which has a Dual DAC, headphone amp and remote and a selectable tube preamp section. You could use any streamer with it: Bluesound, Sonos, WiiM, all of which are compact. The JBL SA750 is the full feature box: streamer, DAC, integrated amp, headphone amp, remote, 130W "class G" which is an A-AB. Standard size cabinet. If you are going into a multiple-resident setting, having headphones and headphone amp feature is recommended. |
Sorry to hear of your situation. But going in with a good attitude will make all the difference in the world. And if you hadn't noticed, most retirement homes are about 70% women. I have a pair of Kef LS50 Wireless II speakers in my bedroom with an iPad (with Roon and Tidal) for "control." That's it. I use a MacBook Air in another room for the core and have ripped my CD collection to its hard drive. In a small apartment like you will have, you could skip the iPad and just use the MacBook Air. The keyboard on the MacBook Air would make it much easier to use. Very simple, but sounds great. |
Best of comfort in your new residence....👍😊 I've heard that your new situation can be a hotbed of other 'activities' not on any roster.... ;) Do you wear hearing aids? The sound qualities are much improved of late, and mine stream nicely, phone calls, etc. Cost can be +/- 5K$, depending upon what you'd like with them... |
I don't have a suggestion but I wanted to say kudos to @silverfoxvtx1800 for keeping the fire burning. Best wishes and I hope you find something that makes you smile every day. Cheers |
@travelinjack yes I was definitely considering those..will have to get in there and see how much room I have… |
@tomic601 Thanks Jim, I will give Eric a shout when I get settled and talk about what he can do for me with a different system.. moving is real pain lots of loose ends.. |
If donating remeber this, Goodwill is a for profit business, Find a local charity that would benefit from your generousity. The salary of a Goodwill CEO varies by location and role, but generally ranges from $55,000 to $743,000 per year. The Goodwill Board of Directors determines the salary of the national CEO. Just Google it. Good Luck with your next system. |
@silverfoxvtx1800 So sorry to hear of this life change. My great hope is you can continue to enjoy music where you are headed. Your “ modest “ system must have sounded fantastic. I live part of the year in South Seattle - hopefully can have you visit for dinner and music. Hawthorne is a great idea as would be contacting Eric at Gig Harbor Audio for consignment. If you put things into storage, i and fellow music cronies from Olympia Music group can help you market the gear or get it to dealers who can including TMR and Echo in Portland. Finally, you might be surprised by what a NAIM atom can do, i run Apogee Centaur minor with mine… it’s not my reference system… but it’s quite good. Headphones are better left for another discussion.. Please do reach out w a PM. Jim |
@ghdprentice I don’t have anyone to give my rig too. It’s a modest system.. ‘Pass Labs Preamp, Pass XA-25 amp and a First Watt Sit-4, Meitner MA3 dac , Denafrips Venus Dac and Volti Audio speakers.. I will figure something out… ‘oh also some Klipsch speakers .. I had a neighbor kid help me pack up stuff today and found a Naim Uniti Atom and some Opera Prima Bookshelf speakers that my ex left behind in her art studio…so going to use that until I get my footing in the new place.. |
I’m not ready to get rid of my big rig but I am setting up a small one box streaming only system for my bedroom (I’m 71). I’m using a Cambridge EVO 75 that I formerly used with my tv as the streamer and amp but the star of the show are my speakers: Dali Menuet SE. I currently have this set up in my office as a near field system and I love the sound. Check out the reviews on the Dalis — and they are beautiful and very well made. Best of luck to you. |
Sorry to hear of your situation. Prayers for a recovery best as possible and for you to assimilate easily into your new living situation. My mother did well for years in independent then transitioning in assisted living. The social interaction and activities kept her sharp to 91. My recommendation in you more than adequate budget would be a Mola Mola Kaluga one box with Vivid S12 bookshelf speakers. Alternatively, with the box, a Burmester 232 integrated at higher cost. An alternative speaker, also at higher cost, is the Sonus Farber Guarneri, also at higher cost. I have heard all combinations of the above and the will give clarity, timbral accuracy, speed, dynamics, staging, imaging, and excellent bass to about 35-40Hz so you should not miss much. Good luck.
thanks @maxwave I thought he said 15K and bookshelf that's why I wondered. I am sure they are amazing. |
Focal Diva Utopia 40k $ .( maybe less if you have a nice dealer ) But .... You save on Interconnect + Speaker’s cable + Power cords. |