
Responses from freediver

Icon Audio, any opinions?
I had their ST30SE,the Single Ended KT150 model..OMG it was AMAZING!  EVERYTHING was beyond reproach,the sound absolutely sublime..I had to downsize or it would have been buried with me!  
Repair for speaker cabinet
Live with it..  
One box solution
OP,I HIGHLY suggest that you have a good,long look at Advance Paris Audio..They have everything you could possibly need including Streamer/USB DAC/excellent headphone & a few models are Tube/SS hybrids!!! I can attest to their superb sound,erg... 
All-in-One units for retiring audiophile & music lovers in 2025, say what?
While they are not yet highly regarded amoung the Golden Ear crowd here(YET),Advance Paris has an entire line of all in one solutions & they have been garnering accolades world wide.. I have just today received the "MyConnect 60" Amplifier/Rec... 
??? SVS "Ultra Evolution Elevation" OR Elac "BS243.4 Carina" Speakers ???
@gdaddy1 ,NO,the speakers shown can be used in any configuration,NOT just a rear surround.. @jond Can you tell me which bookshelf you heard?Thanks..  
How many times can u visit a hifi store before it annoys the store if u plan on a purchase
PLEASE,as much as your going to spend & as easy as it is to buy online(even Mac)they should put a cot in the back for you!  
Simaudio Moon 240i vs 250i vs 340i vs i5 vs All In One ACE?
No,actually as I said,I felt the i5 was just a touch sweeter..Like changing from current production EL34 tubes to NOS Winged C or NOS Gold Lion tubes..NOTHING night & day but with SUPER resolving speakers, a slight highlighting of the midrange... 
Simaudio Moon 240i vs 250i vs 340i vs i5 vs All In One ACE?
grisly I have owned the i5,now own the 240i & have demo’d the 340i several times with Harbeth M40.1,M30.1 & Dynaudio Excite X18 speakers.. IMO the i5 was the Pinnacle of their lower priced units..It’s build quality was a step up compared t... 
One box solution
For speakers my recommendation would be the YG Audio Cairn or Borreson X1 with the dedicated stands..You won't need a big speaker in a small room...  For an amp/streamer/DAC: Hegel H400...  I would also recommend a really good pair of headphones f... 
Special Forty?
I'm curious,how big & what treatments in the bad room & same for the good room?  
Primare/ Vincent Adio /NAD /Rogue/ AVA /Hegel...- need a simple and reliable integrated
For the last few months I have been running Harbeth M30.2XD's($6000.00 MSRP) with a SimAudio 240i integrated amp...I would say both are world class & the 240i, as close to end game as you could ever get for the small asking price...I've owned ... 
I find myself "tuning out" the magic fading?
Sounds to me like you've simply gotten off the merry go round that is CONSTANTLY being pushed in our hobby...Now instead of focusing on gear,it's time to seek out new & exciting music..At 65 y/o I am amazed at the world of new music my Pandora... 
??? Anyone Running Active Speakers Driven By A Tube PreAmp ???
Some excellent info provided,thanks very much..  
??? Anyone Running Active Speakers Driven By A Tube PreAmp ???
@soix ,so your saying that running on the analog input on the speakers,bypassing the DSP activated using Digital inputs, would allow the benifits of a tube preamp to be realized, acting the same as running a hybrid system with passive speakers?  
??? Anyone Running Active Speakers Driven By A Tube PreAmp ???
@carlsbad2 yes I realize that..What I'm wondering if if using a tube pre would be provide the same benifits as say running a standard tube pre with a solid state or digital amplifier & passive speakers or if any DSP that might be active in ful...