
Responses from freediver

Primare/ Vincent Adio /NAD /Rogue/ AVA /Hegel...- need a simple and reliable integrated
For the last few months I have been running Harbeth M30.2XD's($6000.00 MSRP) with a SimAudio 240i integrated amp...I would say both are world class & the 240i, as close to end game as you could ever get for the small asking price...I've owned ... 
I find myself "tuning out" the magic fading?
Sounds to me like you've simply gotten off the merry go round that is CONSTANTLY being pushed in our hobby...Now instead of focusing on gear,it's time to seek out new & exciting music..At 65 y/o I am amazed at the world of new music my Pandora... 
??? Anyone Running Active Speakers Driven By A Tube PreAmp ???
Some excellent info provided,thanks very much..  
??? Anyone Running Active Speakers Driven By A Tube PreAmp ???
@soix ,so your saying that running on the analog input on the speakers,bypassing the DSP activated using Digital inputs, would allow the benifits of a tube preamp to be realized, acting the same as running a hybrid system with passive speakers?  
??? Anyone Running Active Speakers Driven By A Tube PreAmp ???
@carlsbad2 yes I realize that..What I'm wondering if if using a tube pre would be provide the same benifits as say running a standard tube pre with a solid state or digital amplifier & passive speakers or if any DSP that might be active in ful... 
??? Anyone Running Active Speakers Driven By A Tube PreAmp ???
Referring to fully self powered speakers,not passive w/active sub..Thanks..  
Chord Hugo TT2 adaptability Europe-to-USA power supply ?
The Hugo TT operates on a 15v./4 amp AC adapter...You just need to change from the 230volt/50 hz. > 15 volt/4 amp AC adapter to a 120 volt/60 hz. > 15 volt/4 amp AC adapter..There are a few choices available via Google...  
SHIPPING speakers?
Specs show the 2CE's as 60 lbs each.packed..I see no problem shipping these packed in factory boxes but fully insured ground cost will probably be almost $400.00....If your anywhere near Seattle,Olympia or Spokane I suggest trying to sell them on ... 
Best sounding closed back headphones under 100$
Here you go....  
speaker upgrade fever
Dump the beer cans & subs & get some gently used Harbeth M40.2's...  
Warm, flexible, cheap-ish cables?
@squared80 go back to that site that swears by measurements,cables have no sound & all amplifiers sound the same,you’ll feel right at home.... OP,mid range Pangea Audio would be my recommendation,the ones that use Cardas copper...  
Beware - FedEx Drivers are forging signatures for delivery confirmation
Well we can beeatch & moan all we want but until we band together & actually do something about it will only remain the same or get even worse...  SOOoooooo,who here is the legal beagle that will get the MULTI BILLION $ Class Action Law Su... 
Beware - FedEx Drivers are forging signatures for delivery confirmation
 As already stated,this has been Fed Ex SOP for many years now...IMO it is WAYYY past time for a Class Action Law Suit..It is reported that 12 BILLION $ in goods were stolen by porch pirates in 2024...  
Is it the gear or the ears?
First off let me say this isn’t a phenomenon exclusive to audio reproduction..It permeates EVERY single aspect of our existance from the shoes,clothes & jewelry we wear to the hair on our head to the cars we drive to the jobs we work,to the ho... 
**The Official/Un Official Audiogon Audiophile Streaming Speaker List**
Kef: LS50 LSX II LSX II LT LSX 60  LS 60 Lotus