
Discussions tomaswv has started

DacMagic 200M question1002
DAC/pre with left right balance control1453
What would I gain/lose?9535
VU meters added to Cambridge Audio146612
It’s true what they say/and a question249822
Shocked. Need Opinions. How muck power do I need?373947
What is going on here? Streamer or DAC?319830
Does an upgrade make sense?442155
Favorite listening 2020-20237171
Are these exceptionally well recorded, or what?458621
Upgrade: will I hear it? 12905
Failed to enqueue. Any ideas?65936
Anybody else using AV880x as 2 channel preamp?453910
Underrated album: Sonics AND Music542862
Bel canto monoblocks and power cables473110