New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)

Here is some info on the new MOFI/Jones speaker:



Ask yourself why the Point Source 10 is made in China? Profit for MO-FI is the number one factor(NOT QC) probably giving them the highest ROI. If the profit margin was higher in India or Mexico the speaker might be made there. How many of these gauche boxes will retain the claimed SQ of the prototype that is demoed at shows or the selected units passed on to so-called reviewers? Please stop the silly comparisons of i Phones and computers being made in China. These are throw away items that are necessities in current society not luxury items.

So, are you implying that although the sound heard at audio shows is probably as great as they say but can't be replicated down the line like virtually every other speaker (or any type of audio gear) has since time immemorial because it's made in China (like a lot of audio gear)?

Andrew Jones came clean at the very beginning of this as to why it's made in China and he's using the same facilities and contacts that've served him well for the last 20 years, ensuring quality. If it were made anywhere else the asking price would be around $8,000. 

Also, I don't know of anyone who's in any kind of business that isn't doing so for anything other than a profit. It's the nature of running a business. Nice detective work there, Marlowe. 

As for iPhone and computers being throw away items and not luxuries, you lost your argument right there and then and should have stated that at the beginning so no one would have wasted anymore time reading your mini rant.

All the best,


@nonoise   Thx for taking your time to reply.  HEA is a niche market unlike mainstream consumer items like computers, i Phones and televisions ect. I can't speak for everyone but many do not consider these luxury items. Some of us want our audio equipment made in countries with a proven track record of quality control. Several companies like Sonus Faber and Krell have moved out of China due to QC issues which have to a small degree tarnished the brand. Quad has lost some sales and reputation due to the 2812/2912 not being reliable. If made in China audio components meet your standards fine but some of us uphold to a higher standard.

@dayglow , I guess someone had better notify Tannoy, who's been having their top line cabinets made in China for more than a few decades now.

Corporations having a profit motive ??? Designers wanting to get paid ??? Buyers wanting a good deal ??? not a good combination of motives, needs, and desires...and then add China...

Yeah it's hard to fathom people want to make money selling hi-end audio. My dealer once told me how he made 1 million $ selling audio......he started with 2 million $ 😉

I think two members in this thread said they bought them and a few more actually went and listened to them.

@thyname , I've never gone back and forth with such big swings as long as I can remember. Knowing myself.....🤔

All the best,

I am not surprised that John Atkinson favorably reviewed them in the new issue of S'Phile. I am surprised that he a) spent three times as much space describing Andrew Jones' design process as he did with listening notes b) completely ignored his magazine's widespread love for the Devore O/96 and O/93 when declaring how novel it is to make a two way design with a 10" woofer and c) failed to attribute any significance to the fact that the professionals employed to maximize the SQ in his room resorted to mounting them on his speaker stands horizontally bringing to mind Bose 901's. That last clause is tongue-in-cheek. Mostly. 

One thing that DID NOT surprise me is that he did not use vinyl as a source or tube amps with them. I will not question JA's integrity-I believe it to be impeccable. I do question-sometimes-the credibility of his subjective impressions and his ability to review components in a manner that will appeal to and be meaningful to a broader audience than he/thy/himself. 

This is not an expensive speaker so there has to be some compromises on parts quality.  But, I heard the speaker and it sounds quite good to me and I think it is quite nice looking to boot. Unless one has heard it and seen it, I don’t see how one can be very critical.

fsonicsmith:   The stereophile review isn't online yet.  How did they measure?


First, to answer your question Friend, it measured very well. Extremely well. 

I don't normally even read the measurements section as to loudspeakers so I had to go back and read it to answer your question. What most impresses ME is that the rated sensitivity, low-end frequency response and impedance were spot-on as was mirror imaging (driver matching) between the loudspeakers. Cabinet resonance was very well controlled which means nothing to me. The measured FR was ever so slightly tipped up but JA did not find then to be bright in his [weird] room. For some reason JA did not seem to measure dispersion characteristics or even discuss them to any degree in his listening impressions. Overall, assuming that they were not cherry-picked samples this indicates very fine QC and his listening impressions certainly indicated very high value-they played loud without break-up or strain. I say this without a scintilla of personal buying interest. Would never happen. 

Thanks very much fsonicsmith!

Ultimately I buy on what I hear, but I do find it interesting to see how a speaker measures.  It's interesting to find some correlation between what I hear (or a reviewer hears) and the measurements.


I've been reading through this thread and other online sources. It seems that the appropriate height stands for these are 20" based on what Music Direct suggests and the Sourcepoint manual which indicates the center of the speaker should be 33" off the floor and with the height of the speaker at ~22", (that stand height or maybe a tad higher) seems to make sense.

But in the review @nonoise posted, those two gentlemen suggest a speaker height of 28"?!?!  Anyone have experience or more insight?

@jcoehler , That got my attention as well as 28" is quite high for a speaker of that size to rest at. My ears reside around 37". A halfway point of 11.25" from the base is where the center of the tweeter is so, theoretically I'd need a stand around the 25-26" height.

If the off axis reach of the tweeter is good, I would think 22-24" would suffice and maybe even 20", if you slouch a bit.

All the best,


I read the Stereophile Source Point 10 review (couldn't help myself, grabbed a subscription).

Yup, they measured quite well.  Both the measurements and JA's impressions seemed to align with what I felt I heard - Full, weighty bass, generally smooth response, with a bit of a rising high end just enough to give a bit of a peak or sparkle, but not in to the B&W or Klipsch territory.   Imaging was precise, off axis very even up to 10K, and they could play very loud and clean too.



Just got off the phone with Music Direct and they had the pleasure of Andrew Jones demonstrating the Source Point 10 for their employees and that he was one of the most wonderful people they ever met. The rep I spoke with was in the same boat as I: he has Wharfedale Litton speakers stands (loves them as much as I do) and thought they could work but AJ said that despite the excellent off axis response, they'd still be too low at 17" in height. 

Turns out that 20" is what Mofi is going with and AJ said that is fine for the speakers.

All the best,

Thanks for the update @nonoise 

Looking forward to more insight from actual owners on their experience. 

If anyone is in Chicagoland, Abt in Glenview has them on display in their showroom.

I’ve never seen any speaker get the immediate drooling support and hype like this speaker. Andrew Jones is maybe the only speaker design superstar. Regarding China, that boat has sailed as an amazing amount of high end audio stuff is made there, and I doubt that’s going to stop anytime soon (although if China invades Taiwan things could get weird fast). Chinese made PS Audio Aspen for $28,499 anybody? Is that speaker harder to manufacture than a car? My Heresy IIIs listed for 3 grand some years ago (Capitol Records those for 1500 bucks as an "open box" item) ands the IVs are close to that now, and they’re NOT made in China...nor is Schiit stuff (wall warts only it seems). So, good factory supervision is required in China, Arkansas, California, and Texas.

I think it's more about the quality control of the product rather than the fact it's made in China. I own a Holo Audio May and Serene KTE and the build quality and quality of parts is amazing. Smart companies having products made in China supervise and oversee the entire process to make sure the products are being manufactured correctly to their standards.

Interesting the folks at Stereophile have a picture of these speakers on their side?? From a listening test. Height critical I guess. 

The review had the speaker on its side as it fit the available stands better and aimed the tweeter up slightly. With a coincident driver this won't matter (unless it's a tower speaker and gets weird from there).  I liked Jones' comment about larger woofer not moving much, which is also one of the reasons horn speakers work so well...none of the drivers works very hard as the horns make 'em efficient.

I would hope that at $3700 these don't sound bad. In fact, I hope they do sound great as per the desciption of those who have heard them and Stereophile Magazine. But all things being equal, would you rather spend $3700 on these or on a set of Arendal 1723 THX tower speakers?  I know much would depend on your room size, your amp, your whole system, etc., and I know $3700 is "midrange price" for many of you. Still, for those wanting to get the biggest value for their money, I wonder. Plus you'll be popping what, another $500 for stands for the MoFi? 

I have great respect for John Atkinson. However, my takeaway from the review is that the speakers will sound bright in most rooms. [Though Atkinson's conclusions say otherwise, reading between the lines of the reviews somewhat contradicts the conclusions]. Also, while I trust John Atkinson's objective measurements, I often find his subjective reviews to be less satisfactory. The picture of his "listening room" in the latest Stereophile perhaps partly indicates why.

If you buy the stands and speakers as a package, I believe they get discounted to around $299.

Also, there's a thread over at ASR (I know, I know) from two members who're trying out a pair and they have a very positive take on them. Learning of the measurements later only confirmed their findings. They seem to be very finicky with placement.

All the best,

@nonoise ,  I'm tempted too and I have no reason to be buying any more loudspeakers!

Like others, I've met AJ a few times at Axpona.  He's such a sweetheart of a person, charming and passionate.  He's definitely got the golden touch.  

I couldn't care any less how these things measure.  I bet they sound superb. What a great time to be in this hobby.  Could we get this value 20 years ago? 

@jbhiller , I couldn't agree more with your take on this. The one time I met AJ he was gracious with his time and great to talk to. 

As for measurements, I'm of the same mind with you. As for what we could get 20 years ago, I feel it's no contest due to new tech, modeling and computer analysis that gives designers a leg up on what is possible. This truly is a great time to be in this hobby. 

All the best,




I'm tempted too and I have no reason to be buying any more loudspeakers!

Ha ha!  Same here.  Sort of.

I have enjoyed some of the new vogue for old school wider baffle/bigger driver speakers (as my Devore thread attests to).  So these speakers got my interest.

And of course all the hype combined with the price.  I need another speaker like a hole in the head, but ya-never-know so I gave them a listen.

But I admit I had pretty much ruled them out the moment I saw them.  Aesthetically they just wouldn't work in my room (which has some unusual demands for placement).  It's still possible if I was totally blown away I may have bought a pair to throw in the system once in a while.  I'll be hearing them again at some point out of curiosity.

Hey @ prof, I do get the aesthetic thing. I personally like them but they are a tougher sell for a non-dedicated listening space. I'm off to check out your Devore thread. 

Read the review in Stereophile, I’m not that impressed by the review.  Seems to be targeted to the lower end of the market. It’s has a lot of limitations as you’d expect at that price point but still would be interesting to hear. My impressions.

Panzr- and Kloss did all his great work w/ a microphone, oscilloscope & his eyes & eyes. No computers, no real high tech materials, no exotic cabinetry. For folks who never heard heard a properly set up stacked pair, grill cloths removed, w/ a good, powerful amp & good source, you would be surprised just how good they could sound. That was maybe $500 for 4 Advents in 1974 ( walnut cabs) so today maybe $4K? Other than a more extended, open high end, they would compete w/ & beat many offerings today & easily in the bass. 

Panzr- and Kloss did all his great work w/ a microphone, oscilloscope & his eyes & eyes. No computers, no real high tech materials, no exotic cabinetry. For folks who never heard heard a properly set up stacked pair, grill cloths removed, w/ a good, powerful amp & good source, you would be surprised just how good they could sound. That was maybe $500 for 4 Advents in 1974 ( walnut cabs) so today maybe $4K? Other than a more extended, open high end, they would compete w/ & beat many offerings today & easily in the bass. 

This topic has been covered many times. I owned stacked Advents back in '78-81 and they were driven by HK Citation amps. It is true that they were "a thing" and could put out a lot of tight low-end grunt and a wall of sound. IME, they were not up the SQ of better modern day loudspeakers. I just got done with a workout in my basement (riding to Zwift on a bike trainer) and my basement system I use when riding down there is a Classe CDP.5 into a a Schitt Freya pre into a McCormack DNA.5 Rev A and one pair of those same Large Advents that I had restored ten years ago (new crossovers, surrounds, internal wiring from John Van L of Van L Speakerworks, Chicago). I know the sound of Large Advents quite well. 

For $4K with stands, they seem by almost all accounts a LOT of speaker. Not for everyone obviously, but for a lot of folks most likely yes. That's the point of this and any other business, appealing to the most folks possible.

@fsonicsmith @fsonicsmith1 Off topic, but just noticed similarity of familiar name and wondering if you are you the same or two different people.


2,623 posts


@fsonicsmith @fsonicsmith1 Off topic, but just noticed similarity of familiar name and wondering if you are you the same or two different people.

Same. Somehow my account under Fsonicsmith started showing up as "canceled" when I would try to sign in. I could post but could not read private messages I was being sent from time to time or respond to them. So I was forced to open a slightly different account in order to restore my ability to respond to private messages and to avoid getting a red banner during log-in that I was attempting to sign in to a canceled account. I am fairly certain this happened because out of anger after having a thread I had started getting deleted by the mods I canceled my account. I had no idea it would mean that I would not be able to re-register under the same name. But I can not re-register under the same name. 

I am interested in these speakers and wondering if anyone new has received a pair and can give their impressions?   I may be just missing it, but seems the initial hype has subsided very quickly.

@fsonicsmith @fsonicsmith1  Sorry to hear about your situation, hope you can get it sorted out.

I don’t think anyone from Audiogon members have purchased these. I may be wrong. Plenty of reviews online though

IMHO, it's popularity comes from the concentric 12" driver. I have Emerald Physics 3.4s, floorstanders, OPEN BAFFLE, OUTBOARD XOs, 12" CONCENTRIC DRIVER WITH 1" POLYESTER TWEETER. Sadly, they are no longer in production, BUT, they come up FS occasionally at a fraction of the MSRP of these. The 2+ series additionally has 15" woofer/s