Member Almarg passed away last night

Al ( @almarg ) passed away peacefully yesterday evening, September 14th, 2020.

Margaret, Al's wife, was by his side most of the afternoon.

Both she and Al, as well as Al's family, were deeply touched by the outpouring of respect and appreciation for Al from members who, via written word, shared so very much in the 'Update on Audiogon Member Almarg' thread.

 Margaret extends her thanks, gratitude and appreciation to all members. She treasures each and every post.
My deepest condolences to his wife, Margaret, the rest of his family, and his friends. I never had the pleasure of interacting directly with Al but was an avid follower of his posts on A’gon and benefited many times from his generosity in sharing his considerable depth and breadth of knowledge. He was a genuine class act. His passing is very sad, and a real loss to our community. Thank you, David, for sharing the news.
Sorry to hear this sad news. Al helped me several times and he always was available and extremely knowledgeable.

Now Al, don't start measuring the stars for distortion. LOL!

So sorry to read the news of his passing. Never had direct contact with Al, just read with interest his responses to others inquiries, when he would respond, I would imagine in my mind, the old E.F.Hutton commercials and people cupping their hand to their ears to make sure we got it all. RIP
Margaret and family, I am so very sorry for your loss.
All of us on Audiogon are better for having known him.
This is such sad news my condolences to Margaret and thanks to David for his work keeping Margaret and the community connected. Al was a legend here the man everyone turned to for technical advice. He delivered said advice with grace and aplomb. When threads grew contentious he was a voice of reason, sanity, and most of all logic.

I am sure as great as Al was to all of us here he was even more amazing to Margaret family and friends. He will be sorely missed here his passing is a void we can't begin to fill. RIP Al and enjoy fixing the stereo when it goes awry wherever you are now.
That is sad news indeed! My condolences to Al's family, It is an incredible loss for all of us here, I can only imagine how bad it is for you. May he Rest in Peace and thank you for allowing him to be a part of us for so many years.
On this forum, Al was a mensch. My condolences to Al's wife and family. May his memory be for a blessing.

My condolences to his family and friends.  Al, I'm sure music is even better on the next level.  Enjoy!
Al shared so much, with so many, in such a humble manner. So intelligent and knowledgeable, yet so kind. Al will be sorely missed.

Margaret, our thoughts are with you and your family. 
This is a devastating loss to the audiogon community. Al was the Gold Standard when it came to knowledge and respectful communication. He is irreplaceable. There never was and there never will be another Al!RIP -- we should all aspire to be like him.
My sincere condolences to Margaret and all of Al's family, friends and acquaintances. His kindness and generosity will be sorely missed here.

I recall when Al and I had a difference of opinion over fuses and their efficacy and the best part of it all was just that, a difference of opinion. 
No need or occasion to be rude, vulgar or out of line. Al would take pains to explain how I couldn't be hearing what I was hearing and was always the gentleman. We could all learn something from his example, especially me. Life is too short to not enjoy it as we should.

All the best,
My deepest and most sincere condolences, to Margaret, family, friends, and the entire audio community, for this loss. Al, enlighten those, in the heavens, as you have enlightened us, here, with your knowledge, kindness, camaraderie, humanity, time, your heart, and, so much more. You will be so very missed, and this Forum, will never be the same, without you. Will think of you, always, and, I will see you, again. And David, much appreciate it, thank you. Always, MrD.
To Al's family....Don’t let go of your precious memories. They’ll get you through this difficult time.
Yes Al was a class act.

We didn't share many exchanges online but the ones we did were all good.

It was touching that we shared some musical tastes too such as some of those lush 1960s recordings as well as the love of audio.
Mercy, Mrs. Margaret, To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.  Mr. Al has made his journey.

Rest for a bit Mr Al, eternity, waits for no one. PEACE and ALL the grace your family needs, in these times. 

I will remember you. Thanks, Mr Al.
Be well Mrs. Margaret.
OP thanks, it's tough with friends like like these..
It's a great blessing, in just knowing some folks...Ay?

Whenever I saw his name on a post, I always read it. His response pertained to the subject, always good, excellent information, polite and friendly.
I am so sorry to hear of Al’s passing.  I am sure he is smiling down upon us all with his infinite wisdom of electronics.  Rest In Peace my friend and my deepest condolences to Margaret. 
Post removed 
Thanks Al for showing us how it should be done.  Godspeed good Sir.

My sincere condolences to his family and extended family via Audiogon as well. 


David - thank you for your efforts in honoring Al and keeping us informed- so appreciate that in a time of loss for you as well.

David - thank you for your efforts in honoring Al and keeping us informed- so appreciate that in a time of loss for you as well.
my deepest condolences to the family - Godspeed Al !

His contributions here were vast and valued. His way gentle yet firm and always with a heaping portion of helpful. I am revisiting some exchanges I had with him David - here is a pearl of a note from Al:



Conversation with almarg

I appreciate your inputs and contributions

always enjoy your posts, contributions. 

Especially of late with the Roger M thread. 

Not many people measure SPL, etc... 

I also have the two DD discs you mention and they might not be the last word in performance, they sure are for dynamic range !!!! and the point you made about using that range to also judge the noise floor is so important also 




Thanks, Jim. I appreciate the nice words, and I enjoy your posts as well.

Over the years I've often been surprised at how discussions of how much power is required ignore the question of dynamic range, with the participants simply saying something like "I usually listen at around 75 or 80 db," or some such numbers that apparently refer to the average volume of the music. While depending on the dynamic range of the particular recording brief peaks can require anywhere from several times the amount of power required to support the listener's preferred average volume to thousands of times that amount of power.

Thanks again. Best regards,

-- Al 


My sincerest condolences to Margaret and family.

Al was the nicest, most polite individual here and will never be forgotten for that and his vast knowledge base. R.I.P.

I'll always remember his famous disclosures on every thread:
Best regards,

Gone but not forgotten. His contributions to the hobby he loved and the help he provided will live on here. Condolences to his family. 
As we extend our condolences... perhaps we can also commemorate, salute, and celebrate the man Al was...

If you have stories, memories, anecdotes, etc. to share...I’m sure the Audiogon community will enjoy reading and be touched by the connections to... and remembrances of Al.

Margaret has compiled the responses from the other thread and shared those with Al’s family members. I know she would love to hear more!

"Your messages throughout this process have truly kept me on a clear path to knowing Al even better than I had. I can’t thank you enough..." - Margaret.
Such a fine man, he truly will be missed here.  My condolences to Margaret.  
RIP Al and prayers to Margaret and his family.  His shared knowledge and goodwill will live on here forever.
Goodbye treasured friend.  Thanks for teaching me so much.  Prayers and condolences just don't seem enough.

R.I.P. were one of the good ones!!!
I am fairly new here, so did not know Al as some of you, but do remember a few of his posts. 

David, if you are sharing these replies with Al's wife and family, my condolences to each and every one of them, and also to those here who new him well within the community.



I’m so sorry to hear of Al’s passing. My prayers go out to you and your family at this time.  

Al was such an important member of our Audiogon family. His knowledge, helpfulness and character has always been a beacon to us all. Not just in audio matters, but Al was also an example of how to interact with people in a respectful and courteous manner.

Al was our MVP.


All who knew him will feel the great  loss but Al surely will not be forgotten.  
What made almarg great on Audiogon was his humility and willingness to help others. Never engaged in rude and senseless banter something all posters should adhere to.

My sincere condolences to Margaret. Rest In Peace Al...I echo uberwaltz sentiment.....gone but never forgotten!

Thanks David for keeping us posted.
I am very saddened about this news. Al will be surely missed by me and all that frequent this site. May he rest in peace!!
Thank you very much David for these posts on Al, they must have been very hard to perform.
My condolences to Margaret and other family members.
Sad indeed but I hope Al has gone to a peaceful place now and is free of pain and suffering.

RIP Al, gone but never forgotten!
Rest in peace Al. Thank You for all your guidance and help over the years. Sincere condolences to Margaret and family members. What a HUGE loss for all of us :-(
Thank You @david_ten for keeping us posted.
Thank you so much for your role as the conduit between Alford and Margaret and the Audiogon community. This is simply sad news and I’ll miss Al greatly. My sincerest sympathy to Margaret  the entire  family.