
Discussions michaela has started

Any Talon Khite owners out there45588
Need Tonearm help for a Thorens TD124 Mark II751419
I'm wondering if I can fit this in my house352119
Parasound Halo Integrated. 895822
Vintage Marantz Repairs28744
Rel S/5 or JL Audio F11249485
New Rel subs29330
Thorens TD124 - Need help starting from scratch31152
Tube Rolling in a Mac 2102/220031665
B&W N802 owners - system matching help needed30342
Speaker suggestions to go with MAC gear please41819
Help w/ tuner in Classik , CRCD vs. FT101A please29815
Help with an ARC LS5 MK III163576
Help selecting a preamp/processor please.51026
SF Owners - worthwhile to upgrade a Line 1 to SE?29214