Member Almarg passed away last night

Al ( @almarg ) passed away peacefully yesterday evening, September 14th, 2020.

Margaret, Al's wife, was by his side most of the afternoon.

Both she and Al, as well as Al's family, were deeply touched by the outpouring of respect and appreciation for Al from members who, via written word, shared so very much in the 'Update on Audiogon Member Almarg' thread.

 Margaret extends her thanks, gratitude and appreciation to all members. She treasures each and every post.

Showing 1 response by nonoise

My sincere condolences to Margaret and all of Al's family, friends and acquaintances. His kindness and generosity will be sorely missed here.

I recall when Al and I had a difference of opinion over fuses and their efficacy and the best part of it all was just that, a difference of opinion. 
No need or occasion to be rude, vulgar or out of line. Al would take pains to explain how I couldn't be hearing what I was hearing and was always the gentleman. We could all learn something from his example, especially me. Life is too short to not enjoy it as we should.

All the best,