Do You Tell Others How Much You Have Invested in Your System?

Putting security and personal safety issues aside, do you share with others how much you have invested in your system?

I can see cases when we share with those who are generally interested what the "tariff" is for superb audio reproduction. Or, those who are already know how tall you have to be to ride the ride.

Can you think of any other reasons (accountants, lawyers, insurance, etc)? Afterall, when your spouses second cousin pulls in the driveway in their Minivan, bragging about fact that you have $10k invested in cables may not be the best way show common interests?

What say you?


I try not to tell even myself what I’ve actually spent.

I just know I’m not eating out for at least another year, and you can dress up instant ramen really nice with a few spices, some scallions and a beaten egg.

If anyone asks, I will tell them. Usually it's about a specific component or accessory. They rarely do.

I keep it on a spreadsheet so I remember what I paid (and the current list price) in case I didn't get a receipt. and so I know it if I end up selling it or trading it in. I don't keep track of stuff I've gotten rid of and how that "investment" performed. It holds its value better than clothes or furniture, unlike records which sometimes go up, so in my mind it almost justifies it. I don't keep what I paid for the records on a spreadsheet though I have a pretty good idea. All in all, it is WAY less than what people waste on golf, and time more enjoyably spent.

I always preface "I didn’t pay retail" when asked, but then I tell them what my system typically retails for.

And close with... "Don’t tell my wife".

Now if my wife asks, I tell her "less then your personal trainer", but only referring to my headphone amp.

I don't mind sharing that information, depending on who's asking.

I read once that you're considered an audiophile when your system costs more than your car, so when I bought my recent car (which city a little more than my system) I had to upgrade my system :-)

If anyone comments about it being a "waste of money," I really don't give a damn. It's my passion. 

Ronboco, I have been “auditioning” recliners for the past week and am about to pull the trigger on an awesome chair for the man cave .  They ain’t cheap , but I spend so much time in that room the purchase is totally justified 

I got divorced in 2020.... went on a total audio bender. I replaced everything,  had to start with a clean slate.   That gear reminded me of where I USED to live.   Was it irresponsible? Probably.....but I have few bills, no debt , kids are grown,, so I said screw it.

I enjoy the hell out of this system every night .


A neighbour once asked for advice re buying a hifi. He literally hyper ventilated over all three (perhaps 4) of my then systems he listened to. We went to several stores, I was well known at each of them. He listened very intently. He then choose the cheapest item at each store. The amp sounded bright, thin and tinny. The speakers were worse, the CD player was actually a DVD player although the system was for music only, but is was $50. All the items purchased were old stock, discontinued or damaged. The three together were a disaster. He was convinced it sounded as good as anything else he had heard. To my knowledge he still has it but shows no further interest in playing it or listening to anything else. To most people (99% of the population) saying you spent $500 on a pair of speakers would convince them you are crazy.

I've pondered the question of if I should or shouldn't tell the cost. I wouldn't tell a person I'd just recently met. But, with people I know rather well, I will tell , once. I find that's the only way that'll help them understand how important my system and music are to me. The reason I had to think about if I wanted to share is because I didn't want to seem conceited or that I was a money man, a big spender on everything.

I hear you, @7452jf  , in a previous life I spent many years hammering rivets and trimming jet engines without adequate hearing protection.  The aviation business was very good to me (except not so much for my hearing). 

@waytoomuchstuff between a few years in the army working on helicopters and drag racing, I'm surprised I can hear the details I do in music.  My wife says not so much in other situations!  Fun post!

Do You Tell Others How Much You Have Invested in Your System?

usually no, as it is not important, to me or to them - but if they are system building, have a constructive need to know i will share it

If they ask, and I know them well, I will tell them what it's insured for.....usually followed up by what I paid for everything.

I don't tend to invite strangers in off the street to listen to my gear, so I doubt it's a problem. Plus, like I indicated, it's insured.

Naw.  I just make large posters and write the price in BIG RED NUMBERS on them and hang them from each component.

You know, subtle...


I tell them I sold my boat to buy a stereo system.  The rest is up to their imagination.

I was asked once long time ago about the price of my Martin Logan quest when I have them? The visitor said they are unique and beautiful, then he ask the price? I said 4K, He told me Iam crazy, Since then I never invite civilians in my house. And never talk about my audio expenses to anyone.

@allenf1963, lol. Although, stipulation (consisting of part-time employment and vacations) comes to mind. I’m driving dat damn thang solo! Abandoned my stereo... nah never, for it now sits in someones (hopefully) rent-free room :-)

As for "tell others how much," certainly on occasion ... with my age, give or take.

No one on earth knows how much I have invested lol in this hobby and my systems. Inc me.

The question I get by the uninitiated is "How loud will this play?"  Loud enough is my reply, but that is not the point.

I have been asked the cost and I simply say I'm not sure.  There's one other annoying thing people do which is pick a track and then listen to 30 seconds of it and proceed to tell me (over the music) all about it.  That's my clue to turn it down to a whisper and then off.  Jeez...STFU already.




@northman   Very funny!

Geez I would be delighted if anybody even knew about my hobby.  Let alone ask any questions about it!  🤣

I may mention retail prices on certain components, and then mention I purchased it used, not exact price given. I then go into how I built up system over years selling off the old in order to purchase the replacement.


When I think about the resources I've expended in this pursuit it offends my usually frugal nature. I feel like I'm apologizing more than bragging when I mention prices/value of my system. To think of all the billions who live a subsistence existence, I feel so privileged!


Wife: "Honey, we can afford it; next question."

Casual friend/relative: "Can't find this stuff at best buy"

True interested party, looking to build their own: "I break it down by priority and retail vs used options."

Many years ago, after what must have been an effective demo, a customer said "yes" to purchasing at $1,500 pair of speakers. At the sales counter, he said: "You know these are going to cost me $3,000." After a puzzled look from me, he followed with: "After I buy somehting I want, my wife spends the same among of money on something she wants."


Like Mike my system is also located in a different house from the main house. Best thing I ever done. The only people seeing it are people I choose to show it to. My wife doesn't even have a key. Last time she saw it was over a year ago. Bottom line it's my business. I take care of her, and she lets me take care of myself without asking questions. And if it's not my wife's business, it's obviously no one else's :)

I haven't admitted to myself how much I have spent, so certainly not my wife or the neighbors.  Did I mention that we (wife and I) are going to Capital Audiofest this weekend?  Come to think of it she most likely has a better idea of the total cost than me.  When she brings yet another pair of new shoes home I just smile, bite my tong.  

If you break it down to cost per note, the true cost of our systems is really quite reasonable.

Almost never.

Have a friend who’s home was broken into shortly after he had some work done. The hit his only bathroom, certain drawers in their bedroom and his entire rig!  What really sucked is that they couldn’t prove who dun it.

Look at what thousands of more people are buying, hi end watches. They spend multiple thousands on these watches and I’m not talking Omega where even they can cost 10-30k. Does the average Joe know when they see one of these watches the price or would they say "how much did you pay for that watch"? I think not. Most people just don't care.

For audiophiles who have the same hobby, I'll tell them what it costs as they may be interested in buying that item for their system.  For others, I'll tell them to google it, don't want to shock them.....

If they ask….and about cables, I might tell them what one costs, otherwise most people can’t wrap their heads round what these systems costs. Neither can I sometimes😀

I tell people if they ask. I think most people are curious how much your stuff cost. Happy listening ! 

As with many of us, my family and friends have no idea what my stuff costs, except my brother who thinks I'm nuts.   Although he will be the first to say it sounds great .... and he is often the recipient of nice audio hand me downs 

 I really don't want them to know, and if anyone asks I am evasive and change topic.   It's nobody's biz....

I think if you have any common sense you can look at some of this gear and know it's not cheap.   My buddy has a pair of downhill mountain bikes that cost $7500 and $8500,  so it's all relative...

Funny thing that happened when trucking company delivered my speakers. They should have per instructions sent a small liftgate truck as we live on a very windy narrow dead end street. Driver had to park 100 yards away up a hill. He asked what was in the pallet..i replied X brand stereo speakers…he said how much ? i said think of them as a new Z06 Corvette …. he looked at me like i was nuts…but surfed them down the hill safely with the pallet jack brake…. Dude liked a challenge… and Corvettes…ha.

The rare friends who are audio geeks already know what things cost, and those that aren't don't care. 

I forgot get to tell you what my system is composed of. Here we go:

Amp (Mono Blocks), preamp, Phono Stage, CD player, Room Correction System, and Power Conditioner are all McIntosh.

Subwoofers are Rel Carbon Special.

Speakers are Wilson Audio Alexia.

Turn tables are Denon DP59L and VPI HW40.

Tape Decks are Studer A810, Revox B77, PR99 (MKI, MKII, and MKIII),  Otari MX5050B-2,  Tascam BR20, and Pioneer RT909.

Cassette Pleyer is Teac W-990RX.

Power cords are Audio Art Cables.

Interconnects: I have tried several high-end cables and still have a few. But I settled with my own. I built my own interconnects, both XLR and RCA. And i must say that I am very pleased with my DIY built interconnect cables. 
