Responses from barts
And the biggest influence on sound quality is... +1 @knotscott I took your question to mean building a system, so I would answer absolutely the speakers and the speakers........ With the room a close second. Regards, barts | |
Does anyone experience sound improvement from restarting power off and on of DAC? +1 @audioman58 My BDA-3 dac and Roon Titan have been on since coming out of their boxes. They were powered off once for ~2 days due to a powerful storm and subsequent power outage. Noticeable difference in SQ upon power up. As stated above th... | |
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume? +1 on the premise that every piece of music has an appropriate (optimum) presentation level. Many responses are in the 80-90 or 70-80 ranges, so many of us play at the level that the song demands. I wouldn't want to listen to James Taylor at 95d... | |
Upcoming Trip @bcool57 If you really just want to have a virtually silent flight use some 3M "yellow squishes with NC headphones. I do that to protect my hearing during shooting...called "double muffing". Works great with my wife's Bose NC 'phones when I'm f... | |
How long should high quality speakers last? My Hartleys are 45 years old, sound great. I ripped the x-overs out and use a Marchand electronic x-over (and four Pass lab amps). They have butyl surrounds as well. They'll outlive me...big enough to bury me in one of them. Regards, barts | |
Talk me out of buying Monoblocks and into a stereo amp instead Monoblocs all the way baby. @tomic601 You are right about the vette/porsche analogy. | |
Mixing XLR and RCA outputs when biamping? Using a Y will necessitate that you bi-wire (which for most systems is a waste of time and money in my opinion). Considering that the amps are just refurbished I personally think your best bet is to bridge both of them. Gives you plenty of headr... | |
Is there an 'Audiophile' Reel-to-Reel Machine for Under $1,000? @vinylfun If your really want to spend $1000 on a R2R then that's what you should do to listen to your dad's tapes. I say great idea, worth a grand to me. It is a completely different game if you're looking for a "satisfactory hi-end" machine. ... | |
Has it all been worth it? Well worth the journey and as they say with motorcycles "$2 of gas is worth $2k in therapy". Been playing this game since I got my first crystal radio (shaped like a cartoon rocket 4" tall). It was tuned by moving the nosecone antenna in and o... | |
Bose 901 Review Well Done. Backwards Listening "A number of Bose enthusiasts enjoy listening to 901s “in reverse,” allowing the eight drivers mounted on the rear of the cabinet to face the listening position. My spirit of investigation encouraged this tact, but it was not ... | |
Movie/film suggestions. Surprised no one suggested 2001 A Space Odyssey Great movie, great sound track, no CGI, everything you see is real. | |
What does your Virtual System page say about you? This question reminds me of those personality tests you may have taken as a young adult to figure out what type of job might fit you well. Q. Would you rather read a book or go to the movies? A. What friggin' book...what friggin' movie? Regar... | |
Bryston? I have a Bryston BDA-3 DAC that I think is excellent. Had their streamer DAC, BDA-3.14 which has a raspberry pi card in it. That piece stopped streaming for whatever reason and in subsequent phone calls to Bryston they offered a brand new BDA-3.... | |
Is it easier to sell mono blocks or stereo amp on the used market? Life's too short to worry about resale. Go listen to some mono blocks and let us know. If you really concerned enough to ask the question then they might not be for you (or maybe you're just a curious fellow). But I would hate to be thinking ab... | |
Audiophiles and De-cluttering -- your journey toward both psychic and sonic improvement I don't have "clutter" as in I'm not tripping over equipment. My music room is clutter free. My closets are another story... Wish I hadn't read this post. Regards, barts |