A speaker that looks like a driver or a driver that looks like a speaker?

I want to present to you judgement NoLimits speakers. Waiting for your comments.

Isn't commercial advertising prohibited in the forums.@ OP  If you ask for opinions you have to be ready to accept some negative ones.
I want to present to you judgement NoLimits speakers. Waiting for your comments.

Are you the manufacturer or dealer?

I would certainly never buy those speakers.
However, if you are marketing them for female audiophiles, you may open new doors.
Looks like something that you would pick up at a tacky souvenir shop.  Not for me.
That's a big speaker! Excellent quality parts, with that front, diffraction should be at a minimum. As long as you guys know how to build a crossover properly, it should sound at minimum, very good.
But this is huge, personally, just from aesthetics it isn't for me and my wife wouldn't have it... tough sell I'm afraid.  I can see some really liking its unique character. Of course, if you charge enough, you don't need to sell many.
Did anyone look at the other models?
They are 'different'. I wonder what style room they were thinking they would look good in. Hopefully, they sound nice.
DT will want a pair for his golden palace, the speaker being so shiny and all.
Yeah but it will have to be in gold, that's his preferred color.  Personally, I find the speakers ugly as hell and they would never go in my living room no matter how good they sounded.
Three speakers mimicking the look of one. Not for me but maybe for an art show.

UGLY and require some kind of stands.  Back of the woofer's membrane is open and unprotected  (cats love to play with such things).
Well, given their 4 foot diameter and their weight of more than 400 pounds per speaker they'll certainly make a statement in whatever room they may be placed.  Personally I think they look kind of cool.  I showed them to my wife, though, who is an artist among other things, and in addition to commenting that in her opinion they are ugly she added that they're vaguely reminiscent of certain scenes inside the spaceship in  "The Day The Earth Stood Still."  She concluded her comments with the words "Klaatu Barada Nikto." :-)

In any event, best of luck with them.  Regards,
-- Al
I’m confused. "About Product" describes woofers as 280mm, far less than 4 feet. Midrange is described as 124mm but they appear to be 1/4 of the woofer diameter. 
I think they are very interesting looking! But really decorator pieces. That is, you'd really have to consider the looks and aesthetics first, the sound second.

I could see them in an ad agency screening room or some such.


Kijanki, under the "Technical Characteristics" link it indicates overall dimensions of 1200 x 1200 x 700 mm. The 11 inch woofer appears to be the lower of the three small circles near the front center of the speaker. And if you point to the double down arrow to the right of that driver that seems to be confirmed by the text that will appear.

Note also that the weight is indicated as being 380 kg/pair, which is certainly suggestive of its size being far larger than the woofer diameter.

Best regards,
-- Al

Thank you Al. So this huge magnet and membrane on the back is for this 11" opening?
Also, max power rated for this speaker is only 150W.
Kijanki, I’m thinking that what looks like the "spider" of a speaker driver at the front of the large assembly at the rear may signify that there is a large passive radiator somewhere. Perhaps the very large dome shaped surface behind the front surface and the three drivers is a passive radiator. It’s hard to tell, though. Also, the crossover network is presumably within that rear assembly.

Tony (Tls49), LOL! Thanks.

Best regards,
-- Al

Volya, you asked for comments  then called me rude when I expressed my opinion.What's up with that? Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks the speakers are ugly.Are they all rude, too?  
Not only, that this product is plain UGLY, but two other products from this company (Bouquet and Firebird) are much worse. I wouldn’t put any of them in my living room - even if they cost $0.

I also believe that commercial advertising on this forum is forbidden.  This is the first Volya post on this forum, and judging by his name - same as the name of the company - sad attempt to advertise product for free.  
Guys, its not the commercial ad at all! Any opinion is important. If I wanted to advertise the brand I would address some audio magazines. I think if our speakers drew your attention it's still great! Extraodinary design will always be some sort of stumbling block. Regarding their sounding, believe me, it's really great. We really tried to do our best and create something absolutely new!
Be real - even your last post sounds like advertising. In addition you called tpreaves comment "rude", when he expressed his opinion.

I only hope it was your last post here.
Haven't even tried to do this!!! What's wrong with me trying to defend speakers which are ugly for you but great for us? 

What's wrong with me trying to defend speakers which are ugly for you but great for us?

Are they "great for you" because you have some sort of financial interest involved?
Full disclosure please.
The speakers look unusual, but I kind of like that.  The problem, with it being acceptable in most rooms is the lateral size.  Four feet wide is about two feet wider than the largest size most people would want in a room. 
OP said he was "presenting" to us NoLimits speakers, followed by the link to his website. That’s advertising. He doesn’t need our opinion to modify anything since it is final product. If he cannot see how improper it is, then perhaps administrator can do something about it.
What is the point of the design acoustically? Or is it just to look different? 
I have read, but don’t remember why, that circular baffles are among the worst types of designs.

However, having a very wide baffle is often a very good and under-appreciated thing. With a good crossover and high quality components this could sound very good indeed, with especially good imaging and ability to transmit the recording venue’s acoustic signature to the listener.

Focal, and Sonus Faber are among brands which take advantage of the wide baffle idea. The former in the Utopia lines and the latter in the Stradivari.  The Arni Nudell designed speakers such as the IRS also use this wide-baffle idea to very good effect.


Hi Erik,
    You are right on with the wide baffles and circle baffles... In this case, the front baffle is sooo wide, I don't think that it would matter, but it would effect baffle step compensation in the crossover. BSC can be touchy and can transform a speaker when done properly or a speaker can be terrible and this simple fix would take care of it.

Thanks Tim!

Yep. Baffle step issues are frequency domain, as I understand them, and must be dealt with in the crossover or via EQ.

However, the wide baffles really seem to reduce early reflections, adding to transparency, which is usually thought of as a time domain issue and not fixable via the crossover. Of course, any change to the baffle also changes the frequency response, so this is not an absolute separation. I merely mean to point out where I think the biggest benefit of a wide baffle is.


Hi Erik, we're on the same page, I only made the comments because of what you said about circles and wide baffle.  Circles have nothing to stop the sound from traveling around the speaker and require even more compensation. On this very wide front baffle,  very little BSC would be needed. Makes the design easier to get favorable results.
Mmmm....my 2 cents....

Volya, in the interest of 'market research', so far you're getting 'limited appeal' from the 'philes so far.  The design is stark, to be kind;  as a modernist myself if they live up to claimed performance and I liked how they sounded I'd hang them up on the wall.  They appear to be as much 'art piece' as reproducers and could be treated as such.  I certainly find them more appealing than your other offerings...
Also, in the interest of being fair...a lot of 'phile speakers on the market are sporting cabinetry and structures that edge into appearing more as 'sculpture' as opposed to the 'monkey coffins' that still dominate the market.  You'll get my nod on that, they're definitely not boring and better than some I've seen and smirked at....the 'WTF' response has got to be expected when you go off the beaten track. *S*
I wish you luck with the new product....I suspect you'll need a hefty dose of it. ;)
In a related forum, this has gotten some varied comments.  I could see this betwixt your drivers...
...in fact, there's a pic of it between 2, on the wall...

Again, minimalist isn't bad...but it's an acquired taste, not a big market.  Most of us live 'cluttered' lives; I know I do.  But that isn't stopping the spouse and I from wanting and designing a home that to the neighbors will look like a rectangular box with rectangular holes punched into it's walls. *L*  They might show up with pitchforks and torches and be a little agitated, but hey...one can't pick ones' neighbors generally either... ;)

I'll offer a beer and a tour as a peace offering. *G*  Beyond that, live it or live with it. *shrug*
Making a speaker look like a driver is like building a motel that looks like a bed, or a toll booth in the shape of a dollar sign. Design like that is usually abandoned by the age of 9.

Send me a pair. I'll gladly write a review. PM me and I'll give you my address.

I would find it fascinating to review. It's a heavy brute, so it would be problematic getting it downstairs into my listening room; probably a deal breaker for that reason. :(

I do not mind looking at, listening to unusual products. Heaven knows there are enough truly weird speakers at shows, much less seen online. There is no telling what might capture the fancy of an enthusiast. This one, however, is a most ambitious statement piece, albeit not for ultimate performance. 

I do not see any apparent speaker binding posts. They may be located very low and between the arms of the speaker basket, but that's the only� location I see that they would have to be. Moving it would be a real PITA. I wonder how much movement those skinny spikes would take. The presentation of it on the website makes me wonder if the entire affair is not a joke, an in your face farce. But, I don't think most companies would go to the trouble of that much detail for a joke. 

I always wish audio companies well, and I'm sure there are audiophiles who treasure uniqueness as well as sound quality. This is one of the more avant-guarde inspirations I have seen. Kudos to the company for daring a vision so bold. While it is definitely not most people's cup of tea, it's a vibrant expression of individuality. 

I have in my family room a rare speaker, not so much for the price tag or extreme performance (it has no extreme performance), the Kingsound King Guitar Speaker. There are very few speakers like it! I saw it at a show and had to have it, not for performance, but for enjoyment of the design. We have had more people visiting get a kick out of the faux guitar design, and rightly so, as it's just plain fun. 
I can understand there are people who want more enjoyment factor in a whimsical way than hard core performance, just as there are people who crave nostalgia and go for the vintage gear. 

Hearing it, especially as it is a more difficult to drive design, I would not expect audacious performance, but would likely get a big kick out of the visual and auditory experience. Paired with some of those amps that look like lobsters (sorry, forgot the name)  it would be a big hit! :) 

@douglas_schroeder , that is an interesting design. Do you need 2 or is it just one guitar speaker? and, how do you mount it?
Bob, it IS an interesting design! Yes, you use two to form the stereo imaging. When people enter our home they think I'm a guitar enthusiast because they see them mounted on very realistic looking guitar stands! From the front the stands appear to be authentic as well, however they mount with solid hardware at the rear. On the backside is the internal amp for the electrostatic driver in the neck of the guitar. Observant guitar players would notice the relatively immense width of the neck and grow suspicious. 

Where the sounding hole would be located is the black dynamic driver which handles the mid-bass and bass. The entire speaker is so cleverly done that most people are fooled. The electrostatic element is open to the back (i.e. open baffle, or "open neck") so the speaker throws a nice bit of sound toward the kitchen as well, and coming off the wall behind them creates a bit of the panel spacious effect. 

The bass is not exemplary, very limited, but one does not buy these speakers for plunging bass. 

I have an inexpensive NuForce integrated amp driving them with Sonos as source. It's been fun and reasonable sound quality given the performance of the speaker is strongly constrained by the aesthetic. 

A very large, particularly round, baffle surface with a minimal of cabinet surface should work well to reduce reflections and cabinet/room interaction. The same that many fine manufactures accomplish with very minimal baffle and cabinet reflective surfaces (just one reason for my love of electrostats and ribbons). The problem is that not many of us have a 30' wide dedicated listening room. Not to be political, but maybe really would be well suited for DTs golden palace.
I think the look is opening the door to knitted speaker "cozies." Makes me nervous.