Responses from gdnrbob
Power amplifier longevity… thoughts? I trialed the Atmasphere Class D amp at my dealer. We used a number of different amps, but the Atma did well with the Maggies. I believe it was a larger model than the LRS. Bob | |
New speakers for 15*12 room powered by Lamm 1.2s? I think your Thiel’s are one of the better speakers out there, despite their age. And, given your speakers are time/phase aligned, Vandersteen would be my first recommendation. Really, if you are thinking of choosing a different speaker, I belie... | |
Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd. I, too, felt that a cable shouldn't make a significant difference in sound quality... But, I had the chance to demo the (then) new Audioquest cables by Garth Powell. It was clear that they did make a difference, and for the better. It was a simp... | |
Biwiring make any sense? It all depends upon your speaker's design. Usually, those with biwire capabilities have designed their speakers accordingly. My speakers (Vandersteen) have biwire inputs due to Mr. V. hearing the difference between single and biwire. Others may sc... | |
End of a long quest to vanquish sibilance. @stuartk , Some people are sensitive to time and phase inaccuracies. Your mentioning 'sibilance' would be one of characteristics -A subtle harshness in the upper frequencies. B | |
High end bookshelf speakers for Small room Though I doubt anyone will take this seriously, I recommend the Vandersteen VLR's. Simple design, but outstanding performance. Bob | |
End of a long quest to vanquish sibilance. From my experience, I think you are sensitive to Time and Phase coherence. Bob | |
Power cord for Quatro CT I believe AQ Hurricanes sounded best with the Quatro's. PM @ctsooner . B | |
Spades vs. Banana plugs ?? Mr. Vandersteen swears by spades, as they have the best contact. Given his experience and knowledge, I would have to agree. Banana's are more of a friction fit, spades will have contact over a larger area when screwed down tight. Bob | |
Bookshelf speaker recommendations Though a bit above your budget, Vandersteen VLR's would be my recommendation. They hit well above their pricepoint. If you are patient, they come on the used market. B | |
New speakers for a new start? I hate to pile on, but Vandersteen is a speaker I would recommend, especially the newer models-If budget allows. I heard the original 2’s in the ’80’s’ and never forgot how musical they sounded, I, too, had a long gap between listening and being ... | |
Leave it Open or Close it Off: A Listening/ Living Room Dilemma Close off the space. Thank me later Bob | |
AUDIOQUEST BANANA PLUGS Call AQ and tell them your problem. Alasdair usually responds quickly. Bob | |
Discerning a positive or negative change in a system When I make changes to my system, it I can easily discern whether it is positive, negative or meh. I agree with your "how you react to “it” ". To quote Duke Ellington, 'If it sounds good, it is good.'. Bob | |
how many own Belles Virtuoso amp and preamp? and what's your experience? @pryso, I have never had an issue with Belles. They replaced my preamp remote after they discovered a problem with a batch that they got, at no charge. The main reason I chose them is for the sound they make with my Vandy VLR's. I tried the Atma... |