Fixed (Easy!) a Major Design Flaw of the Ohm Walsh Model F | uncleang | 2071 | 9 | |
And Now, For All You Omni Fanatics | livinon2wheels | 4728 | 12 | |
Welcome Back! | tomic601 | 4674 | 18 | |
For Your Edification and Enjoyment re "Burn In", etc. | audition__audio | 5303 | 127 | |
Ohm Walsh F Hope of Resurrection | ahmedhanif21 | 14579 | 128 | |
Has Radicalizing the Rig Led to Revolutionized Listening? | yyzsantabarbara | 1562 | 20 | |
Singular Amplification Experience; Review Now Published | douglas_schroeder | 3382 | 27 | |
Your One Bullet Point Solution; Electrical Upgrade | erik_squires | 4119 | 53 | |
Your One Bullet Point Solution; Electrical Upgrade | douglas_schroeder | 2572 | 31 | |
History Repeating (Certainly an Irony in this thread!) | douglas_schroeder | 1593 | 6 | |
Possible New DAC for Discrete Opamp Rolling | chrisld | 8910 | 11 | |
VanL Speakerworks still in business? | douglas_schroeder | 2987 | 6 | |
How good is your system | glupson | 4730 | 55 | |
I Think We Can All Agree... | jetter | 3294 | 23 | |
Most Recent ROON Upgrade Quite Nice | pattemf132 | 3743 | 11 | |