
Responses from testpilot

Preamp Output Completely Different with Tube Amplifier versus Solid State Amplifier
@mulveling excellent response!  Bang on  
What does your Virtual System page say about you? 
As any good investigator will tell you….follow the money.  In this case, follow the signal.  Source to speakers   
Krell Moves to new location
I have a friend who has had an amplifier at Krell for repair for almost a year now.  He has heard absolutely nothing from Krell, and has had no response(s) to his enquires sent to various people mentioned in the Stereophile article including the K... 
Transformer Hum
DC on the main line can mysteriously appear and disappear.  Glad you figured it out.   
Preamp with separate volume control for each channel?
Aren’t you looking for a preamp with a balance control?  
Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade
I have a good friend who works with German sourced Panzerholz.  Yes, it is very difficult to work with but with modern CNC machines, it mills quite nicely although the “work time” is relatively slow.  I mentioned the Linn $11k plinth to him and he... 
Jeff Rowland, what happened ?
Former Model 5 owner.  IMHO, Rowland jumped the shark when they transitioned to Class D.  Rowland owners always knew that they were paying a premium for the beautiful casework, but paying for a third party class d module wrapped in expensive casew... 
Air Tight 300B Flame Out
Some amplifiers use a sacrificial resistor to protect the amplifier when a tube fails.  In most instances, this is a simple fix although stressful when it happens to your $15k+ amp.   
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
Perhaps it’s not the speakers but the speaker’s placement.  With no wife, pull them out away from the walls.  
Is it easier to sell mono blocks or stereo amp on the used market?
Ask your dealer which is easier to sell.   
The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.
Danny doesn't listen to speakers to form an opinion, he measures therm.  Big difference.  
Linn LP12 turntable
regardless what your deck will come with, the most important parts to have will be the following and this order: - Karousel bearing - At least a lingo PS - Kore sub chassis  That's appox $3,500 worth of upgrades.  See how upgrading a LP12 ca... 
Who positions their speakers straight ahead (zero tow in) and why.
To toe in or not to toe in..that is the question.  Fortunately, the answer can be found with a little experimentation and absolutely no financial cost.  Trust your ears and enjoy your system.   
Linn LP12 turntable
Everyone should own a Linn at one time during their audio journey.    Hopefully @daveyf  will chime in as he knows a lot about the LP12 and the upgrades available.   
cary audio sli 80 signature vs willsenton r800i
I would try and find a used one to scratch the itch before selling the Cary.