I have seen loads of comments on cables and equipment that people have never heard. Why is that? 


@kota1 Here is a shot of a couple of @calvinj systems, blows your stuff away for sure.   https://infigoaudio.com/page/reviews/



This is more fun than watching Napoleon Dynamite


Touché, this is the point that enrages the people that already blew their discretionary income and engages those who have cash reserves.

Did you ever wonder why you almost NEVER see reviews of room treatments and the only way "audiophiles" ever measure their acoustics is with an obscure app called REW that must be studied like learning calculus?

The fact is that room treatments are boring, you don’t plug them in, they can look disgusting on your walls if you don’t cover them with acoustically transparent fabric.

You get the room right and a $500 receiver can sound like a $$$$ amp in the average listening room that has sound waves bouncing off windows, ceilings, dry wall, etc. like its the Titanic.

This is fact, I didn’t invent acoustics. Sadly this is why many people are on an endless journey of upgrades, because it never gets quite right acoustically and no speaker, no DAC, no cable can fix a FR that looks like one of those old TV test patterns.

Here is a video on the topic:

The math on getting decay time right starts at the :40 min mark, the "recipe" of what to do follows right after the math:



Post removed 

@mapman glad you enlightened us.   We’ll get a good pair of headphones and be happy!  Lol. 

Amazing! Everyone with a Google Machine is an expert nowadays. In everything 🤦‍♂️

I'm going to get shot. I don't think I will like it, but it seems I owe it to the board to find out.

@jeffrey125 working with Infigo audio happened naturally. We ended up meeting as part of a show team 5 years ago. Hans started his company and realized how enthusiastic I was about audio and I have a good ear for it. I have learned from guys that put 30 to 50 years in this hobby we call audio. I always want to hear and experience different great sounds. There are many different ways a system can please you and sound great no matter what the cost is. I always look at it from a standpoint of actually experiencing the sound of the gear for yourself. Science is important but my ears are the important to me. Is it musical, low noise floor, engaging and puts a smile on my face then I’m good. That’s what we are trying to do. We even loan out cables at no cost to allow people to actually hear them 

@oddiofyl i can agree with that. Some companies have great reputations, product signatures and things that they excel at. Nothing wrong with commenting on things you have experience with. That is kind of where I’m going with this. Some people will doubt it before they hear it. If it’s doing something different that they can’t personally figure out it’s a no go. Some even shun innovation because before it wasn’t possible. These are the kinds of things I’m referring to 

@oddiofyl i can agree with that. Some companies have great reputations, product signatures and things that they excel at. Nothing wrong with commenting on things you have experience with. That is kind of where I’m going with this. Some people will doubt it before they hear it. If it’s doing something different that they can’t personally figure out it’s a no go. Some even shun innovation because before it wasn’t possible. These are the kinds of things I’m referring to 

I try to only recommend stuff that I have had first hand experience with,  have owned, used, or listened to.   Nothing wrong with saying a company is good , has good products and is worth taking a listen to.   



Theoretical analysis is acceptable to some point. Most people never being in Australia but they know how kangaroos looks like. 


Perhaps for the same reason people would comment on a movie they have never seen…..


you don't always have to hear the cables to know if they're going to be better or worse than something, for example your cables use inferior OFC wire which is 70-year-old technology OCC single crystal is far superior and rectangular OCC single crystal is even better than the round, single crystal wire was proven over 50 years ago to be far superior to anything OFC at any price, you can't change the law of physics, OFC wire has 1500 crystal barriers per foot which are little fractures in the wire  OCC single crystal has none in 125 m so the signal doesn't have to jump through little fractures in the wire that act like diodes and sheer off harmonics, maybe you should get some and put it up against your overpriced wire but get the wire that's similarly priced to yours and you'll see that it'll absolutely blow yours away, The neotech Sahara and Amazon which is the silver and copper rectangular OCC will leave your cables in the dust.

...😬....figures....just in time for the commercial....

Thankfully I've mute and FF....😏....*poof*

 Infigouriating  pontunication makes me want to:

...pop some popcorn and see "...how long, can this go on....?

"Been lookin' at the cable lines, goin' down down down..

lookin' a that cable line *woops* here comes a stepdown...."

(..and I thought Saturday nights were right for fightin' get a little action in...) 😏

@kota1 definitely understand. My room is a difficult one. The stuff that I have works for my room and my listening tastes. I got lucky for part of my journey. I worked for an audio company that I did collections for as a lawyer. The part owner was an audiophile so I got long 3 to 4 month demos on equipment that I didn’t have to buy. The owner was a lawyer like me but would switch gear and I would get to listen to it until he sold it in my home. I also worked with a couple of other guys as well. Even with that I did spend quite a bit of money.  I’m in a great place now with my INFIGO METHOD 4 DAC AND METHOD 6 AMPLIFIER AND MY GATOFM6 SPEAKERS ALL INFIGO CABLING. Yes I work for Infigo now which has allowed me some access but I’m very happy with my system. I’m really enjoying what we are doing and pleased with the music. This journey is truly different for all of us. 20 years in and happy. No gear  switching just listening 


To each his own we all have different paths to get where we sonically wanna be.

I have seen some interesting paths here from members, headphone paths, budget paths, luxurious paths, pro paths, and sadly a few people that don’t seem to have found any path except the one that turns their money into a failed experiment in gear hopping.

Since we are on the topic of paths I ended up with the "enjoyment" we are fond of in a path that was simple, but not easy, the acoustic path. You are correct, you can get their by ear alone, but the money and aggravation you waste is not enjoyable for me at least. Once I got my acoustics right for my room BAM, path confirmed.

BTW, the room is 50% of the sound, even if you actually heard the gear you are posting about it doesn't always translate the same in a different room with different components.

People feel what they feel. Some of them feel a need, some feel pain, some feel happiness. Different people feel different things.

Speaking only about cables, because they don't make any difference unless there is something added to them. If it's just wire and connectors, they're the same.

Thirsty. I think the word is thirsty. After Cat 5 cables, it’s what makes the internet work. 

I am in the opposite of that conversation. I showed so much of my house of stereo system here, I haven't been able to add anything to it for months as I must be info maxed out. No more "edit" function at the bottom, simply gone! Oh well, too much work to start a new system description. Life is too short. I did as good as I could to describe my journey... So, can I still word my thoughts here even so my system description is not up to speed? Just kidding.

Post removed 

““Expensive” is a relative concept. Items that you may personally consider to be expensive may be relatively “inexpensive” to others. ”

@designsfx ..well said! 

Expensive” is a relative concept. Items that you may personally consider to be expensive may be relatively “inexpensive” to others. 

Look I been doing this audio thing for 20 years. I have heard some really good gear. I have heard some well built, good sounding gear. I have heard really good reasonable and expensive priced type gear.  For some people a system that is under 1,000 or 10,000  Will do just fine depending on the components and their tastes and what gear they have actually had a chance to hear. Do I need an expensive system to enjoy it? NO! But chances are the gear that I tend to like will usually cost more because of what I’m used to and the sound preferences I have.  To each his own we all have different paths to get where we sonically wanna be.  I think it’s important to hear gear at all levels and price points  to get an idea on what’s possible 



Yes I have an expensive system but I enjoy it.

I don't see why anyone needs an "expensive" system to be able to enjoy their system? How is this relevant to enjoyment? Can you buy it?

but, others might reasonably disagree and think that minor details, such as the price, matter and that certain price levels cannot be justified no matter the sonic result.


I totally understand. It depends on your preferences and situation design and science matters but sound matters the most.  My music brings me joy and piece. Yes I have an expensive system but I enjoy it. Some people like cars. I love audio 

Because they can. Welcome to the Internet.

It would be nice if we could see each poster’s system and have a sense of what presentation qualities they prefer and their level of immersion in this hobby, but that  rarely happens, so we each form a sense of who might be worth listening to and who to ignore.  Never trust someone that uses run-on sentences.

Of course they cannot reasonably comment about the sound of the particular component, just as someone auditioning components via Youtube cannot reasonably comment about how the gear sounds. But, they can otherwise reasonably comment on the gear-- the design philosophy, the price charged, the lack of credibility of claims made by manufacturer or those reviewing the gear, etc. (everything but the sound).  It is reasonable for the OP to state his opinion that only the sound matters, but, others might reasonably disagree and think that minor details, such as the price, matter and that certain price levels cannot be justified no matter the sonic result.

I pretend it’s an omelet drenched in cheese, bacon and hash browns on the side.

Every once in a while I have to indulge. 

All the best,


Measurements can be important. But musicality along with those are important.  I want ear pleasing sound above all else.  

"I don’t know why, but posters pontunicating on cables that they have not heard infigouriates me"


Yeah, me too!


@everyone. I posted this because the ears should always be the judge. I’m not the one for a lot of technobabble. I honestly posted this because I see people posting all of these studies, graphs, charts and opinions about how we can’t hear differences and it’s confirmation bias and it just drives me nuts. How can you comment on something definitively that you have never listened to.  Then in addition to that I just think we are in this hobby to listen. Your ears should be your first judge. 

If I see cable priced 40,000 per meter pair (doesn't matter brand at all), I'll definitely comment, because usage of such cable is gonna be totally irrelevant to the comment, but the comment would be probably addressed to the buyer of such cables.

kno whadimean??

Someone sharing experience they've never had before is plain silly.  

In good time it's fairly easy to identify these forum posters and simply ignore them. 

Wow! The thread title hurt my ears.

I mixed things up this morning by using Ceylon cinnamon, instead of the common supermarket Cassia variety in my oatmeal.

Wild blueberries, Medjool dates, raisins and walnuts-delicious!

I pretend it’s an omelet drenched in cheese, bacon and hash browns on the side. 

Post removed 

I don’t know why, but posters pontunicating on cables that they have not heard infigouriates me.



No @kota1 I am not a big fan I just know that he has more credibility than you do. 


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