

Discussions tonydennison has started

Call your Qobuz Representative to Request DSD 83211
Time of Day for best Sound162637
Is there a "Help" Thread?5118
What I'm Listening to Right now in DSD, 6466
Power Tube Matching114623
Pass Labs 1st Watt Rundown307519
Affordable SS that sound like Tubes13472119
Why Can't Modern Tube Manufacturers Make a Proper Tube?612781
Soundstage Heresy IV and Forte IV413932
Driver Tubes 6922419582
Why Do You Listen? A Poll Question131345
Who has the Sickness, the Phile or the Non-phile?4807109
Tube suggestion for Quicksilver Mid Mono Blocks115714
Crossing Left and Right Speakers265344
Who to trust when buying vintage ss ?175050