Usher / Rapport Speaker Cables

Looking for advice on the best place to purchase Usher/Rapport speaker cables.What's the best price per foot.Also appreciate any opinions from actual users of this cable.
USHER RAPPORT Speaker cables. Available at KC AUDIO , Melbourne , AUSTRALIA...all new 2010 stock direct from Usher...give them a ring ..+61 419772188..very cheap but very very good cables!!
I'm still using my Rapport speaker cables and interconnects that I bought four years ago. Might want to check if they are the same formulation and model. My 1 meter interconnects are model "MN800-1" and 3 meter speaker cables are model "YPB621B-3"

The speaker cables came with large 5/16" spades on one end and bananas on the other. I had to replace the 5/16" spades with 1/4" to fit my amp's binding posts.

I found this Czech Rapport website that has pictures and other info: . Use google translator to translate to your language of choice if necessary. :-)