Two of the most powerful words ever

What if?

What if I try this? What if I do it this way? What if I try it, even though I’ve been told it can't possibly work? What if they’re wrong? What if it does work? What if what I've been taught is wrong, or incomplete? Have any real advances ever been made without someone asking, what if?


What if I had listened to all the naysayers who've stated SET, PP tubes, horn speakers, power conditioners, streaming, digital, boutique resistors, capacitors, tubes not good or not worth the money?


What if is a mantra for all free thinking individuals. What if means taking risks, I would have lost out on so many peak experiences if I had never asked myself that question.

Why not stop everything times to times, and meditate, times to times , especially now ?

After 2 thousand years of experimental trials in this occidental journey....

Why not, during our sailing to west, or to Mars, simply think or better contemplate?

Life is too short to act silencing our heart...

Then  what if  there is no more "if" and no more "what"....



The key here is identifying influencers and ignoring them. 

Not easy as some of 'em are extremely convincing.

I have been doing R&D most of my life. I understand the concept of "what if" I don't use it. Instead I ask "what are the factors" and develop a list. From the list a group of experiments are developed which will tell what the "Magnitude" of each factor is. Once you know the magnitude of the factors you can use them for design work.
This way of doing research and development was pioneered by Dupont after WWI at the request of the US government to develop and non-organic rope. However, it did not see much use until IBM started selling PC in 1982. The reality is, it is all in the math. 

This 'what if' discussion makes me feel good. It has been my way of life. There are often no instructions, or ones with a reason why, so it might lead to what if instead. Lots of sparks and smoke, and then an eureka event that follows. Not in order at first exists for the final piece to be assembled.

“What if” opens doors. “No way” keeps doors closed,and curtains drawn. How else do you pursue performance? 

How about

More cowbells!


Also why do so many bands have two drummers these days and what must the roadies think about this new state of affairs?


Neither Willie nor Wonka. 

Where would we be without "what if?"
We'd be perfectly content in not knowing better, and all the worse for it.

All the best,

WHAT IF!!    I had not completely surrendered my life to GOD which freed me from a 21 YR. ADICTION of alcohol and marijuana use and 9yrs of smoking crack cocaine  would I now be in jail or institutionalized or in an unknown grave. 25YRS. NOT A DRINK OR A DRUG JUST JESUS.  WHAT IF!

There's a lot of 2 word combos' 'out here'...*L*
It's the pair that gets' uttered without the chance to finish the sentence...;)

WHAT the
Don't touch
Stop, now
I came
I didn't
But it
Oh, it
Sorry, but
You mutha

...a whole 'conversation', unto itself....but, you get the drift... ;)


'Bot What

@rocray  ...yup, the concept of 'what if' covers a lot of....Options.


Battered 'Bot, fry capable...*yum*

I understand the concept of "what if" I don’t use it. Instead I ask "what are the factors" and develop a list. From the list a group of experiments are developed which will tell what the "Magnitude" of each factor is. Once you know the magnitude of the factors you can use them for design work.


Yes. Similar in econometrics (and time series analysis) where it is dangerous to include variables (factors) just to see "what if".

There must be a causal relationship, otherwise statistically significant correlations that are totally spurious and silly can be surprisingly easy to find.

This problem is exacerbated by many levels of magnitude with the popularity of A.I. and neural networks which can easily lead to data-mining. Because they are "dumb".

What if posts like this didn't make me reach the "blah blah blah" point sooner rather than later?

What if?  Its just a thought. How many what if's are never put into action.

Think of all the sadness, sorrow, death, wars, and change that these  2 other words, even more powerful then what if.

The tongue  is the most powerful  part of the body, with it you can save life or loose it. Be great or a fool. Lift up or tare down.

My 2 words have the power to change everything. 

They are,  I'M  SORRY. 

“Yes Dear”

”let’s dance”

”praise Jah”

”right on”

”who dat?”

”let’s eat”

For the rest of today I’m going to try and only use two word phrases. Umm hum!



Always keep an open mind including if poorly documented yet expensive hifi tweaks that seem like magic are really worth it.

I think we all ask these questions.  Do you set up a BlueSound using RCA's to get complete unfold of MQA or do you connect it using digital cable to use a higher quality DAC in your amplifier?  Can you really hear a difference in MQA?  Who do you believe?  Do you respect the local dealers to provide you with accurate information of are they selling you on what they carry?  

This group could offer a lot of information.  But they also need to remember there are many of us who might be starting out who just want to learn.  However, if they fire back with sarcasm perhaps we get afraid to ask that question we need an answer.  What a knowledgeable group we have with so much knowledge to share.

Thank You.

God Bless

Who's They

Why Not

You Kidding

Eat S_it

F It

S it

When walking the dog.

Good Girl

Sick Em



I think it was Isaac Asimov.  The last words of human existence was one physicist telling another "what if we do it this way"

Best post for a long time... 😊

At least this pointed to the "hubris" of the "what if" like in Dysney "sorcerer's apprentice...

What if we meditate between thinking exercise and what if there is no more "if" and no more "what"...

konewledge is not science and science is not technology...

I think it was Isaac Asimov.  The last words of human existence was one physicist telling another "what if we do it this way"

Years ago, I remember reading a book of famous last words. Back century's ago, one of the royals was on his death bed taking his own pulse... his last famous words were ... "It Stopped" .. 😂

right……pretty clear nobody worked in a weapons factory….

I am a SLAM - ER equipped Robot, i look like an F/A-18  

“"If "ifs" and "buts" were candy and nuts, wouldn't it be a Merry Christmas?" seems to be attributed to Don Meredith (the American football player/ commentator). To rephrase it: if all these reasons why we can't do something were party foods instead of words, we could have a really great party."

The single most poerful word ever is "NO"


Most people have a hard time telling others and themselves "NO". 

 I live by 'what if', but there are other combinations not so dear.

     Three word phrases we never want to hear:

"Honey, I'm home."

"Release the hounds!"

      Two word phrases that we do not want to hear:

"Seize him!"

"I forgot"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't move."

    One word we don't want to hear:



"Duck" (Rhymes with another word)