


Millercarbon 2020

Millercarbon 2020

This is my attempt to show my system as it develops over time. This is roughly as it was at the end of 2019. Sort of. I wasn't taking pictures then so there are some things like subs that weren't r...

Chuxpona 21

Chuxpona 21

MC hosted the first ever Chuxpona August 13-14. Masterminded by our own rixthetrick, it featured millercarbon's system with the new Origin Live Sovereign MkIV turntable and Enterprise MkIV arm, and...

Millercarbon's System

Millercarbon's System

The System is built around the philosophy that everything matters. Everything either contributes or detracts, and no one single component is any more or less important than any other. Even details ...