Sad to say I need a new amp…

My twenty year old Mesa Tigris went up in smoke last week. It’s so thoroughly overbuilt I thought she would last forever. Lots of smoke and strong pungent odor, actually has to air the house out. I’ll call Mesa but think it’s time for a change…

The Mesa was hooked up to some Totem mites and a small REL subwoofer in my bedroom/office. So far, I’ve done some reading and have come up with some possible replacement. After my smoke out, I’m thinking solid state in the bedroom… I use a little audioengine Bluetooth receiver for my source in my office..

Exposure 2510, VanAlstine SET 120, Belles Aria and Rega Brio all sound like they would work well. Appreciate any input on these or others. Hoping to keep the cost under 2500.  I listen mostly to jazz, classical music..




Keep it and find a competent, tube amp tech. Mesa probably doesn't support it any longer. If a shop can get the schematic, there may be hope.

You may get lucky and the replacement of a costly transformer(maybe not) or whatever isn't too cost prohibitive. 


You have a good short list of SS already. If I were in your place, it would depend on the ability to get some test drives with some candidates and my willingness to eat some shipping costs in the process. The Music Room would give you two weeks with gear they're selling.

As far as names go, if I were to just add a few used options to your list, I'd look at this list :

at PS Audio, Bryston, Parasound A21+, Peachtree GaN400, Balanced Audio Technology  


I feel for you. I lost my old Belles 400A last week. Power section somewhere failed and ’went up in smoke’. Dragged it into a local shop who used to be a Belles dealer, and he won’t touch it, saying I have to send it to David. Damn. Well, new equpment is 6-8 weeks out for David, let alone an old 400A showing up at his shop for possible repair.

So, for the time being, I picked up a B&K ST3030 that arrived Monday (was also advertised here). Actually sounds pretty good. But, have already talked to Johnny Rutan about getting a new Belles Signature amp (6-8 weeks out) and perhaps looking into the 400A repair down the line....or not. The Signature is a bit more money than the Aria, but Johnny seems pretty ’high’ on it, and it would match well with the new Belles Signature preamp I just got.

Or, just relax, enjoy the B&K, and think a bit about my next move.

You might want to get a good ’beater’ amp as well until you make a final decision, it could always serve as a back-up in the future. I bought the B&K for $325 shipped, not bad for a musical 200 wpc Mosfet amp. I knew I should have had a back-up in waiting with an old amp like the 400A. Lesson leaned.

To tell the truth I was a bit stunned for a few days. Very much appreciate your idea as I really haven’t heard any other amps (or speakers) in many years. The Belles Aria has a five year warranty which has extra appeal given the circumstances. My other system includes old Coincident Conquest Speakers which are fairly efficient..


@bkeske Not sure where you are, but if you're along the Front Range, I have a tech I'd recommend to you.

Wish Audiogon had a thread for hooking up customers with local techs.


Maybe it’s a supply shortage the reason for 6-8 week wait on a new amp. Give belles a call.


with today's tube shortages strongly recommend to get solid state. I've got Fisher with blown caps and couple of weak tubes and thinking if I should continue with project or just sell it as-is.

I would not let what is happening in the world sway you away from tubes. There are plenty of tubes out there. What you are seeing is knee jerk reactions. Yes,prices will probably go up as a result.  Unless you can only use Russian tubes, hardly an issue. IMHO.  Live your life. 

Yes, noticed the hybrid trend when reading up last week. The Croft hybrid is $1895 with a phono amp and certainly gets great reviews. Not sure about reliability or heat issues since it will often be on 24/7 and doesn’t have a “ sleep” mode. Don’t really need a phono amp as I have an Allnic 1201 that I use with my other set-up..


Yes, David has had/has some supply chain issues, as many others, but bottom line he is simply swamped for a 1 or 2 man operation. I waited several weeks for my Signature preamp, and it seems the wait has not gotten better. Johnny Rutan only has the Aria Integrated in stock, at least that's what he told me last week.

A repair shop warned me against Rogue amps. 1) They see more than their fair share in for repairs. 2) They're difficult to work on because they use proprietary boards, not universal parts. Supply can be an issue, because they're imported from China. Rogue may sound good, but they advised against them. 

Thanks again everyone. Eventually will bring the Mesa to a local repair for an appraisal, though it was really smoking and chugging when I pulled the plug perhaps it’s salvageable. Still looking for SS amp.. Van Alstine 120 really sounds interesting…..

I really like the Parasound A21. But if I were to buy another amp I might buy the Musical Fidelity M6 500i. An integrated amp but a very, very good dual mono design. A beast with finesse. I have heard it with Vandersteen speakers, just wonderfully musical.

@analogj You should correct your post…

Are Rogue Audio products manufactured in the United States? Yes! Every single Rogue Audio product is hand built at our factory here in Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania. And from the software on the programmable chips to the amplifiers circuitry, all of our products are designed in house by our engineering team.

Sad you fostered bad info…

If your Mesa had any of the attributes of the Mesa Boogie guitar amp that sat around here for some years - I'd see about getting it fixed. That amp was mean...and with growled
I'm running a Rogue, enjoy it and am unaware of any problems as posted above. They have always been helpful with any questions and from what I understand up grades and service.


Sorry this is not quite answering your question but for jazz/classical over bluetooth in a bedroom/office, $2500, KEF LS50W partnered with your REL would be perfect. Also I agree to phase out valve amps when they break - we audiophiles should do our part in the global warming challenge.

I would get the VanAlstine. I bought a Synergy 450 used, off his website as a backup to my tube monos. I love it and it sounds great with both my tube pre amps. Talk about value for your dollar. Highly recommended. I love the simplicity of the black case and single rocker switch. If I was in the market for equipment now I would look again at AVA. 

NAD M10? Lots of functionality, incl all the streaming options you’d want.  The non-masters version (can’t remember the model number) a less expensive option

Have fun, there’s so much amazing equipment out there in your budget range


Have a great day!



Gentlemen, I am in New Jersey if you want me to repair your components.
PM me - Peter

Look at the Heed Elexir. Sounds better than it has a right to and designed to be left on 24/7. Very good headphone jack and MM phono stage as well. I think Heed builds SS stuff for people who like tubes. 

Thanks all. Yes, the Mesa had 28watts in full pentode mode and killed it with rock and electric music. Could startle you sometimes. Btw, you could switch the sound to triode, at least to me with some records, piano was great in triode. Never had an issue, three new sets of Mesa tubes over 20 years..


Let me share my experience with Upscale Audio. On 1-25-2022 I purchased a PrimaLuna EVO 400 Integrated amplifier. After about 3-4 weeks I noticed the left channel was dropping in & out. Since they have a 60 day return policy I decided this amp has some reliability issues and returned it. I contacted Upscale Audio  explained the situation and they gave me a return #. 

1. I paid $300.00 for shipping & Insurance to return a defective amp.

2.I had to talk to several different people to obtain any info regarding my refund. I never spoke to any Customer Service folks I think they were all salesmen

3.Finally Upscale Audio salesman Josh calls me and tries to extort $400.00 from to pay for the repair of the defective amp. He accused me of abusing the amp and causing the transformer to blow, said I was listening to excessive volume levels, pushing the amp beyond it's limits.

4. Insinuated I was a liar when I told him I never listen to loud music.

5. At 64 years old my ears certainly can't take volume levels high enough to blow a transformer and still be able to hear the next day.

6. They have had my amp nearly 2 weeks, no word, no refund.

Thanks for your time


Hmmm... Bryston is looking pretty good now!

I think I would look to Parts Connexion or somewhere similar to get it fixed.

I would buy anything but VanAlstine.  I had a worse situation with them than scuba535 with Upscale.  Granted this was over 20 years ago, but had a very much loved early ss amp of theirs.  It went on the fritz, wouldn't power up.  Called and was told that they don't work on their older products.  I asked if they could send schematics that I could take to a repair shop.  The answer was, no, those are proprietary.  So, what I ended up with, that was once a wonderful sounding amp, was now a good door stop.  This eventually ended up in the trash.  Yes, I did get some grief from friends with McIntosh and Audio Research that had older gear than mine that was getting serviced when needed.  I hold a grudge that lasts forever.  Great sounding unit, but just enjoy it while it works. 

Underwood Audio is releasing new equipment including amps.  In my opinion cannot beat the price performance.  I would give them a call.

Ibmjunkman: Mesa got in and out of the home stereo space years ago and pretty quickly. They also had a amplifier known as the Baron which was I believe more powerful.

take a look at Decware the plus is lifetime warranty don't see much of resale side from what I have found is they are pretty good all hand built


If long term reliability is a priority, I would stay clear of NAD. Excellent engineering & sound quality for the $ but build quality lacking. Had a preamp & their best surround sound receiver fail just after the warranties expired. Receiver was supposedly upgradable w/ plug in modules which turned out not to be the case as well. Anthem & Bryston products are well made, sound good & should last a long time. Maybe check  them out. 

Decware amps are a great value in Hi-Fi. Lifetime warranty, responsive staff and as previously mentioned, they never come up for resale. With my O 96's , in my opinion , the sound is gorgeous. Also, Decware amps are super quiet.

You’re using a Bluetooth source, so I wouldn’t waste $$$ on a good amp unless you’re planning on upgrading to streaming Qobuz, etc.  Just get a PS Audio Sprout 100 and be done with it.  Sorry to be a wet blanket, but Bluetooth just won’t cut it. 

I've only heard the Rega Brio within your target items - a very solid entry integrated amp.

It's important to balance budget and any future upgrades into your selection.  If you are merely looking to have an amp within the current system a PS Audio Sprout or other all in one like the NAD 3020 could be a good fit.

Another poster stated NAD products break after their warranty - that's not my experience and my stereo is on most of the time as I leave music on for my dog when I'm not home.  

It seems like there is a lot of maintenance and expense to maintain a tube amp.  Still not sure why some choose a tube amp over solid state.  I believe they sound warmer.  However, who would want to keep up with buying replacement tubes.  My son is thinking about buying a tube amp and I think I might talk him out of it.

Yes, the little Decware amp would likely sound great with my record system speakers….. just checked Decware’s waiting list… 1,400 orders !


This is why some prefer tubes. There is not anymore maintenance on a tube amp and a solid state amp. Tubes last a lot longer than you might think!!


Often times there will be smoke when a tube amp goes, even when it can be easily repaired.  Some tube amps may require more maintenance, in the form of tube replacement, but, they are far less prone to fatal damage than solid state gear.  So many solid state devices are unrepairable, because the transformer or chip is no longer in stock, or because they are too complicated to make it practical to hunt down the problem.  

I have not had any repair issues, including replacing worn tubes, in more than fifteen years with my current gear.  A lot depends on the specific model--type of tubes it runs, how hard it runs the tubes, and quality of parts and build, so here is no way to generalize, but, to me, the sonic benefits make owning tube gear worthwhile.  

@analogj You should correct your post…


Yes.  Never heard anything bad about Rogue Service or build quality 

no way to generalize, but, to me, the sonic benefits make owning tube gear worthwhile.


True, tube gear often requires more $ outlay and maintenance than SS, but it most often offers a midrange that can sound magical especially on voices. Also, one can tube roll to taste and/or variety. Some tube gear may be good in the winter, not so much in the summer :) (Northern hemisphere...of the earth not brain)

The same can be said of vinyl which is generally a lot more expensive than digital, especially content. Then we have reel to reel......

Often convenience is at the expense of sonics.

FWIW, I'm still running my B&K EX-442 Sonata into Maggies and consider it anything BUT a "beater", and it's older than the ST3030.  350 wpc/4 ohm and high current (75 amp p-p), it's a beautiful-sounding amp and I feel zero need to replace or "upgrade" it. 

Give the LSA voyager GaN 350 a hard look. It has a tube like magical midrange, and could find its way into your main rig at some point: MSRP $3000, but they do run specials for ~ $2400


FWIW, I’m still running my B&K EX-442 Sonata into Maggies and consider it anything BUT a "beater", and it’s older than the ST3030. 350 wpc/4 ohm and high current (75 amp p-p), it’s a beautiful-sounding amp and I feel zero need to replace or "upgrade" it.

🙂 Yes, I used ‘beater’ as a term as a stop-gap before deciding on something else, not meant to be demeaning. The ST3030 is extremely good for the money, as I said, had an ST125.2 prior, and looking back, should have kept it as a back-up. I’m a big B&K fan regardless of the controversy surrounding their original 140. With the mosfet design, very musical and ‘tube-like’.

That said, listening much yesterday, yea, my old Belles did some things better, which I miss, and the B&K does some things better, probably due to newer circuitry and caps, etc. (more authority and control especially with the bass and mid-bass). So, I can live with the ST3030 quite easily, but know I will be seeking some of the magic the old Belles 400A is capable of. Whether another used or new Belles, or something else. And ‘anything else’ may be moving towards a tube amp. Possibly.

Definitely staying with tubes in my bigger system. Talking to Mesa tomorrow so I’ll get some clarity about servicing it soon.  Long Long waiting lines for lots of new gear…there’s a minty B&k st1200 60w amp on audiogon now, for 200.00. The Mesa was 28w but really sounded more powerful.. I’m guessing my little totem mites would be fine with 60w in my office. Seems to be well reviewed…

pray it was the mains transformer and not the outputs - far easier to replace..

lovely amp

Even the older B&K amps are closer to throw-away at this juncture. Enjoy as long as you can. Best NOT to leave them on, bakes the bits inside. I was sad to see my dual mono EX-4420 and later 3030 go for parts after the boards and MOSFET OPTs were no longer available, or in short supply. Repaired mine multiple times extending life longer. Pick up spare amps for parts if you must, some of the earlier amps and boards are simpler and easier to repair than the later side-mount/longboard units. A guy bought both my amps and hacked them back together with spare parts he had. Its possible if you are handy with spare parts.  

ATI bought B&K Components name, kept no parts around, and shelved the name for a while. At one point they were supposed to bring back a piece or two. No dice yet. Use sparingly and turn them off after you are done, they might last a while longer.