Responses from jbuhl
Need Roon Advice. As other have suggested ROON should run on a dedicated server. I run mine on a Small Green Computer (SGC) with Sonic Transport OS. I never turn it off, its a server and it runs 24 x 7 365 sans planned shutdowns. I never log out of roon or the... | |
Re: streaming recommendations for newbie Does your integrated amp or pre have a digital input? | |
a rant @curiousjim Yes, but do they sound any different?😀 HAHA! Well as in our sound system; They do perform differently and as many have pointed out; is that little extra performance gain worth the spend. At some point you just need to settle in a ... | |
a rant This hobby is just like s few other expensive Hobbies I partake. Motorcycles and skiing. There is so much good hardware out there that can render subtle changes in the experience you enjoy that you just can’t stop. In skiing you could have 2 sk... | |
Bryston BDP-3 vs Lyngdorf MP-60 2.1 internal VTune player I use a BDP-Pi with Roon and it’s purdy solid. Rarely does the Pi drop from the network or flake out. But I have it on a mesh network with one of the Nodes wired directly to the Roon Core host and the Pi at the rig. It would be really interesting ... | |
What exactly is ROON? @tonyptony There is a setting "limit roon radio to library". I have not played with the setting so not sure how it works. Also from the Services menu its very easy to Disable/Enable the service without logging out. | |
Tube Pre/ Class D Amp - Who has done it? I ran a Rogue RP-1 with Mullards and PS Audio S-300. Sounded great for the $s. Ended up getting some Quad speakers so moved the S300 down the line and picked up a Quad Altera stereo A/B to try and pick up some synergy. Bryston coming out with ... | |
What exactly is ROON? @tonyptony If I remember correctly in ROON. You can play and artist track and then it will continue to play "like" tracks. I think most of the interfaces have a "artist radio" functionality that achieves this? Also very easy to kick off Genre r... | |
What exactly is ROON? Few months back on another thread I posed the question about some unique features that ROON had that I had not seen on other products such as Audirvana, native Qobuz app and streamer software I have used. I basically ask what other products out t... | |
Best $10-15K bookshelf speaker? Sonus Faber Electa Amator III might be worth a look https://www.sonusfaber.com/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fa.assets-sonusfaber.com%2Ff%2F259299%2F2560x2450%2F0f10a10bb5%2Fsplitbanner-dm-electa.jpg%2Fm%2F1280x1280&w=1920&q=85 | |
New Rogue RP-7 Preamp Try some Mullards in the RP7 to warm things up even more. | |
BS Nano as Roon endpoint @mattsca Would be interested to know how ROON compares to Tidal Connect capability of the NANO | |
Streamer, no DAC please? Funny, its always the same. OP gets ask to state budget and does. And people keep recommending solutions for thousands of dollars more. We just love to spend other peoples money. | |
Streamer, no DAC please? If you'r patient you can find Bryston BDP-3 for ~$1.5K. There is a Bryston BDP Pi on here for $800. Interface is spartan and they both are out of production but SQ is top notch. | |
Best Used Tube Based Preamp $2k Or Under? +1 on RP1 |