
Responses from moofoo

Integrated amp with preamp tubes
2 preamp tubes with lots of rolling options. I have a seperate phono pre.   
Integrated amp with preamp tubes I have this in my amp rotation. Got it for about half of retail here on the ‘Gon. No association with ModWright.  
What were your favorite gear additions in 2024?
Zesto Audio Andros II Deluxe phono stage…  
Retirement integrated amp for a “fiscal conservative”
Congrats on retirement! I did so about 7 years ago and am more into my equipment and music than I ever have been. You may want to look into the Modwright KWH 225i integrated. I bought one used at a significant discount, and The Music Room carries ... 
Single ended = large images?
Check into Audio Mirror SET 45w  monoblocks. You can get ‘em used. Two 6C33C wired in parallel in each mono bloc. Vlad is great to work with. These may be what you are looking for.  
Starting Over and I need your help
You also have Audio Advice in Raleigh. Many folks no longer have audio stores in their town.   
Best way to sell a record collection
After I retired I went through my collectiion, about 2,000 and pulled about 400 lps. Took the best 100 to 3 of my favorite used shops and sold a few to one shop. The low ball offers I got resulted in me keeping them. No ebay, no Discogs- too much ... 
Hybrid Integrated with 6S*7s
@stereo5  thank you for responding. The Upscale Audio site indicates the PL hybrid integrated has all 12AU7 tubes.(2 input, 4 driver).  
Hybrid Integrated with 6S*7s
Thx for the replies. I had Primaluna integrateds and PL separates years ago. PL uses 12AU7s in their preamps and integrateds. Reason I ask is I bought a used DeHaviland Ultravere with a 6sn7 pre and l loved the sound with my SS amp. I would like t... 
Dickie Betts died earlier today at 80 years of age
I was lucky enough to see the original band while Duane and Berry were still alive. I always thought Betts never got as much credit as he deserved. A real treat for me is his “High Falls” off of Win, Lose, or Draw. Rest in peace and let those lead... 
Looking for 200 watt Amp to drive Dynaudio Heritage speakers
I have the Van Alstine DVA SET 500 and it is great value and sound. I switch it in/out with my tube monoblocks. Drives my EgglestonWorks Fontaine speakers with ease. 250w A/B. Many reviews on the SET 400 out there, the 500 is the same amp (alittle... 
Not owned that many since I started this hobby in 1978. EPI 120 Snell EIII Martin Logan ElectroMotion ESL Spendor 2/3 Spatial Audio M5 EgglestonWorks Fontaine Signature (current speaker since 2018) So, 6 speakers over 45 years. Guess I don’... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Harvey Mandell - Snakepit Robin Trower - Go My Way Jeff Beck - Live +  
Amplifier and Speaker A/B switcher
Van Alstine. I don’t have their switchbox but it may provide what you need. Apparently there was enough demand for it they did another run of them.  
Amp Recommendations
Try a Van Alstine DVA SET 500. Great sound with music, good value, solid build, no frills, very powerful.