RIP oregonpapa

Today, oregonpapa (Frank) passed away. He will be greatly missed by many of us on Audiogon. I got to know him about a year ago personally, having had many phone calls with him over that time. He was a delightfully kind man, who freely shared his wisdom with others. Bedsides high end audio, , Frank was very knowlegable about world history and politics. Good bye my friend. Jeff


Frank and Pani were early enthusiasts of the ART-9 and I will always be grateful to them for the many fine listening hours that cart provided. Sorry to hear this news.

Oh so sad. Frank and I shared a few emails, and I’m sorry he passed first. As you all have said what I would have, RIP Frank.

To Frank’s family, remember and be happy to have enjoyed his life.

Adrian 🇦🇺



This is how my association with Oregonpapa started. His way of expression is very different. He had a big heart. Will miss him!

Ghastly news!  Frank was a generous and innately kind man. Looks like I’m binging on great CDs he sent me of his most beloved music. Your soul is in an infinitely better place now. Be at peace, Frank. 


You are a class act, a generous contributor, and a straight up good guy.

This is a true loss to this forum, and I extend my condolences to the family you were so proud of.

We are saddened to hear this. Frank was a valuable member to the forums and marketplace. Prayers for his family. He will be missed here on Audiogon.  

It is very sad news indeed. My condolences to his family and friends....he was a friend to all of us here. RIP Frank. 

Learned a lot from Frank.  Sad.  you just never know when God says your time is up.  In Frank's honor, enjoy the music, tweaks and live everyday to the max.

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this, but thanks for letting us know. Of course I send my best to his family and friends. He'll surely be missed here.

This is a gut punch. Came outta nowhere. So sorry to hear about it and my thoughts are with his family and friends. This place is getting smaller and is none the better for it. Frank will be missed.

All the best,

Wow.  Just wow.

There isn't really anything I can add to the sentiments above.  I will say that I'm going to miss the always thoughtful input and courteous demeanor.  Safe travels, Frank.

Very sorry to hear. Classy guy! Always a good sense of humor!  Sincerest condolences to his friends and family. I actually have a nice hifi token he sent me once to try that will remind me of him.

Frank was very kind to me on several occasions. He will be missed.

May his memory be eternal

OMG! That was very sudden. I remember reading his posts on fuses, very recently, just yesterday. The good guys are going. Slowly. RIP Frank. You will be missed.

Darling friend,


I will miss our daily communications so much.

Thank you for the full on belly laughs

and for the yummy home roasted coffee.

Grateful for the jaw dropping Mel Torme and Dinah Washington

recordings you sent that Timmy refused to play.

For the anytime/every time phone calls.


💔💜💔 I Love you.

Hug Timmy for me, I’ll see you again.

🥰 Krissy


I had a few conversations with Oregon Papa and he gave me such a wealth of knowledge over a few weeks. Rest In Peace Frank, we are missing you already. 

Oregon Papa was a true Audiophile-and willing to experiment 

the SR Purple fuses were his last positive upgrade👍 A true 🇺🇸 
RIP 🎶 


Frank was a very kind man. He also shared with me many of his prized recordings and quite a few conversations.

His presence will always be with me and the many audiophiles he helped.



Frank was a very generous man with a most generous soul. Always up never down full of energy and exuberance for all things audio... He always sounded so young on the phone until one day I told him my age and he told me his age... he was very smart and well-read... really bright, as bright as his personality.  Wish I had sat with you Frank for a drink and a good listen. Tom

This is such terribly sad news. I’m heartbroken and in tears. Frank, Dormit In Pace. Requiescat In Pace.

@yoby Jeff, please pass on my condolences to his family. Wish them strength and love and perseverance during this very difficult and trying time.

If Frank’s family is open to it, please pass on the Obituary Information so those of us who want to reach out personally, can. Thank you.

- David.

This is very sad news and I will miss Frank just as I miss the late Almarg. After some enjoyable conversations with Frank several years ago he took the time to copy some his most cherished jazz albums and sent them to me. I will always treasure these gifts from Frank. He was a very kind and intelligent person.

My sincerest condolences to his family. 


must have been quick as he had started this post back in October


Audiogon Discussion Forum


condolences to his family and the members on this site that knew him.     

Sad news indeed. Wonderful guy, enjoyed talking with him, had some really great ideas. He will be missed. I will mourn his passing, while fondly remembering his contributions. Frank, be seeing you my friend. RIP.

Frank was kind and generous with his time and knowledge. Clever bloke with a broad knowledge and intellect, covering everything from hifi to history and we had some great conversations. When I play the master recordings he sent me, I'll remember him for his generous nature.

Indeed he will be missed. To his family, my condolences and sorrow for your loss.

Wow, hate to hear that, prayers go out to family and friends. Godspeed, Oregonpapa.

Oh my this is so sad and surprising. Wonderful man and contributor. My sympathies to his family. He will be missed by us all. 

Ah! i am sad....

It was a very generous and passionate man...

I offer my prayers to his family ....