Products you added to your system in 2021 that made most impact to your music enjoyment

As 2021 comes to an end, just thought it would be cool to share some of the most impactful audio upgrades in your system this year?
Here’s my top 5 list…

1. Pass Labs XP-12: Upgrade path was from Rogue RP-1 to Rogue RP-5 and then to Pass XP-12 that was the final touch. Huge improvements across the board. Mates well with my Rogue ST-100 tube amp.

2. Phono Cartridge: Goldring E3 MM to Hana EL MC. Clarity, presentation, dynamics in spades!

3. Phono Pre: From the built in phono pre in RP-1 and RP-5 to MoFi UltraPhono to Sutherland KC Vibe MkII. Lowered noise floor, increased resolution, dynamics. The KC Vibe MkII is almost double the cost of the MoFi and it’s the one of the few upgrades where an improvement was proportional to the cost difference. At least in my system. Records that seemed noisy become more listenable. A great little phono pre. 

4. Audience AU24sx speaker cables. These speaker cables are a clear window into a recording. Nothing hidden, nothing exaggerated. 

5. Power Cords: Acoustic Zen Gargantua for preamp and amp. Lower noise floor, increased resolution, natural sound, expanded soundstage

Honorable mentions:

1. Acoustic Zen Absolute Copper interconnects. In my opinion the AZ cables don’t get the respect they deserve on these forums anymore, overshadowed by some of the “flavor of the day” newcomers (without going into specifics on brands).

2. Puritan PSM156 power conditioner. 
3. Supra Cat8 Ethernet cable.

4. Lumin U1 Mini

5. MoFi LP#9 Stylus Cleaner. Better than the Onzo ZeroDust although I still use the Onzo between the sides. 


This is easy, I added a Synergistic Research Ethernet switch, transformed my all digital system.

Made immediate and noticeable difference:

Silversmith speaker cable 

AGD Audion mono block. 

Sunvalley SV-EQ1616D phono stage.  I upgraded mine with VCAP ODAM output caps  Sparkos voltage regulators in the power supply. Vivid and energetic sound. Very captivating.

I bought a lot of gear in 2021 and I am done the system in my bedroom and office system. I have most of my living room system done except the speakers.

The best component from all of those was the Sonore OpticalRendu. The second best was the Musetec 005 DAC fed by a OpticalRendu.

Two major upgrades this year.

The first upgrade I moved from an Onkyo receiver to a Raven Nighthawk mk3 and that made a massive difference in everything. A more well rounded sound overall. Much more detail yet more lush at the same time.

the second upgrade I added a pair of Rythmik subwoofers and this also had a major impact. This upgrade allowed for a much more intimate listening experience at low volumes, but when cranked makes me feel like I am sitting front row of a live concert. 

both upgrades well worth the money invested IMHO

Modded Linn Sondek LP12. I had a Thorens 190 for the last few years and finally took the plunge on something decent back in January. The rest of 2021, I got reacquainted with all 600 of my LPs. The difference was stunning.

Added a REL T7x to my system---much more depth and punch. Highly recommended. 

I totally agree with the original poster acoustic Zen cables don't get the respect they deserve any more on here, and I don't know why you didn't try the acoustic Zen speaker cables cuz they're just as good as the audience but a lot cheaper single-crystal is single Crystal just some companies charge more for it but OCC single crystal wire is the best wire for audio and it's been proven for 40 years now

Purchased 2 SVS subs.  Great addition!  Added sound absorbing panels to a wall.  Another great addition!  All learned from reading various threads on this site!  I'm always learning and experimenting, even at 66 years old!

This was the year of complete change from a system we thought was wonderful and had been in place for decades. We retired and sold the vintage Technics SL-120 with its Mayware-Polk Audio arm and Micro Accustics 2002 cartridge. No more LPs. We sold the HK Citation 11 that had been in our closet for 10 years. We replaced the 45 year-old Quad 405 amp and Parasound Zpre2 with an Audio Note Cobra integrated to run our Quad ESL-57s. We purchased a custom made-to-measure digital cable from the Jolida JD100 CD player so we can use the Cobra's MUCH better DAC. (We will replace the Jolida for a CD transport next year.) Then purchased custom made-to-measure Audio Note Lexus LS speaker cables with banana plugs. Finally, because of our unpredictable electric grid, we purchased a Dectet AC Power Conditioner and their hospital-grade electric outlet. The result? With every addition over this year, not just small increments, but dramatic improvements were experienced. We now have a system that is a total joy to listen to and will probably last us a few more decades. Who knew? The only thing we didn't replace was our 47 year-old Quad ESL-57s. For us and the music we listen to, there are no better speakers. This has been a VERY good year.

Big upgrade year for me on multiple counts: 

Went from Rogue RP-1 to and RP-7. The level of quiet this piece is and the musicality when it's making sound are incredible. Have changed to some NOS tubes that have made it even better too, currently running amperex bugle boys in the front with Mazdas in the rear.

Analog front end got a major upgrade from clearaudio performance DC with tracer tonearm and Hana 1200 (no slouch) to brinkmann bardo with 10.5 arm and ortofon cadenza black. Whoa. The detail retrieval, channel separation, and frequency response are nuts. 

Also on the analog side went from musical surroundings nova iii to a Rogers High Fidelity PA-2. Incredible Soundstage and clarity. The airy-ness is hard to beat. I feel like I cam hear the room things were recorded in. 

Additional tweaks that get some props are herbies audio lab tube dampers, tenderfeet, and supersonic stabilizers really quieted down the Rogers even more.

2021 was a major revamp for me. 


 First was a pair of Klipsch Forte IV,  a great improvement over my Heresy III which I liked a lot.  The Forte are awesome 

I just replaced my preamp with a Zesto Leto and the improvement in sound quality was so pronounced that it sounded like I got new speakers .... it was not subtle 

Fantastic preamp !    Its unbelievable how good it sounds .  They build great stuff over at Zesto.  It is voiced PERFECTLY,  it sounds true to life.   



Built two very large bass traps and got rid of an awful bass resonance at 60Hz. They are massive however, 1.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 metres.


The stock rectifier in my Decware SE84UFO failed recently and I replaced it with a NOS RCA 5U4G. Sound quality improvement? I almost hate to say that my jaw dropped. Literally. The change was that profound. Money well spent.

  1. GAIA III isolators and spikes for Tannoy DC8Ti speakers
  2. Wireworld platinum starlight 8 USB cable from Zenith streamer to Matrix SPDIF-X
  3. Magic i2s HDMI cable from Matrix to PS Audio DSD DAC
  4. Moving from Roon to Sense in my listening room.

Collectively, it was a huge improvement.  The most noticeable improvements came when I added the GAIA footers and spikes, and started using Sense.  I'm amazed at much better the music sounds with Sense, as are my friends who are hearing it for the first time.  

2021 was a year of major investments in my system. Here are a list of all my upgrades for the year:

Denafrips Pontus II DAC was the greatest upgrade for 2021 and essentially transformed the sound of my 2.5k CDs.

Bluesound Node 2i tremendously improved my streaming enjoyment and SQ when paired with the Pontus II.

Hifiman Arya headphones replaced my Beyerdynamic DT1990s.  I prefer the sound of magnetic planers for long listening sessions.

Topping D90 headphone amp pairs very nicely with the Aryas.

Morrow Audio SP6 speaker cable was the icing on the cake.








Yeah, congratulations on the speaker upgrade, that was inevitable profound. The rest… ok, glad you are enjoying it.

Swapped out a Marantz 8805 for a Lyngdorf MP-40 Processor. My goodness, what a difference. Room Perfect to the rescue. Best money I have spent for years. 

PBN Montana XPS speakers to replace Ascend Acoustic sierra towers with raal speakers. Never in my wildest imagination did I expect such a huge improvement. I learned the importance to get the biggest speakers your size room can handle in order to properly fill it up with a live like sound. For me and my music preferences  anyway.

Upgraded from Bowers and Wilkins 702 S2 speakers (nice speakers) to Legacy Focus XD speakers (in another world - Wow)

Added Mini dsp with Dirac Room correction (another very noticeable improvement)

And now here is where I will lose you all; and its too bad because until you do it, you will have no clue of the absolute pleasure I get from this: re-incorporated my vintage 1980's, $200 Carver C9 Sonic Hologram Generator into the system as I have done with every upgrade and still..... consider it my most important piece. There..... I said it!!! Thank you Bob Carver from my home state of Washington. Genius!

ModWright PH 9.0X phono pre. I’m really enjoying this, a big jump up in performance from the previous amp and a very worthwhile addition to the system.

Replacing all gear footers with the appropriate sized Isoacoustic Oreas.  Upgrading speaker cables to the amazing high value Wireworld Equinox 8. 

I think two changes were most important, added a second dedicated line for my amp (as opposed to the original which now just powers the rest of my components). And a Silent Running Audio Ohio++.2 isolation platform for my Linn LP12 Turntable. Also at MC’s glowing reviews added Nobsound isolation springs under all other components. The sum of all of these have noticeably improved my system.

Biggest upgrade change this year was upgrading my turntable to a Schiit Sol and went total overkill and put a Benz Micro Zebra L on it. Holy shnikey that thing is good. Like I said, complete overkill but I really wanted to see what the difference was in skipping a good level cartridge of a 2M Black or Hana SL vs jumping up another tier. Now I get to slowly upgrade the rest of the system around that.

The best thing I’ve done in my audio room this year was adding a dedicated power line. I used upgraded 11 ga. wire and a Furutech GTX outlet. I should have done this long ago.

My new Coda CSIB integrated amp is excellent and nice to have a well made U.S.A product, also the New Denafrips Terminator2/ and DCC reclocker are excellent additions to my audio system , next year is the most expense part of the system New Loudspeakers 

The only thing I bought in 2021 were Darwin Speaker Cables. Turns out I waited too long to get them as I have their ICs and never thought the SCs would raise the listening pleasure as much as they did.

I had mine terminated with bananas but they're essentially the same.

All the best,

I purchased a Bellari EQ and a SVS PB2000 Pro subwoofer to compliment the JBL L100 Classics I had purchased in mid December 2020   I also purchased two pairs of Blue Jean interconnects to connect the EQ. 

Audio Note AN-K/spe speakers, Sonnet Morpheus DAC, and Shunyata Research power cables.

I picked up an Aric Audio Motherlode II.  It plays very well with my First Watt amps. I’m very happy indeed. This is more than likely my endgame amp,and pre. 

  What if I am a robot? Does anyone have a problem with that? 

Two Puritan 156 power conditioners

Some cabling from Noteworthy Audio 

Started applying some PPT paste 


Ear Yoshino 868 Preamp. Wonderful  pairing with the Bryston 4B3 and was the only change in 2021.  Zero buyers remorse.

Many changes this year:


1. MacBook Pro with Project Stream Box Ultra 2

2. Mad Scientist 'Black Magic' USB Cable

3. Halide Bridge SPIDF converter to M2Tech Hiface Evo 2/Clock/Supply

4. Black Cat Silverstar coax cables

5. Modded Beresford SEG Dac to modded LKS DA-004 Dac

6. Black Ravioli Big Pads for Dac

7. Akiko Audio USB Tuning Stick

8. Recapped/updated Perreaux R200i amp


To Arrive:

1. SR Orange fuses to SR Purple for amp and Dac

2. Meicord Opal ethernet cables

3. LPS for modem/router

4. LPS for M2Tech Hiface Evo Supply

5. Upgraded DC cables for LPS

Cayin A50TP MK Integrated  vacum tube amp and Douk Audio T3 pro tt pre amp.

Applied for grad school class to learn how to insert photos on Gon.

Balanced Power Transformer- Lowered noise floor

REL Sub T5x. Awaiting 2nd one. -Big enhancement

Audio Mirror DAC upgrade from Oppo-Huge Difference- Sold the 205.

Innuos ZEN mk 3 Streamer/ripper/storer- sold Roon

Tannoy XO upgrade by Danny Richie-1988 parts were crap.

Pass Labs INT25- sold XA25 and went to INT. 


It was a very good year for audio....

Thank you HiFi Gods

Schumann Resonance generator. I paid under $20 including shipping from China. It has acrylic housing, without it it was near 10 bucks. Now that completes my quest. All I have left is to enjoy music. Special thanks to @mahgister whose writing inspired me to get another generator on top of my 20 year old unit.

2 pairs of Townshend f1 interconnects.  WOW.

Townshend speaker podiums. WOW again.

Waiting for my f1 speaker cables.

Just bought a TriPlanar tonearm MkVll with all the factory upgrades . Most of my upgrades were done in  2019-20 consisting of

CJ CT5 preamp

Don Sachs Kootenay 120 amp

Pure Power tech filter & mats

Core power 1800 balanced power conditioner

FWIW, The Pure Power Tech filter and mats were as much an upgrade as the components themselves. But it all works cumulatively. IOW the system is no better than its weakest link

Spatial Audio X-5 Speakers made the biggest improvement.

AGD Audion Mono Blocks came in second.