Responses from quincy
Tweeters with or without fluid? The tweets in my Kef speakers use Ferro fluid. Yep, it dried out . I cleaned and replaced the fluid. Tweets now sound like new. I did a post on this subject a few years ago. So far so good! | |
Schiit STJARNA tube phono preamp. I received the same email! Please give us your opinion of this unit once you have it up and running! They design and build some great equipment! | |
Schumann Resonator I must admit, the two I was experimenting with have been placed under our bed for the last 6 months, as they are also advertised to assist in sleeping. I can't say definitely they made my system sound better or provide me better rest... | |
Schumann Resonator I must admit, the two I was experimenting with have been placed under our bed for the last 6 months, as they are also advertised to assist in sleeping. I can't say definitely they made my system sound better or provide me better rest... | |
Phono Stage_Skoll-by Schiit Audio Well, well...a year later and I'm still impressed and liking this phono stage. I hooked up my old CJ unit at the daughter's house. It was very impressive how much the sound stage improved in their system... | |
What are your thoughts about the new Rega Nd7 Moving Magnet Cartridge? Geez, I track at 0.75 gram. I've never owned a cart tracking that heavy... | |
An audio component you just can't let go Conrad Johnson Premier 17LS Preamp... I've had it close to 30 years. Fell in love with the sound and never looked back! Started with a Marantz 2285, then C-J PV10B, then C-J Premier 17LS.. | |
Reliability - what’s your experience been? 50+ years in the ' hobby' as well. My old Marrantz 2285, volume control and back lights. Michelle table, 2 DC drive motors in the past 25 years at $600 a pop, so not so bad in my opinion... | |
Newbie, first time tube rolling. Have some fun tube rolling. Most of us have gone thru the phase. In the end you most likely will discover that the tubes the manufacturer chose for their equipment will be the best choice over all. But, that should not stop you from exploring a... | |
Comparison of two High Quality Steely Dan Aja records.... Well, here it is now Sept 20. The more I listen to this UHQR the more I am liking it! Excellent presence, soundstage, and dynamics. I may just purchase a few other favorites that are currently available! I'm also pleased that my current system... | |
Michell Gyrodec, main bearing lube Well Jazz, it's been awhile! Did you tackle the oil change yet! | |
Good results with tweeter re-doping Great job! Gives you a feeling of accomplishment when you tackle a job such as this. I wish you many years of enjoyment! | |
Michell Gyrodec, main bearing lube String...thanks for the tip! Good idea! I've been using rubbing alcohol and q-tips, but the Hoppes #9 will surely remove any type of residue! | |
Comparison of two High Quality Steely Dan Aja records.... I gave my original AB-1006 to my youngest daughter who is a budding audiophile... | |
Michell Gyrodec, main bearing lube Pin, all good points! Thanks for the reply! It has been my understanding that the small ball bearing is only a 'catch bearing '. The hydro dynamic concept used by Michael slightly lifts the platter onto a thin film of oil, and off of the balls ... |