Class D amps seem poised to take over. Then what?

I am certainly biased by my lifetime final amp being a Class D. But I know that after 30+ years of development, Class D seems to be on a high plain. I know there are now many, many companies focusing on Class D and, maybe, a good handful already as good as it gets. My Class D amp is as smooth and beautifully musical as a great tube amp and as punchy and detailed as a great SS amp. I am satisfied and done with my search. A class D amp has effectively taken me off the amp merry-go-round. It’s about time after 50 years. And, for me, this Class D is a milestone. Will all other classes of amps fade away?
Heard so many amps with class d. Auditioned a lot of them past years, there was always something missing, always, the sound seemed just .......lifeless? I don’t know.....when switched to an a/b Amp in the listening room, same source,  cables, speakers, just the amp was switched over, ...the definition of each instrument, came to life, guitars were more detailed, vocals, high’s all came together, while the D seemed veiled, or,.....just missing the sparkle, or depth of a class A/a/b amplifier. 
 Just my opinion to my ears, and how I feel.
    After 24 hours of warm up, my system, still makes me shutter, and the hair stands up on my arms, and my scalp gets tingly When the first minute of a song plays. 
If you love D, great, hope they are reliable for 30 years. 
When I think Class D, I automatically think of the good stuff like Devialet, Linn Amps, and Bryston (sp?) amps.  I have a very nice pair of Audio Research DS450M monos that I really like.  These are fairly powerful, meaning 450 wpc into 8 and 650 wpc into 4 so no lack of power there, and since these are ARC amps, I know it’s good stuff.  They’re even voiced with the ARC house sound.  As an added bonus, they don’t cook the entire place after an hour or two of listening like my Pass monos do so they’re good on electricity use, and low on heat generation.  
fuzzy one:  many performance car drivers use ultra high performance summer tires which CANNOT be used in cool temps, requiring the use of winter tires which make a huge difference in handling.  I personally use ultra high performance all seasons and winter tires, also a huge difference.

earlflynn:  I have a NAD M33 with the latest Purifi amplification.  Have not had a single issue and it runs extremely cool and has great sound.  What NAD units are you referring to?

I had a tube amp in the late 60s/early 70s (HH Scott 222c, still have one), a Sony TA-3200F (first 'super amp', still have it) and multiple others. Now I find myself using a number of TPA-3118 based class 'T' amps (D with a few mods as you know) since I have a 4-way with a mono sub, requiring 7 amp channels to quad-amp (rest of the system is on 2 desktop computers). They sound incredible and eat hardly any power, not that I focus on the latter. My only concern was phase effects on the tweeters, what with the RF filter, but since I correct measured phase deviations on the 'crossover' computer's filters anyway it doesn't matter (and there's hardly any anyway). Scoping tweeter waveforms requires some amplitude to overwhelm the residual RF (rough on the ears) but that's the only drawback. Sound is crystal clear, and it's amazing to see tiny chip amps driving big Altecs and horns (though they're exactly what they should be driving, being efficient). Big speaker doesn't mean big amp.
I see/hear nothing with these little amp boards that's inferior to what I've seen/heard over the years through my heavy, hot old amps, which I still love. Quite amazing really.
I have had some good class D ,I still feel a very good class A, AB 
sounds more fluid .I hav3 a Coda CSIB integrated  and it has much more. Control ,and depth of performance IMO. Spotted 3,000kva transformer ,and over 80k uf in capacitance  runs in pure class A for almost 20 - 1st watts and pure class A preamp ,even my dac runs in pure class A on the analog outputs  I am good with my Amplification I think it just has more depth, some class D like Merrill sound very good but Waay over priced ?
As others have said, class D is now quite good, and for the majority of users it probably delivers the best value when taking into account sound quality, size, heat, weight, etc. I've got a pair of DIY Purifi monoblocks that sound excellent. 

But, I recently acquired a pair of Pass XA60.8 monoblocks, and there is something about the sound that is captivating beyond what the class D amps can deliver. I'm sure there are tube-fans that would say the same about their amps. 

I don't think my Pass amps are any cleaner, more dynamic, or more detailed than my class D amps, so there is something else that is influencing my satisfaction. Perhaps it's minor tonal changes, or distortion harmonics, or maybe I just like a slightly warmer room :). 

But whatever the reason, I think there will continue to be different options to produce different sonic signatures, since everyone's perception of reproduced music, and preferences, are a little different. 

I do think class D will eventually dominate as the value leader, but there will always be audiophiles that have enough money to buy what most appeals. This may shrink the market enough that there are fewer choices, but I don't think they will go away any time soon. 
I sure like mine in the summer TIME and doing bass duty ALL the time. Dropped my temp and PG&E trying to stay cool and listen to music when it's 110 degrees outside. I'm crawlin' into the bunker just to cool off. 

The older I get the LESS I like the heat or below 30 degrees..

12 full degrees cooler in my front room from Valves to Class Ds AND 1/3 the AC cost.. Fall, Winter or Spring is whole different thing.. Valves ALL the way.. Still class D amps doing the heavy lifting in MB columns and A/B step baffle servo bass amps (Rythmic plate amps) & GRs drivers.

Point to point on the Tape/Phono. Heck I use EVERYTHING..

First Watt Active XO, pretty serious step baffle set up, CLASS Ds just sound wonderful through it.. (For Elixirs monitor section) Wima caps.. God bless um.. BOTH are just full!!.. Nelson Pass and Wima have a romance going on.. I'm tellin' ya.. Good caps too..

OP. What amp? What loudspeakers? what source? Give us a chance to see where you are? 
Class D amps can sound good, you just have to put a tube dac and tube preamp in front of them.

Only two from Technics so far are in Class-D royalty.
They are the Technics SU-R1000 Integrated and the SE-R1 Power-Amp, both use the GaN technology, the SE-R1 uses it to the max, with a 1.5mhz switching speed, it’s yet to be proved/written if the SU-R1000 has gone the extra yards and used this 3 x higher switching speed.

Cheers George

Lets let the "measurements" guys buy them up.  
Good, occasionally brilliant, occasionally awful.  

Post removed 
I had two NAD Purfi units in my house and neither stayed long.
Ran hot, glitchy and hardware issues. Have a 3020 I use out by the pool and it is okay., cheap and if it gets left out overnight and gets rained on who cares?

Class D started as the "beyond meat" of amplification designs.
Now, that’s funny. But, looking at the Technics, they’re not using an off the shelf Class D unit but designed theirs in-house and turned the whole thing into one big DAC/power amp, again, not using any off the shelf DAC from another make.

A retailer told me that Technics is doing things other companies simply haven’t thought of. The only other company that comes to mind is Esoteric, who developed their own DAC architecture in some of their players. There must be some others but I haven’t researched enough to suss them out. FPGAs are becoming commonplace but this is another kettle of fish.

(grannyring, it’s a Technics SU-G700 and not a Yamaha)

All the best,

Yes the D train is real.  No noise, what is the model of that Yamaha int amp? 

The other classes just won't go away on their own. Class D is polling well but that doesn't assure they will actually win the race. Class D needs to invoke the Insurrection Act. All other classes, along with their owners, will be arrested on the spot. Problem solved.

You got it right. Class does or soon enough will only mean something to nit (or is it zit?) pickers.
Yup me too. I’m on the D train. Technology always moves forward. FBOFW.
I reject the premise of the thread title.

I buy amps based on performance, value, aesthetics.  As do most buyers.

I don't bring "class" into the picture.  

Class D started as the "beyond meat" of amplification designs.  Ok, fine, they have gained a foothold as sonically acceptable.  So what?

Compile a list of amps for future consideration on a list; class would be "oh, nice to know" tidbit - nothing more.

Tempting as the Legacy is, it’s more than I need and I’d have to get a pre amp as well. An integrated is all I need. I found some German reviews that said the Technics bettered a Lavardian integrated, an AVM, and stood well against one reviewers $30K set up.

Now reviews are dime a dozen but even one reviewer answered my email and said to just get it as he almost kept the one he reviewed.

I’ve had my present set up since 2013 and from what I’ve read, the tech has progressed enough to make a difference. It’s just that those new speaker cables made such a drastic improvement, but I know I’ll eventually get that itch....

All the best,
No. There are enough nostalgia freaks around to keep most anything alive.
Well, maybe not buggy whips or car phones.
Some people still put on snow tires every winter.
It's worth it to them to waste long green for .5% better performance that they do not even notice in a week.

Your answer: Read my review of the Legacy Audio i.V4 Ultra Amplifier at 
Thanks for bringing this up. I've been on the fence for the last month or so over the Technics SU-G700. I even got a quote for trade in on my old gear and although a bit on the low side, I'd get it for about 1/3 of asking price.

The only thing stopping me from taking the plunge is some new speaker cables that have completely changed the sound of my set up to the point where it's all new music I'm listening to. 

I still have this nagging urge to just get it as the few reviews out there really like it. 

All the best,
They will fade away for you, it sounds like. That's cool.

But seriously, I'm not sure the line of progress is as singular as this. As long as there are different sounds people enjoy, there will be other amp types to suit those tastes. Just as there are different styles of movie genre, coffee roast, etc. there will be a variety in amps. Until, of course, all amps are simply wired into our brains...
While I have one SS class A/B power amp I have 3 tube integrated amps and have zero intention of moving away from tubes, so hopefully they won't fade away