
Responses from b8ujps

My Apologies to Miller Carbon
"The string of PMs..."Hahahhaha 
What is the #1 equipment want currently on your HiFi horizon???
I want Tekton speakers as I understand they can compete with speaker 10 times the price. For sure powered by Raven amps. Bur for sure you have to make sure its all on Townsend pods. Otherwise you are leaving so much on the table. Oh crap. Most imp... 
Class D amps seem poised to take over. Then what?
So....MC chimed in on a thread with a YouTube link. Shocking. 
Tube vendors.
Oh man Earl. I got a couple of guesses. :)I have bought some tubes from various folks and I know you are looking for someone else other than Upscale but Kevin's always test great and last a long time. (I haven't bought any power tubes from him tho... 
You mean someone buys this stuff?
Love Eraserhead! 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
The excellent pressing of the Waxwork Records soundtrack for The Lords of Salem. 
why did my record player slow down, speed up, then go back to normal?
Lee, has this only happened once or does it do this intermittently? If it happens occasionally I second the speed pot degradation theory. Good starting point to check at least  
why did my record player slow down, speed up, then go back to normal?
I am a vast well of helpful information. For instance, you may wanna get your keyboard checked out. Judging by your previous posts, the period key seems to be damaged or get stuck.  
why did my record player slow down, speed up, then go back to normal?
Good lord. Love to see the usual suspects as the first ones chiming in with snark and nothing to add.  
My experience with bi-wiring
A speaker with extra terminals is a speaker designed from the get-go to be weak. Sorry, but it is just a fact.Wow. Speaker designer MC with "facts." What a tool.