
Discussions avanti1960 has started

Your Parasound JC5 Impressions43525
McIntosh Amplifier Gain Specs at Speaker Taps15045
Too Much Gain the Issue ? (preamp and amp)379139
Dust Settled Consensus- is the Benchmark AHB2 an Audiophile Amplifier?1100196
My Medium List of Amplifiers and my Personal Review of Each ! 659123
McIntosh MC275VI vs Rogue Audio Stereo 100646011
Sutherland 20/20 W/ Lyra Delos- 58db gain vs. Rothwell SUT and 40db gain16451
Your Favorite Sounding Power Amp, $5000 US Retail max. 473028
McIntosh- Sweetest, Smoothest sounding Solid State ? 1504348
Cary SLP-05 Tubes- Matched Quads or Pairs? 12501
New Audio Technica ART9XA Up and Running.....1690440
yet another tube preamp recommendation thread416531
Rogue Audio DragoN Amplifier? 42622
Subwoofer Recommendation for Harbeth SHL5+904914
Hidden Gems in Pre-Owned Solid State Power Amplifiers? 2935196