
Responses from avanti1960

Mixing XLR and RCA outputs when biamping?
@chessie alignment filter is the crossover network between woofer, midrange and tweeter. you would need 3 amps to run fully active and a good working knowledge of appropriate crossover frequencies, slopes and level matching the drivers as well a... 
New Rogue RP-7 Preamp
I had the RP 7 and it dis not respond very well to any tube changes and I had a drawer full of expensive NOS.  The sound never improved- either voiced to sound the best with the JJ or the circuitry makes the tubes have less impact on the sound.  
Pre-amp for Parasound A21+ & B&W 803 D3
Cary Audio SSLP-98.  A sweet, dynamic, low noise triode,  6SN7 tube sweet sounding preamp with uncanny tone.    
Bookshelf speaker pairing with subwoofer
The Triangles are super bright IMHO. The MoFi SP 8 are not and also very good for the money but may not integrate very well. . The MoFi SP 10 should not need a sub. I would look for a used or discounted pair of Dynaudio Contour 20i.  Totally smoo... 
Bookshelf speaker pairing with subwoofer
Sealed speakers are also an excellent option to match with subwoofers.  The issue us that not many stand mount speakers have sealed enclosures.  ATC for example.   
New Rogue RP-7 Preamp
@jaybe Never owned the Bryston cubed amps but have heard them, they sound quite smooth. I did own the RP-7 and it sounded overly smooth and lacked the transparency I prefer- even with stock tubes- which take hundreds of hours to become burned i... 
Bookshelf speaker pairing with subwoofer
@m20j201 Not sure what your budget is. For excellent pairing with subwoofers make sure you pick speakers that come with port plugs- e.g. KEF, B&W, Dynaudio etc. The reason is that the output from the speaker ports is usually low in frequenc... 
I’m considering upgrading my speakers internal wiring
@bobbyloans  Quality of internal and external wiring is meaningful in all of the components in our system.  I would say the odds are very good that you would find internal wiring for your speakers that would make a noticeable improvement,   Howe... 
From Audio Note AN/J-D to where?
@apollinaire  I had the AN/ J LX Hemp speakers for a while and really liked them but they were occasionally sibilant in the treble and while the midrange was nice it seemed to be a bit recessed that I would prefer.   After much thought I purchas... 
$3500 floor standing speakers used. What would be your choice ?
Spendor A5 or D7 They do so many things right if you lean on a kaleidescopic sound stage, quick burst microdynamics and transients along with refinement and clarity.  Careful setup required but the user is rewarded.    
KEF R3 META or Dynaudio Special 40?
My ears tell me neither because I have heard so many over the years.  Do consider the.  Exquisite sounding speakers at a killer price.    
Vinyl Lovers-- Cartridges!!!! Do you have a daily driver?
Yes, I have a daily driver - a Lyra Delos.  Sounds perfect and one reason I bought it was because of a manufacturer specified 2,000 hour life on the stylus.  Currently I have about 350 hours after 4 years of owning it- should be good for another ... 
Dumb question......why do you need a preamp?
Added gain, drive, dynamics, energy and sound stage.   
Amplifier gain settings - what do they do?
which amp and preamp?   
MoFi Sourcepoint 888 Speakers
Congrats @roxy54 the triple 8s are an exceptional value to my ears.  Exceptionally strong bass (spectacular really), midrange very good and dynamics are also very good.  I liked what I heard but with the Class D amp they sounded brash and slightl...