Buying Pet Peeve - Pictures

I must admit one of my favorite activities is scouring the Internet looking at ads of used audio gear. For years, I have been keeping tabs on the used audio market.  Prior to the internet there was Audiomart, the Audio Trading Times and the back of Audio magazines and now the internet has made it all very easy.


It seems that USAudiomart, EBay, Craigslist, FB Marketplace, and Audiogon (not in that order) are the best places for used gear and I’m constantly checking into these sites, even when I’m not looking to purchase gear.  You never know when that rare gem will come up for sale, and you better snap it up before someone else does.


What I have found over the last 6 months or longer is that either sellers have become lazy, or perhaps just stupid?  The internet has been around long enough for people to know that good pictures are the key to selling gear, and the key to getting top dollar, yet I continually see really poor pictures of gear.


It irks me daily when I see it, and I end up yelling at my computer just like I will yell at my tv while watching a sporting event.  


My 2 biggest picture pet peeves are:

1.  someone selling expensive speakers who can’t be bothered to take the grills off or won’t take pictures of the binding posts or speaker rears

2.  A seller consumed with the mod that he did on an amp or preamp and takes multiple pictures of the inside of the unit but forgets to take pictures of what the actual unit looks like.


There are other poor photo practices like taking pictures in a dark room, using that old flip phone to take pictures, or just being lazy and not unplugging your gear and taking some stand alone pictures.  

*** Sorry if this offends anyone, that is not my intent.  I’m just finally venting after seeing this occur so often.   



Just send them a message and ask for what you want uploaded.

Sometimes people make mistakes.


I'm with you! Yes, photos of speakers with the grills on, and only that one shot, and one of my hot buttons, dusty gear! Dust shows up more in pictures than it shows in person, but many people photograph their gear without even dusting it. They sometimes even mention "could use a little cleaning".

A month or so ago I saw an ad on USAM for a really nice set of Morisson Audio speakers in great condition, but they were very dusty. I messaged the seller and mentioned it. He asked (of course) "Are you interested in buying them?" I replied: No, but if you don't clean them up, not many other people will be either.  


Agree. Never understand when someone is selling a pricey piece of gear and its filthy. How lazy can one be ?

Imagine what their cars look like inside? It's not lazyness. It's a brain thing. 

Agree. There are several things a buyer could do to make the pictures, and the gear they're trying to sell, more appealing.

Take the piece out of the rack and disconnect all the cables. Shoot the pictures of front, back, sides and top straight on and well lit (never with an open window behind it)

Pay most attention to a full frame picture of the back of the piece clearly showing all the inputs and outputs with their labels.


One of my pet peeves is not taking 30 seconds (or less) to just dust. I hate seeing pics with piles of dust on the equipment. 

 piles of dust on the equipment

Really? - I would love to see a picture of this.😄

I understand and relate to the sentiment, though.

Some people are just oblivious to how perception affects the sales process.

Personally, I clean everything really well (yes, dust is very photogenic) and make sure to show every view, along with every flaw. This protects both me and the person who is interested in buying it. No surprises.

Then again, some people will try to sell a sofa and then use a photo showing three large dogs sleeping on it.


Manufacturers and professional sellers of new gear need to take note on pictures. It’s even more infuriating having to search used gear to see drivers, rear inputs and internal components to a lesser degree.

In the 80s I subscribed to a monthy high end classified that was published on 8.5x11 white paper, folded once, stapled and bulk mailed.  It listed stereo equipment nationwide with phone numbers (no internet yet).  I bought a pair of Mirage M3Si advertised there.  He was in the bay area, I was in San Diego area.  We met at a freeway ramp with a gas station near Bakersfield (half way).  It was cold, blustery, and the wind was blowing 30.  We drove around behind the gas station for shelter. We moved 2 large, covered packages from his vehicle to mine and I gave him an envelope full of Ben Franklins.  It truly looked like a drug deal but no cops showed up.

Does anyone remember the name of the publication I'm referring to?


It was AUDIOMART from Crewe, VA. The last one I have is the January 2002 , issue #471.

@dill I didn't remember that.  is the website assoiciated with the original printed version?


No, US Audio Mart is a sister publication to Canada Audio Mart the parent company, AUDIOMART from Crewe, VA is different and is one word, all caps and long out of publication.

There’s a dealer advertising a pair of speaker here in which the ad has about 8 photos. One image of the actual speakers, and 7 stock photos of the same model in a completely different color. Audiogon auto selects an image for the listing, and it’s always in the stock color not the actual color.

The OP seems to be saying that sellers will get less money if they publish poor pictures of their item.  I would agree with that.  Buyers: find good deals on items that have bad pictures.

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the speakers with grills on...i swear...then theres the super version of that, the speaker from every angle with grills. 

i got the same gripes. 


One things that bugs me, and perhaps it shouldn't, is that I see many folks list used gear at prices higher than they bought it at simply because the new list price of the item has recently gone up due to inflation.  Yes, market forces etc - but it doesn't feel right to me.  It's one thing for a dealer to pass along higher prices that were passed onto him by the manufacturer, but as an individual it seems to be simply profiteering.  Again, I'm sure many feel this is fine and ethical, and perhaps it is but it still bothers me.  I would not do this myself.

Another popular weekly publication that was sold at convenience stores back in the day was the Tradin' Times. It was common in the South Jersey Philadelphia region. In 1996 I bought a copy at a convenience store at lunch time and found a McIntosh 2105 for $500 that I still use today. It was a good source for gear back then.

I responded to an ad just last week where the guy was selling a modded integrated amp and presented pictures from before the mods were done.  I asked him two questions. I asked what brand of tubes were in it and if he he would send me newer pictures. He yelled at me to reread his post, that it said they were pictures of before the mods and the asked me if I wanted to buy it.

Good luck brother!

@lou_setriodes I agree with you that good photos are important. I am a frequent buyer and seller on usaudiomart under a different username, and here on Audiogon. But sometimes when I post sale ads I am just busy, but I want to get the ad up. I will sometimes post with no photos and say in the ad *photos pending*. Then when I get a chance I will post the photos. But you know what moves getting the photos posted to the top of my busy to-do list? A nice buyer who is interested asking me if I have the photos! So it’s a matter of, in my case, being busy with many other things. I just want to give buyers a heads up. The photos will come sooner or later. Sooner if you show interest and ask.

@kingbarbuda makes a good point! If you're too busy to post the ad with pictures, do it later! People who say that they'll post pictures, or more pictures later often forget! 

.....Y'all are collecting a great 'Do this/these, Don't Do" list for those who actually want to sell something.

A shame such should be thought of as needed.

Anyway, keep it coming. 👍

@viridian sorry to wake people up


@roxy54 Yes! I do remember the Tradin Times having lived in Philly & surrounding area nearly all of my life.


@jl1ny yes, I remember those Audiomart mags. Took such a long time to read through each issue and you had better read through twice as it was very easy to miss something the first time around :)

A few years ago, I was fortunate enough to sell a tube amp to Early Bender, Walt Bender’s son.

There was another publication called Stereo Trading Times or Audio Trading Times, basically it was 2-3 legal sized white pages stapled & tri-folded with the gear listed alphabetically so it was quick and easy to go through.


@asvjerry this post started out pretty much as a daily rant whenever I looked at used stereo gear. I then decided to bring my rant to the Audiogon audience figuring it probably wasn’t only me who felt this way.

@lou_setriodes , *L* Well, obviously you’ve hit one of the common nerves that many have had gotten on....

For all the ’good offerings’ out ’here/there’, there certainly are those that are either ’come-ons’, ’fishing expeditions’, or bait.

Range pristine to back corner of the garage/attic. I’ve been lucky, nothing gained that wasn’t what it was proposed, and arrived intact. *knock on wood (skull standing in). And I’m at an age, budget, and stance that I like to diy my own esoterica....I allow for some imperfections in that ’cause its’ just as much of a treat to think and work out any issues.

*S* Pretty much what most do here; just my particular flavour.... ;)

Oh, go ahead and wake everyone up....sleep is So overrated....*L*

I agree with all you’ve said and I really love it when they don’t even take the time to take any pictures. If I’m the least bit interested I’ll ask for pics but more often than not I won’t even bother and certain won’t buy. 

In the past I would take photos with a digital SLR and flash for whatever I was selling. It would require some post processing to get them right. Now I use my iPhone which takes very detailed photos and no flash needed. It really makes it easy to upload as they go to my laptop automatically.

In a day and age where a stereo transaction can be a very impersonal thing done via emails and pictures only, pictures really matter and greatly help to give the buyer a sense comfort.  I’ve been in this hobby 40 years and have no problem buying something unheard and sight unseen as long as there is a comfort level which can be achieved through detailed emails, accurate photography, and a positive track record from the seller.

Your not buying a just browsing - so why are you upset, just move on.

You can probably go to the manufacturer website and get better pictures anyway.

If you are interested ask the seller to send you pictures, a phone number, and have a conversation.  You are not buying from the pictures alone are you?

Happy Browsing.

This is completely unrelated to audio but shows how poorly some people take photos. Ever been house hunting and when they show the bedrooms they take photos  of the bed? I don’t care about the bed, I want to see the room. Some people just don’t get it. I recently checked out an amp that had two photos. Both were from the front at different angles.

When a deal is pending on a major $ item, a phone conversation can make or break it.  That 'personal touch', being able to get some answers to pertinent questions becomes important.  If they won't take the time, then my gut starts to say nay....

As for pics, some can't seem to frame a 'selfie' well, much less anything else.  It almost cries for a 'picture protocall page' appended to a post agreement at sales sites....

@falconquest , not totally unrelated at all, imh, but yeah.  Some can't concieve of shinning a light on an object either.  Some items look as if they were photo'd in a closet as if to add the air of mystery which is the last thing one would want to do.

'Buyer Beware of shots in the dark', or something like that.... *L*

...but I'm just cranky, having to do some plumbing today....😒

Always seems to take a minimum of 3 trips to the Home Despot or Loads....

1 to get stuff, 2 to pick up Plan 1B, and 3 to get that last item that became apparent that you Really meant to get/need...and they're out of stock of at one or the other store....

*L* It's a bitch being 'handy'....spouse always thinks you can pull rabbits out of your butt.... ;)

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A buddy of mine went to look at a pair of Martin Logan (relatively large) for sale.

This guy has a parrot and the bird’s favorite perch was on top on one of them! Well the bird had crap  all over that speaker! And amazingly the seller had no (take your choice) brains, real desire to sell, cleaning gear, eyesight, reality, a shotgun, all of the above? OMG we still laugh at that one.



My pet peeves for pictures are:

1) Taking all sorts of pictures of the front and sides of units - but not showing the rear with inputs/model number, or the condition of the pads with headphones.

2) Not clearly showing the auxillary itmes- such as a remote that is not OEM - or a frayed power cord, tuner antennae and connectors.  Like they are trying to trick you.

I think the used market may not suit you.  Perhaps keep to new gear.

You can, of course, always ask the seller to post more photos.

I won't buy gear from seller who won't even clean the gear of dust or take the equipment out of the rack that they're selling. Or present it in an appealing and attractive way way. One seller on eBay would always include his cat in the series  of photos  sometimes standing on top of what he was selling. 

I complained earlier in this thread about dust and leaving speaker grills on, but after reading what some other have written, I realize that I'm not very picky at all. Some members here want everything but a guarantee from Sears!