
Responses from winoguy17

Ever heard Rockpile?
 I have most of the mentioned titles, big fan of Dave back in the day.  He also produced the Stray Cats first album...  
One of my favorite bands, one that many have never heard.
wharfy,     Im in Hurley, minutes to Woodstock, Rosendale.....  
How remove odor from interconnect?
 Feels like Im missing something here..... how much could a pair of cables possibly smell ....?  
One of my favorite bands, one that many have never heard.
wharfy , what venue in Rosendale ?  The Well?  The Astoria ?...  
One of my favorite bands, one that many have never heard.
 Been a huge fan since the early 70s, fortunate to live in the same area they called home for many years. Ive seen them live probably 40 x, most recently this past fall. Poor Terry is on his last legs, but the band is still tight and worth seeing.... 
Big Jazz Band Music with Great Sound
+1 to Goodwins Big Phat Band...  
Room Treatment
 To me, an acoustic panel can diffuse, absorb or reflect.  It's a generic term for any treatment.  Of course I could be wrong....  
Enough of the Stereophile futuristic statements about the Focal Diva Utopia
So don’t buy them ... What's your point here ?  You don't like them. Fine  
Comparing speakers at home questions
 You should have a good idea of what your current speakers sound like and are capable of. Just play the new ones with familiar recordings and decide if they're better for you.  
Preamp experiences for Parasound A21
 A good friend of mine has that amp paired with a Modwright LS100 and loves it.  
If Bi-Wiring is an option, should I choose Bi-wiring over single banana with free jumpers
 Definitely 2 or 3  
Stereo Times review on the Tekton Design Encore Monitor
 I don't have anything to say about the speakers or the review except :  How is something that big called a monitor? Looks like a floor stander to me ....  
 Maybe try a different speaker cable...?  
Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype)
 Try throwing in a dozen eggs with purchase...  
Whats playing on your system today?
XTC   English Settlement