The conclusion I've reached about speakers

After years of listening to box speakers the conclusion I have come to is that:

All speakers sound the same

A big speaker does more bass and goes lower. A bookshelf gives no bass and cant go as loud. 

Any other differences are either imaginary or DELIBERATELY contrived to make them sound better to the unsuspecting buyer.

The ONLY other differences aside from sound quality are the price and appearance. Prices can vary substantially and so can the way a speaker looks.

In other words, everything we thought about speakers is all wrong. 

Speaker now or forever hold your peace (or piece).

atmasphere Does have a point but there's fun to lob a few lines back at the old Kenjitster

I think Kenjit’s spiritual center is derived from this Lewis Carrol poem.

Speak roughly to your little boy, 

And beat him when he sneezes; 

He only does it to annoy, 

Because he knows it teases.








Next post from the KenGlib? Transistor radios offer superior sound.

These threads have been seen to go away when they are reported. If everyone reports this thread for trolling, it stands a good chance of being removed. The Report button is located at the lower right hand corner of each post. You have to hover the mouse in that corner in order to see it. This includes the original post.
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The LS3/5A and Heresy have much different frequency curves! Ditto.for the impedance curves and sensitivity! Ergo - different sonic "flavor"!
I changed speakers only three time in the last 30 years and each time was because the new ones sounded a lot better to me. But that does not happen often. 

I do envoy people that could not hear the difference between speakers, components, and accessories. I have friends who do not hear much difference between $1,000 and $10,000 components. They really exist and they are the lucky ones. 
A  BBC LS3/5A sounds world's different from a Klipsch Heresy! I have both.
What are the frequency responses?
I am always hopeful when I click on one of his threads there will be zero responses to it. But, alas there always are.  

"A troll deliberately exploits tendencies of human nature".

And every speaker sounds different and all of them are perfect.  

Yes a classic case of RTQ

However also after years of listening I’m getting more and more cynical (or possibly more mutton?)

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" I have given speaker dealers many opportunities to demonstrate their super expensive speakers to me and they all sound the same."

Imagine the eye roll when he walks into an audio dealer's showroom.
If you can't see the humor after, what this county just went through. I'm really confused now... I was before, NOW, I'm pretty sure I am hearing thing that aren't being said... YUP! I have gone crazy, ALL THE WAY..

Every speaker I hear is PERFECT, just the opposite of kenit, go figure...

Heck make the box, and leave the speakers out, those noise makin' things, that's the problem.. Just use the box.. :-)

I am always hopeful when I click on one of his threads there will be zero responses to it. But, alas there always are.  
Just remarkable how Kenjit pushes his Pavlov’s Dogs button and like magic there they are bemoaning his existence again! Kenlit has fun and the frothing begins and I have to admit I am amused too. The "Audio Onion" strikes again.
  Is there such a term as audio foamers?
"If the speaker designer decided to do a 2db rise in response around 6-10khz you will hear more brightness. But that doesn't make it better does it? That doesnt justify the price being $50k does it? No it does not."

Maybe not, but the first sentence contradicts the original post.
If a designer can do that, and if you do hear more brightness as a result, then it cannot be true that all speakers sound the same. Furthermore, if the designer can engineer that difference in brightness, surely other differences can be designed, for example in bass response or directivity.
It's a separate question whether the SQ differences are significant enough to justify big price differences.

All box speakers even though they share similarities being box speakerd they obviously do no sound the same . A proac dose not sound like a paradigm or energy speaker for that matter . All small box speakers are limited in their ultimate loudness as a floorstanding normally will sound louder and with more freedom to explore loudness . But they are all box speakers which are construed by the same limitations from the small ones to the large floorstanding speakers 


Everyone knows God loves Jazz! Just no Yoko Ono singin’ in heaven.. That’s for sure.. Heaven’s only rule, no Yoko Ono Singin’. Yoko Ono yes, her singin' NO!!!
"Turning back the clocks and adding an extra hour to 2020 is like getting a bonus track on a Yoko Ono album."

My oh my, all the name callin’, Jealousy ALWAYS brings unkind words...

I know we’re better than this.. LOL

Kmini and KMAX are off the drawing board and actual cut boards now.

Kmini is in the shape of a tombstone, yup.. At the end of your life K you can have them both filled with concrete. You can put them at BOTH ends for the final act of confusion.

I think when you get to heaven you’ll be blessed with perfect hearing, yup!

No need for speakers anymore, Besides mostly Acapella anyways, a few thousand strings and of course a Ram’s Horn.

Everyone knows God loves Jazz! Just no Yoko Ono singin’ in heaven.. That’s for sure.. Heaven’s only rule, no Yoko Ono Singin’. Yoko Ono yes, her singin' NO!!!

That’s in the other place.... :-)

I have moved on and I implore YOU to do the same. Why haven't YOU moved on yourself?
Kenjit.  Why. Do. You. Care!?
Boy that was maybe the most anticlimactic conclusion in the history of conclusions. 
Kenjit...a few questions for you:
1. Do you actually have a hifi rig?
2. Do you have speakers that sound good to you.
3. Do you own any LP's or CD's?

If the answer to the above is yes...then shut up, sit down and enjoy the music.
There is an old saying that comes to mind here:

“Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”

This is a subjective hobby, if you like a certain speaker or cable then more power to you. The only person you have to satisfy is yourself. 

"I ordered them to put them back in phase and they immediately complied."

And then, and then, and then???...

And then???...


The beauty of free speech in a democracy is that everyone can have a voice...the real question is who is listening. Is anyone listening to kenjit?
Kenjit, maybe you should go to an audiologist and have your ears checked. If you think all speakers sound the same your ears are bad because I can hear when speakers are bright warm cold hard edgy. I guess you just don't have very good ears. LOL
Two points...

Different speakers in the same room sound different... and...

The same speaker in different rooms sounds different. 
kenjit OP1,161 posts11-09-2020 6:31pm
Perhaps a hearing test might be worthwhile....
It would not I'm afraid. Ever heard of a fellow by the name of Beethoven? He had bad hearing but it didnt stop him being a great musician. Conversely, having perfect 20-20khz hearing doesnt make you a brilliant audiophile. You could still be tone deaf.

It is all clear now, kenjit is indeed deaf (much like Beethoven in his later years) and he only remembers how speakers sound, no wonder they all sound the same to him...
If this hobby we all love (as in everyone but you apparently) is such a fraud why haven’t you moved on?
I have moved on and I implore YOU to do the same. Why haven't YOU moved on yourself? 

Musicians and audio lovers are far from tone deaf.
You would think that but you'd be surprised. Ive been to more than one demo where speakers were put in horribly echoey rooms and wired out of phase but nobody seemed to hear it or care except me. I ordered them to put them back in phase and they immediately complied. 
Your own words -

"After years of listening to box speakers the conclusion I have come to is that:

All speakers sound the same"

"You could still be tone deaf."

Musicians and audio lovers are far from tone deaf.  But.....Every person I know that is tone deaf will not waste their finances on speakers that all sound the same.
I would ask you if you ever tire of spouting out nonsense, but unfortunately this clearly isn’t a possibility. If this hobby we all love (as in everyone but you apparently) is such a fraud why haven’t you moved on? You don’t add anything meaningful or positive to the conversation. Such as a sad way to get attention Kenjit.
Why not to admit that your hearing apparatus is inferior.
Because I dont believe it. That is the opposite conclusion I have come to. The conclusion I have come to as Ive already stated is that any differences heard can be one of two things. Either it is imaginary or the difference is contrived. The frequency response graphs often show these obvious differences between different speakers. Are you trying to tell me these cannot be heard? If so, who is deaf, me or you? 
Imaginary differences are certainly plausible. Why do you think they spare no expense in achieving such beautiful looking speakers? It is because THEY know that WE will fall for it.

 If you cannot hear any difference - just say it. Instead you go into denial claiming nobody can hear it.
I didnt say nobody can hear differences. I am saying that it can be due to imagination or due to contrivances. There are many tricks at the disposal of speaker engineers in order to make us believe that we are hearing better sound. If that subsequently enables them to sell more speakers they will do it. The differences people claim to hear also need to be considered in the context of differences in peoples hearing loss, poor listening environments, room treatments, listening position and so on.
I hope he understands the meaning of the word, conclusion, as he used it in his title, and spare us any more.
You have to remember that the same audiophiles that think they hear a difference in speakers are the same people that think they hear differences in cables. Audiophiles have very poor credentials when it comes to judging sound quality.  
Why not to admit that your hearing apparatus is inferior.  If you cannot hear any difference - just say it.  Instead you go into denial claiming nobody can hear it.  Very sad and reflect poorly on your personality.  After many toxic posts like that I surprised that administrators allow you to post anything !  Are you that pathetic that you need attention daily, posting nonsense?  Shut up, man !!!

Perhaps a hearing test might be worthwhile....
It would not I'm afraid. Ever heard of a fellow by the name of Beethoven? He had bad hearing but it didnt stop him being a great musician. Conversely, having perfect 20-20khz hearing doesnt make you a brilliant audiophile. You could still be tone deaf.
"Studio monitors are designed to sound bad. They are a tool used for analysis. Hifi speakers need to sound good. They are for enjoyment. Directivity is a matter of preference. There is no correct choice, theres only PREFERENCE."
Kenjits post from today in another thread. So if accurate sounds bad and speakers need to be "massaged" to sound good your whole argument is ignorant. No correct choice its only PREFERENCE!! That's the opposite of the argument you have been trying to give forever. Thick headed di#####t. 

"You have to remember that the same audiophiles that think they hear a difference in speakers..."

Perhaps a hearing test might be worthwhile....
@Kenjit  how many times have you read Don Quixote ? If you haven’t you should give it a go as you might find someone you can identify with. If not look at Sancho Panza and if that doesn’t work maybe the horse Rocinate resonates.