
Responses from phill55

Can't get Bluesound Node to connect to DAC via iFi iPurifier2 ?
@mahler123 - the chip in the Audios Mirror Tubadour III TUBADOUR III SE – Audio Mirror uses a Analog devices AD1865N-K flagship DAC chip. This chip is superior to the node chip. Interesting feedback from one of the technicians at Bluesound. The no... 
Can't get Bluesound Node to connect to DAC via iFi iPurifier2 ?
@mahler123 , I dont believe the Audio Mirror Tubadour III DAC has a reclocker as the builder Vlad will install one for a pretty significant fee (I believe it was $1,000) via IS2 connection, which the Bluesound Node does not have. @lowrider57 I do ... 
Review on Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC
Excellent thank you Teajay. With a 14 day free trial what have a got to lose😁  
Review on Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC
Hi @teajay how does the LTA Dac compare to the Audio Mirror Tubadour IV? Both tube based R2R dacs. Thank you!  
What is your opinion of single driver speakers
I have been using Pearl Acoustics Sibelius speakers for the past year and a half. Room size, 20x20'x9' ceilings. System,  Audio note Oto SE signature, TUBADOUR III SE Nonoversampling Tube DAC, Zestos Andros 1.2 phono preamp, VPI classic 3 with Koe... 
Fritz vs CSS vs Ryan
Why not trial both the Fritz Carrera BE and the Carbon 7 SE. I did. They both have their plus and minus…i had upgraded Raven Blackhawk as my tube integrated amp. And this trial was after already owning prior Carbon 7. To my ears, I liked the Carbo... 
Too many choices for R2R DACS--opinions appreciated
I have the Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE and as a tube based DAC, find incredibly musical. Just Google the reviews or look on this sight for DAC comparisons. They have had a strong following here.  Extremely musical, analog sounding without being t... 
Are Harbeth the only warm and euphonic speakers in town ?
Or AudioMart Fritz Speakers REV 7SE | Monitors | Upper Saddle Riv, New Jersey 07458 | Audiogon  
Are Harbeth the only warm and euphonic speakers in town ?
FRITZ Rev 7 SE are extremely musical 🎼 and easy on the ears. Actually selling mine, Fritz Speakers REV 7SE | Monitors | Upper Saddle Riv, New Jersey 07458 | Audiogon      
Buying used vs new speakers from a technology perspective
To me there are two types of speakers, technical and musical. For those who are looking for the latest in technology upgrades, speaker material, capacitors, Crossovers, etc. There is always a need to find a speaker that has the latest technology. ... 
Most beautiful turntable under $5k
VPI Classic 3 - although there may be naysayers on the unipivot arm, the black glass body with 5" aluminum platter and those imposing footers, perfectly proportioned, balanced, heavy and plays brilliantly - getting them in great shape used for und... 
Looking for a tube phono pre
Bought used zestos Andros PS I, 2 months ago for $2,200 added new gold lion tubes and its definitely a step above the Manley Chinook.  I know because I had one for a year. Zesto Andros PS1 Phonostage Review 
For all you Bose 901 Haters!
Folks, I was heading to Vietnam for the evacuation in 1973-74 on an amphib asault ship (USS Duluth) and when we got back, the 901's were the bomb. With the Navy Exchange stores they were side by side with Mac gear and we all had lots of $ to spend... 
Survey on Cost of Loudspeakers Supported On Townshend Seismic Isolation Podiums
While we are all the the question of decoupling the speakers to avoid dappled distortion, has anyone used Isoaoustic GAIA I  on a pair of Sibelius speakers? Or put another way,  why would Pearl Acoustics make a heavt speaker stand for its speaker ... 
Looking To Match A Tube Amp With A Pair Of Audio Note AN-K/Spe
Meant to say tube amps.😜