New expensive power cord for amp and no change in sound?

I bought new an expensive(for me) well known and reviewed power cord for my very good amp and plugged it directly onto the wall socket. After a couple of weeks of daily use I hear no change in the sound quality from a $500 cord. I don’t want to name it for fear of getting my thread deleted. You would know it or at least be aware of the company. Did I throw away several thousand dollars? Before I get the snake oil answer I want to let you know that I bought an upgraded cord for my pre as suggested by the pre’s manufacturer and am pleased with the results.

I guess for full disclosure the amp’s manufacturer said don’t bother. But I had had good luck with the pre so I thought it would be a good idea.

Anybody else have this happen to them?


Oh looky, earlflynn/skypunk/jerryg123/etc. etc. is back!

He’s now @coleyounger1896. Honestly man, is your life so devoid of interest you have to continuously get banned and come back? Seriously, seek professional help.

Oh looky, earlflynn/skypunk/jerryg123/etc. etc. is back!

Whoaaaa!!  I remember jerryg123!  He used to send me "love letters"!

I just purchased some entry level power cords from PS Audio for my sources and pre. Upgraded the receptacle and then sourced good parts and assemble my own amplifier Power Cord. I didn’t even try to figure out if it made a difference. If you have not assemble you own PC I suggest giving it a whirl. Its fun and an easy part of the hobby. If I get motivated I want to make one for my DAC.


If you go over to the Cables section those guys will stupefy  you with suggestions on what to us for construction. 

Cobblers. I use BLE Design (made in Florida) $40 OFC 10 gauge with rhodium or gold plated connectors, and you can plainly hear an improvement. 

You have to spend more than $1000 on a power cord to hear much. 

"dill perfect handle for you total dillweed."

- Wow, an attitude after just one day on AG. I guess you are just visiting huh?

Post removed 

@dill ,

He's been on here and continuously getting banned for years. Up to his childish insults already. 

tvad    I like to walk into rooms at audio shows. Look around at the attendees, and try to imagine which guys are posting on Audiogon.

Please visit my room (#272) at THE SHOW 2024, OC. Costa Mesa audio show on June 9-11. I promise you’ll meet many members.

Unlike other rooms which talking and music don’t mix (un-natural sound), my room is full of conversation (natural sound music) like a live band cafe. Alex/WTA

Your amp is not mid fi, it is high end, and I think if the amp is technically well constructed and you use a well constructed cable, could be $50-$100 in price depending on enclosure, your amp should sound at its 100%!
If the amp is changing sound signature because of a cable, be it $100 or $5000 then something is wrong with that amp in my opinion.

And I don’t think anyone can hear a difference in a well constructed cable, be it $100 or $5000 in a double blind test.

And saying that one’s ears or system is not good enough (resolving) is just stupid.

I have listened to very resolving systems and these systems mostly can only play the so-called AudioPhile CD’s and one can only listen for a short while before one has to leave the room feeling tired of the sound.

I am not saying that cables are not important, but mostly they just have to be the right length and well made technically and to suit your system, no need to go crazy money vise.

Sometimes I see systems where the cabling cost more than the system! Which just doesn’t make sense, but it’s a free world, so each to his own 👍🏻

I just upgraded all the cables in my system and a new power conditioner.  Spent about $20K.  I would describe the sonic benefit as marginal.  Instead of buying expensive cables I would save my money and buy better speakers.  That's where major improvements can be had.

I've heard power cord shootouts on amplifiers, and differences are, to me anyway, quite subtle and it is hard to really compare cords because of the time it takes to make the switch.  With interconnects and speaker wire, the comparison is MUCH easier to make--you can put one interconnect or cable on one channel and the other interconnect or cable on the other channel and then swing a balance control to easily make a comparison.  I was surprised at how easy it is to hear a difference that way.  

A local dealer who makes custom systems is currently experimenting with full range drivers in Karlson cabinets.  This is at an early stage of development, but, he has been trying different speaker cables.  While I knew from experience that Audio Note silver and copper speaker cables sound quite different, it was still shocking to hear how much different they sound when doing the left-right instantaneous comparison.  Equally surprising was how different listeners reacted to the difference.  Some liked the silver cables more (I personally appreciated the clarity and more explosive dynamics of the silver cable) and others, like me, preferred the copper cables (richer and better tonal balance for this particular speaker; the more attenuated dynamics and liveliness was not a big deficit to me because the speaker is so dynamic).  In my own system, I use silver speaker cables, so if anything, I would normally be biased toward silver; but not in this case.

---- CORRECTION! ----

THE SHOW date is June 7-9. Not 9-11. Web-site (info packet) has some 2023 info and it is confusing.

Please visit my room (#272) at THE SHOW 2024, OC. Costa Mesa audio show on June 7-9.

@gryphongryph And I don’t think anyone can hear a difference in a well constructed cable, be it $100 or $5000 in a double blind test.

Um ... do you know what a double blind experiment is? Do you know how it differs from single blind? And exactly how double blind is better than single blind in this case?


@mihorn I read the program and didn't get a good sense of who will be there. Is it s tradeshow? Rooms setup for listening?

grislybutter -----  @mihorn I read the program and didn't get a good sense of who will be there. Is it s tradeshow? Rooms setup for listening?

Yes. All rooms are setup for listening. This is an audio show. 

From it's home page "North America's longest running Hi-Fi audio trade show, T.H.E. Show, now in its 28th year"

More than 100 audio company participants. List is here. "THE SHOW."


Whoaaaa!!  I remember jerryg123!  He used to send me "love letters"!

@immatthewj ,

Yeah, got a few from him myself. He just set a new land speed record for getting banned, two whole days. His latest persona is already gone...

He just set a new land speed record for getting banned, two whole days. 

Ha! And that is no mean feat!

Did we learn which "expensive cable" the OP stated didn't sound any better than the "$500 cable", or what the $500 cable is? IMO without that info this thread is useless (other than the usual entertainment value of most cable threads).


Did we learn which "expensive cable" the OP stated didn't sound any better than the "$500 cable", or what the $500 cable is?

To the best of my knowledge, we have not, nor whether the $500 pc was much of an improvement over OEM.


To the best of my knowledge, we have not, nor whether the $500 pc was much of an improvement over OEM.

Thanks, that's what I thought.

@roxy1927 Was this just click bait? 

The OP mentioned Shunyata Sigma was the power cable. I think that post was removed. Not sure what $500 power cord he’s using though.

I assume you didn’t spend several thousands of dollars on a 5 feet power cord without installing a dedicated 20 amp circuit with 10 gauge wires from your panel?

Otherwise, what difference will the last 5 feet make?

@bimmerlover I have to question the thinking that it's the last 5 feet, the equipment draws the current, so it's the first 5 feet.

@invalid The electrons don’t care if you or I call the power cord the last or first five feet in a circuit that also involves 10 to 40 more feet of in-wall wiring. 

invalid ----- @bimmerlover I have to question the thinking that it’s the last 5 feet, the equipment draws the current, so it’s the first 5 feet.

I’m with invalid. In my experience, a last 5ft power cord is much more important than in-wall wiring. Like a garden water hose, the nozzle only sees what it’s connected.

The audio equipment draws the current from a power cord which is a bigger reservoir than in-wall wiring. *Usually, the audio gear doesn’t use 100% of current. **Drawing current/water from a bigger hose is faster than drawing from a smaller diameter hose (in-wall wire).

In-wall and dedicate lines influence the sound but are less impact to the sound than power cords. Alex/WTA

Nope not click bait. The used Shunyata Sigma v2 NR I bought is for my ARC pre. Even used the Sigma is not cheap.  But I liked the improvement. I don't know why that would have been deleted.  I'm one of those I know what I like people. I'm not an engineer so graphs are useless to me. So here goes. I went from the $500 cord to the highly praised AU24 SX for my Pass 250.8 directly into the wall outlet. With the Shunyata I heard a difference immediately but that was obviously broken in already.

I’m with invalid. In my experience, a last 5ft power cord is much more important than in-wall wiring. Like a garden water hose, the nozzle only sees what it’s connected.

I am not arguing about electricity because I don't know much about that subject, but as far as water coming out of a garden hose to a nozzle, if all the plumbing in the house is ancient and gunked up, it will have a detrimental effect on the water pressure at the nozzle connected to the garden hose.  I can tell you that from experience.

@roxy54 I have a 250.8 and an ARC REF 6.  I noticed a significant audible difference going from stock ARC to a Shunyata Alpha v2.  On the other hand, the difference between the Pass stock cord and another Shunyata was audibly better, but not nearly as significant as on the ARC.  But as they say, “everything matters.” So speakers, DAC, other cables all have some effect on how each component sounds.  I used an Audience Au24 on the Pass and then put in a Shunyata and honestly didn’t hear much of a difference.  But I was going for a full Shunyata loom, so I was ok with what seemed to be a minor improvment.

@mihorn Your comment “In my experience, a last 5ft power cord is much more important than in-wall wiring. Like a garden water hose, the nozzle only sees what it’s connected. The audio equipment draws the current from a power cord which is a bigger reservoir than in-wall wiring.” defies all logic and physics. 

You seriously think that your “high-end” 5 foot long power cord is a “reservoir” for energy/electrons/electricity?




When I moved to my current house I had the electrical service completely overhauled with new main panel, and discrete lines for my main stereo system, and hospital grade receptacles.  I then did some testing with a couple of others present, using regular power cords, some borrowed 'high end' expensive cords and some that I had made up myself using heavier than normal cable.


The results were interesting and saved me a whack of money - my home made ones were judged the equal of the audiophile super expensive cables in blind listening tests.  The high end cables went back and I have been happy with the home made ever since.  Had I not arranged for three of us to listen, I might have fallen for the usual "they cost a lot so they must sound better" myth of the high end stuff.  Not saying that can't sometimes be the case, just that high cost and a fancy brand name guarantees you nothing.

I think that many purchases of things like that are later justified by people who think that if they don't sound better then they - the buyers- are idiots and of course that could never be the case, so....they mentally qualify what they are hearing..

I find that used power cords hold their value extremely well...I've bought and sold some fairly expensive cords, and generally ended up spending less than if I had bought parts to make my own (which I could not actually do)...we all have different preferences, budgets and priorities, and there seems to be too much critical, insulting, demeaning statements about others choices...and there are certainly some inexpensive products that sound great, and expensive ones that don't...but I really don't think there are very many who just want to spend lots of money on products they don't actually like....

I assume we are talking about a solid state amp?

I could see a power cord making a significant difference only if the original was inadequate. I would spend money on interconnects and speaker cables first. 


as far as water coming out of a garden hose to a nozzle, if all the plumbing in the house is ancient and gunked up, it will have a detrimental effect on the water pressure at the nozzle connected to the garden hose.

Of course. Electricity works differently from the water. Supplying the quality electric current to a audio gear isn’t same as dumping the water ASAP (or pressurizing the water to shoot farther). It is more ready for the demand situation. So, I wrote in my last post *Usually, the audio gear doesn’t use 100% of current." Alex/WTA

@roxy1927 The reason you can hear changes with power cords has to do with the AC line Voltage drop across the cord. More expensive cables tend to have less Voltage drop.

But how much this affects various bits of equipment is a different matter. Some equipment is sensitive to Voltage drop and other equipment is not. It also makes a difference how much power the equipment draws.

If your amp uses feedback (and the Pass Labs does) then its able to reject to a certain extent the effects of reduced AC line Voltage, despite a high power draw. So if the $500 cable wasn't a whole lot heavier than the stock power cord, you may have heard nothing at all until you reached a higher power level, which might be well above your normal listening habits.

As you may have surmised, not all power cords are the same.


@mihorn Your comment “In my experience, a last 5ft power cord is much more important than in-wall wiring. Like a garden water hose, the nozzle only sees what it’s connected. The audio equipment draws the current from a power cord which is a bigger reservoir than in-wall wiring.” defies all logic and physics.

You seriously think that your “high-end” 5 foot long power cord is a “reservoir” for energy/electrons/electricity?

As I wrote, my words are from my experience. Please let me know what logic & physics I am against. May be I can explain.

In fact, having an only natural sound system in the world, I did many unusual things to my system that others don’t. Is it defying logic & physics? Alex/WTA

<knock, knock> 

"Who's there?"


"Reality who?"

"The reality that bit you in the butt when you got suckered into an expensive power cord"

The point is to improve the signal at any point in the chain before it reaches a component. So a better outlet and power cord makes perfect sense. This doesnt require much imagination. 

My opinion, if you bought a quality product, the manufacturer has engineers that designed the power supply for the amp and know the maximum power draw the large electrolytic capacitors draw and the power supply maximum current in order to meet the designed specifications. My Primaluna came with a large gauge conducter. (Large diameter cord) I am sure the cable is copper, not gold or silver. I am not going to be judgemental in saying you wasted your money. I think if the $500 cable makes no improvement as claimed by the manufacturer, then they should honor a refund if they are a legitimate company. I feel bad for your situation and hope you can get satisfaction from the place that sold it or the company that made it.

I would be curious if you did a blind test and could hear the difference.  

what were you really anticipating in the improvement?  You can get much better permanent improvements with upgrading power supply capacitors and resistors, AC filter chokes, etc.  A power cord cannot touch those kinds of upgrades.


Happy Listening.

Many Years ago when CES was the place for high end audio, I got to meet Nelson Pass and asked him his opinion on power cords.

To the best of my recollection he told me he put a resistor in series with the AC inlet so that the power cord wouldn't matter.


My experience is that Power cords are the easiest to hear make a difference compared to other cable types, Digital cables next etc.




We should agree to what "lordrootman" said/thought.

Even $100 power cord is not necessary.

I love to listen to music, not snake-oil like expensive gears.

When you put an expensive part to your audio system, your brain has already inclined to false sense, which mandates " the sound should be better now, yeah, better, ..." Very sad. Sad audiophiles. But,  happier snake-oil makers!


"Even $100 power cord is not necessary."

- Have you tried an after market cord?

@atmasphere Not buying it. The voltage drop across a few feet of power cable can't be more than a volt. This is insignificant compared to the normal variability of the supply fluctuations between 114 and 126 VAC.

The reason you can hear changes with power cords has to do with the AC line Voltage drop across the cord. More expensive cables tend to have less Voltage drop.