Responses from biglou13
Tube Pre with Benchmark AHB2 Amp - anyone doing this? One the biggest regrets ever .Not buying a tube pre amp years ago . I should have listened @ghdprentice. | |
Bryston Preamps - What do they sound like? I own a Bryston BP 20 . Rock solid . Straight sound .You get exactly what you put in . Only thing I was crazy about was the gain needed a few more notches .I would buy a pre owned one but not new. | |
McIntosh MA12000 is it worth upgrading to. I hate the gatekeepers of this industry. | |
Seeking Hi-Fi DJ for Daughter's Wedding. Hi-Fi dj ? Are looking for a DJ with a great sounding system ? Look at the name of their components. The majority of DJ's rigs are wireless . Most use Rane or Pioneer Dj controllers, Yorkville speakers and or subs. Everything else is second tier . | |
Issue with Audio Research 5SE Preamp Trust the engineers.Go back to stock tubes. | |
Is It Worh Modding An Amp If you mod it you are never going to get the money you invested in it back. Sell it and move on . It will always be a modded PL nothing more but a lot less. | |
Need new pre amp ARC or Conrad Johnson .I am running a Bryston 4bsst2 with Conrad Johnson Premier 17. I am in love . I had a Bryston bp 20 great but wasn't crazy about the grain control. One the biggest regrets ever is not buying a tube pre amp earlier . | |
A Better Way to Buy Gear - Help Needed He isn't selling the cure for cancer . | |
Tube amps under $7500 I wished I would had listened years ago when someone suggested to me MCintosh ,ARC or CJ as a preamp. I kiss a lot of frogs on my journey.Listen to the words of wisdom @ghdprentice he is like the good cool uncle at the bbq .One of my biggest... | |
Tube amps under $7500 Audio Research, Conrad Johnson or Macintosh or go home . You can always resell them at a decent price . Good luck selling that Prima Luna with a huge lost . | |
New expensive power cord for amp and no change in sound? Sell it and move on . | |
Audio Research Pre-Amp advice Buy once and cry once . @ghdprentice he knows his ARC stuff. You might get a good deal off of hifishark . Things happen in life and toys have to go . Some buyers just don't want to get low balled by the dealer . | |
Budget preamp recommendation...besides Schiit. What do you consider a budget pre amp ? Check ARC, Conrad Johnson ,Rogue ,Parasound or Bryston. I enjoyed my Bryston BP 20 and My Conrad Johnson Premier 17. | |
Why all or most audiophiles are men? My cousin a female introduced me to music .She sold me my set of speakers .A pair of Lafayette speakers . She had a killer Sansui receiver , big band equalizer , Technic turntable and Vinyl for days. The gatekeepers are real. | |
Preamp for Bryston 4b3 & Tannoy Cheviots Keep it simple and sweet. Look into purchasing a Conrad Johnson or Audi Research tube pre amp . Trust me you will be happy. |